Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1161: Lord God Contract

"He's meowing, thinking I haven't seen Naruto! Uchiha has the same ability to write round eyes with soil. After using it once, it can make you run away the second time."

When the opponent was about to disappear, Yi Shuihan directly released his hole cards, time ability, and everything stopped in Yi Shuihan's eyes.

"Fortunately, I am not pure silver, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with your state."

Shenwei is very difficult as a space-time pupil technique. If you don't have some attainments in space, you won't be able to hit the opponent at all, you can only wait for the opponent to launch an instant counterattack.

Possessing this kind of pupil technique is probably one of the reasons why the opponent would detonate bombs so easily.

Uchihaka only felt the picture in front of his eyes flicker, and then he broke away from the state of pupil surgery, and his whole person was smashed to the ground by a huge force.

"Do you think you can still run?"

Yi Shuihan's cold voice came into Uchihaka's ears, allowing him to fully understand the current situation. Although he didn't know how the other party did it, his pupil technique was broken.

The pupil technique was activated again quietly, but the pupil technique had just started, and another severe pain struck and caused the pupil technique to terminate. This time Uchiha was completely dead.

Uchihaka's name was actually not called this originally. This name was changed after he got the writing wheel, and even his original name was a little fuzzy.

Relying on this special pupil technique, Uchiha's status in the blood kill team is not low. He belongs to the vanguard scout, who specializes in spying on intelligence, and is doing something like today. In the past, it was always unprofitable, at best. Those who came to reincarnation used special props to restrain him, but they never completely caught him like today.

With his head spinning rapidly, Uchihaka wanted to come up with a reason for the opponent to let him go. He was a member of the blood kill team, but compared with his own life, nothing else was very important.

"I can provide Xuan Kun's location, and even help you kill him, as long as you let me go."

Uchihaka offered his conditions.

"Why should I believe you?"

"We can sign a contract, and under the witness of the Lord God, I absolutely dare not violate it."

Samsaras have many methods, even the heavenly oath is not good, because they can escape from that world at any time, even if the great oath reaches the main **** space, there is a way to break it, so things like oaths are nothing for the saints, but this one It is very useful to deal with those natives. Many reincarnations rely on swearing to gain the trust of the mission goal.

There is only one situation in which the reincarnation will never play tricks. That is the contract signed under the witness of the main god. The main **** is the overseer of the contract. If the contract is violated, the main **** will investigate it to the end unless he has the strength to compete with the main **** space. Otherwise, the contract content will inevitably be realized.

With the power of the main **** space, even if the chaos emperor violates the contract, there is only a dead end. It is estimated that only the emperor can resist the investigation of the main **** space.

Signing the contract that Uchihaka said is a big price. It is a special contract item in the main **** space. It is said that this kind of item is only occasionally produced in the s-level evaluation. A contract is basically the price of 100,000 survival points. .

Yi Shuihan was really surprised when he saw Uchihaka come up with a contract. An ordinary player is so rich, what about the entire blood kill team?

Yi Shuihan had misunderstood this point. In fact, this contract was obtained by Uchiha's chance. It was snatched from other reincarnations. Only he knew it. He was reluctant to buy this contract.

After thinking about it, Yi Shuihan finally decided to let Uchiha go. He could see that if he signs a contract, it is probably not to get information about other blood-killing team members from Uchiha. Anyway, his goal is also It's just Xuan Kun, and others are just incidental. As long as Uchiha is interested, it is not impossible not to kill him.

"Give you a chance, if the contract doesn't satisfy me, I don't mind waiting for a while."

Yi Shuihan's feet lifted from Uchiha's body, allowing Uchihaka to move freely.

Uchiha gave a happy face and wrote on the contract paper.

Ten minutes later, there was only one person left on the scene, and that was Yi Shuihan, and Uchihaka had disappeared.

"Unexpectedly, I still underestimated the blood-killing team. If I go forward, even though my strength is not going to be planted, the possibility of injury is still a bit high. If you want to solve it without injury, you still need to plan!"

Taking a deep glance at the ruins not far away, Yi Shuihan chose to turn around and leave. At this time, many people had already arrived around him, including police, agents, reporters and onlookers.

These people dared to go to the place where the incident occurred, and Yi Shuihan, a person walking in the opposite direction, seemed more abrupt among this group of people, but these people did not pay too much attention to Yi Shuihan in a hurry, at most they were surprised. I just saw Yi Shuihan.


The sound of the camera sounded, and not far from Yi Shuihan, a crowd of people held the camera with a face full of puzzlement.

"What's the matter, it was obviously taken. Without his picture, he was obviously there."

This person looked at Yi Shuihan's fading body in doubt, and finally seemed to think of something pale, and ran in the opposite direction of Yi Shuihan without looking back.

The scientific explanation is that Yi Shuihan's body is enveloped by an energy field, which interferes with the camera's shooting, so the excluded picture does not have Yi Shuihan's figure, as if it was a mosaic.

Yi Shuihan returned to the villa and hugged the beautiful body to sleep very comfortably, and some people could not sleep through the night, such as those from SHIELD.

"How are you doing things? An explanation must be given to this matter. The initiator of all this must pay for it."

"This is New York, not the Middle East? How do you tell me to explain to the people, Nick Fury!"

"I give you so much money every year, I'm under tremendous pressure, and now something like this has happened..."

Fury accepted the criticism from the politicians expressionlessly, but he was actually very angry in his heart. He did not expect that group of people would be so crazy. ,, ..

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