Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1159: Break into Jinjing headquarters

There was a muffled gunshot, and only the people in the room knew what was going on.

Coleson fired at Mandy. The distance between the two was less than 3 meters. Then Mandy caught the bullet that was shot at her. The whole process seemed very natural.

Grasping bullets, this kind of thing really happened in front of Coleson and Tony, especially the person who caught the bullets not long ago, even any of them can easily subdue ordinary women.

"Nerve response speed and muscle strength are at least 10 times higher than before."

Coleson's pistol is also a special version, and based on the preliminary calculation of the distance between the two when he fired the gun, this is a rather vague answer.

Science is completely useless at this moment, Coleson and Tony can't think of how to explain Mandy's amazing changes.

"With such strength, most superhumans are incomparable!"

Although there are many superhuman beings on the earth, there are few who are truly capable of combat. In fact, there are at most a few thousand people whose combat effectiveness is more than ordinary. And here is the masses of people who have superhuman combat effectiveness, Mandy. What she showed at this time was enough to rank her in the top dozens.

Ranking is not the end point. The focus is on this method of improvement. If Yi Shuihan said that the exercise is difficult and takes a long time to be effective, then Coleson is easier to accept, but the reality is that it only took a dozen minutes for Mandy. It becomes so strong.

Mandy's strength can be exercised and strengthened. If this is true, Mandy's strength will continue to improve, to what extent will it eventually increase? First on the earth, directly and physically resisting nuclear bombs? Space-based weapons are useless?

Coulson and Tony left with mixed feelings, and Yi Shuihan also left the hotel, and simply went to live in the villa that Mandy had bought before. Naturally, Mandy would not have any opinion on this.

When he arrived at the villa, Mandy took the initiative to greet her, and her body was like a fire, trying to melt Yi Shuihan into her body.

"Possess me, possess me cruelly."

His eyes are full of lust, and his mouth is full of passion. As long as he is a normal man, he will not refuse such a stunner's request.

Yi Shuihan responded to Mandy's request and allowed Mandy to reach the top.

Before, because Mandy was an ordinary person, she couldn't do many postures. Yi Shuihan was afraid of hurting her. He was not a scumbag and only cared about being cool. Now Mandy's body has transformed and his endurance is more than ten times stronger. Yi Shui Han's play was naturally more enjoyable. Many poses that Mandy hadn't heard of were posed by Yi Shuihan, allowing her to reach the peak again and again.

Mandy is now responsive to Yi Shuihan's request, as long as she can do it, she will not refuse, so Yi Shuihan is very enjoyable.

The battle between the two continued into the night. Even if Mandy was already a superhuman body, he was exhausted by Yi Shuihan and fell asleep, but Yi Shuihan was still energetic, leaving the villa, and going to the daytime, Coleson said Out of the address.

The headquarters of Jinjing is an independent building in New York, with dozens of floors. It looks quite spectacular. Those who don't know may think it is a big international company.

Yi Shuihan walked towards the building unabashedly, and was discovered by the security guards of the building. These security guards were not good stubbles, they were gangsters under Jin Jing, and everyone was equipped with guns.

I have to say that in a capitalist society, guns are all too common. As long as a little bit of money is available, anyone can get money. Even some punks can’t say they can carry a gun on their bodies. The difference is nothing more than the quality of the gun. .

Gangsters like Jin Jing have more than thousands of guns, and they are all powerful guns, even rockets are very common.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

The two security guards looked cold and stretched their hands into their arms, making a gesture of taking a gun.

Yi Shuihan didn't pay any attention to them at all, and proceeded on his own.

The two security guards took out their guns and pointed at Yi Shuihan. Before they could take any further action, Yi Shuihan had already passed in front of them, their bodies stiff in place, like sculptures.

After walking for tens of meters, a large group of people with submachine guns rushed out, and when they saw Yi Shuihan's words, they either directly opened fire.

"Da da da....."

"Fuck him, dare to come here to go wild, it's just getting impatient."

"Beat him into a sieve for me."


With a huge roar, the rocket bombarded Yi Shuihan with its long tail, and the explosion made these people slow down the firing frequency.

The smoke blocked everyone's sight. Just when they thought that the intruder Yi Shuihan might not even have scum left, footsteps suddenly sounded, and Yi Shuihan's figure gradually became clear, and he walked out of the smoke.

There was no injury at all, and even the clothes were still intact.

"Mutant, he must be a mutant."

Someone exclaimed.

"Damn mutant, go to hell!"

The gunfire sounded again, and the flames continued to bloom, and the bullets moved toward Yi Shuihan's body clearly, accompanied by the sound of yelling.

However, this did not stop Yi Shuihan's footsteps. He walked forward like a walk in a leisurely courtyard, without even looking at these little ones.

"Jinjing, your strength should be more than that!"

In the room, a group of people stared at a huge screen, which showed the scene of Yi Shuihan.

"Hmph, you haven't said that his strength will be so strong, and ordinary thermal weapons have no effect on him."

Jin Jing's tone appeared a little dissatisfied, the face under his bald head was expressionless, and the terrifying and fierce light in his eyes made people afraid to underestimate the underworld emperor.

"If he is not strong, we will not find you, kill him, you will get what you want."

The person who spoke was a member of the Blood Killing Squad, and he was the only one from the Blood Killing Squad on the scene, and the other Blood Killing Squad members were not here.

After a moment of silence, Jinjing said

"Bulleye, you go and kill him."

The bullseye is Jinjing’s number one fighter, a professional killer, with extraordinary skills, compared to an ordinary superhero. If he has the right props, his explosive attack ability is higher than that of ordinary hot weapons. ,, ..

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