Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1162: Experience speed

There was no word for a night. The next day, when Yi Shuihan had breakfast, S.H.I.E.L.D. people came, and more than one came, besides this acquaintance of Coleson, there was also our black widow and widow sister Na. Tasha.

In the living room, Yi Shuihan sat on the sofa, Mandy sat on him, feeding Yi Shuihan bit by bit.

Seeing Natasha, Mandy's eyes flashed with a vigilant color, and his heart naturally became hostile to her. This is also human nature. There are very few women you can live together peacefully, especially between beautiful women. .

"Speak, what can I do?"

Yi Shuihan put his hand on Mantynen's slippery thigh, his gaze swept across Natasha's body, and finally stayed on Coulson's face.

Coulson was very surprised at this time. Last night he saw Yi Shuihan walk into the building and experienced the big explosion firsthand. At that time, he didn't even think that Yi Shuihan would survive. If they hadn't arranged for supervisors to see Yi Shuihan come back with his own eyes, he might have determined that Yi Shuihan was dead.

"Is it really not hurt at all?"

Coleson looked at Yi Shuihan's whole body carefully, and didn't find any traces on his hands. His complexion seemed better than when he saw it yesterday.

"Can you tell me what happened last night? Who caused the big explosion?"

At this time, Coleson’s expression was very serious. There were so many people who died, and many of them were still innocent citizens. He felt a little guilty because S.H.I.E.L.D. knew that there would be a big battle, but they did not evacuate the surrounding people. A large part of the reason for this is that they misestimated the intensity of the battle and did not think that Jin Jing would do too crazy things in his lair.

In fact, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s assessment was not wrong. If it were just Jinjing, the battle would not be able to reach innocent people, but it was a pity that the blood-killing squad was involved.

Now the Jinjing gang died with the explosion, and they couldn’t even find the body. S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t know who to look for to bear the responsibility. They just recognized it. Obviously it’s not their style. This scene of cold water.

Facing Coelson's problem, Yi Shuihan did not hide it, except for the specific details of the battle, he basically told what he had experienced.

"So the person you're looking for to detonate the bomb has nothing to do with Kanai and the others?"

"Excuse me, I want to know who detonated the bomb and how did you leave? You were all in that building when the bomb was detonated!"

Natasha looked at Yi Shuihan with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Well" Yi Shuihan stopped speaking and replied

"He used a kind of pupil technique, which you can understand as super power. That kind of ability allows him to move in space. In my case, I am faster. I left the building at the moment of the explosion."

"Are you fast? How fast are you?"

"Do you want to feel it?"

Natasha was taken aback, she did not expect Yi Shuihan to be so cooperative.

This is completely inconsistent with the information Coleson said! It’s because she’s too beautiful, so she’s fascinated. Natasha obviously doesn’t

Think of it this way, you must know that the other person is still doing a beauty who is no less than her!

"Okay! I really want to feel your speed, but don't be too fast!"

Showing a charming smile, Natasha pointedly said, her eyes quickly glanced at Yi Shuihan's lower body, although Mandy blocked her sight, and she was staring very quickly, but Yi Shuihan still spotted her.

This is absolutely unbearable!

Natasha only felt a flower in front of her eyes, and the feeling of weightlessness followed. A hand that did not belong to her was placed on her waist, and the masculine breath came to her face.

"Do you think this speed is fast?"

Yi Shuihan said in a slightly frivolous tone.

Coleson looked at Yi Shuihan, who was holding Natasha in front of him in shock, shocked at Yi Shuihan’s speed and boldness. It was Black Widow, a beautiful thorny rose. If you dare to do this for another, you will definitely break your blood.

After Natasha understood her situation, a blush on her face flashed away. If Yi Shuihan had not been paying attention, it would be difficult to find out.

"Let me down."

Except for this sentence, there was no more radical behavior, as if he didn't particularly care about being picked up.

"You may not be able to react just now, I will let you take a closer look at my speed."

Did not put her down according to Natasha's words, a protective cover of almost transparent color spread from Yi Shuihan's body. Natasha became curious because she was close enough to see it, but she didn't wait for her to ask. , The scene in front of me began to change rapidly.

In an instant, Yi Shuihan and Natasha arrived on Queen Street, a few kilometers away from the villa, and within a few seconds they left New York City.

A minute later, Yi Shuihan and Natasha returned to the villa. At this time, Natasha had a dull face. As a top agent, even if he died, he would not change his face. This expression was enough to show Natasha's shock.

Some things that you don’t really experience personally, you just see or hear, the emotions will be weakened a lot, just like war, although everyone knows that war is cruel, but if you have not experienced war yourself, you will not know about war. How cruel is it?

"What happened? Natasha unexpectedly..."

Coleson noticed that Natasha hadn't recovered for a long time, and his heart was full of doubts.

Putting Natasha down, Natasha almost fell, but Yi Shuihan gave her a hand, which made her sober.

Back on the sofa, Yi Shuihan smiled slightly when he saw Mandy's jealous expression, held her in his arms, and planted strawberries directly. Mandy blushed, and he didn't know where he was jealous. went.

"How? Believe that my speed can escape from that explosion, right?"

Coleson looked at Natasha with doubts in her eyes, and Natasha nodded slightly, which was an acknowledgment of Yi Shuihan's words.

"At that speed, even a nuclear bomb would not be able to attack him. He had already left the location where the nuclear bomb was locked before that."

Thinking of the previous speed experience, Natasha couldn't help thinking in her mind what to do if she faced an enemy like Yi Shuihan, the answer was no way. ,, ..

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