Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1165: The existence of the spotting killing team

"You shouldn't be here."

Gu didn't feel embarrassed at all when he was discovered by peeping himself, as if there was no such thing at all.

"However, the fact is that I have already appeared here. This cannot be changed."

Sure enough, have you seen that I do not belong to this world? It's terrible! Gu Yi is much stronger than the future Doctor Strange. The reason why she died is entirely because she wanted to die. Otherwise, it would be easy to live for hundreds of thousands of years with her strength, the dark power thought It is not so easy to erode her completely.

"Even if I don't take action against the blood-killing team, maybe they will all die in the hands of Gu Yi. This self-respecting mage doesn't want to look so harmless on the surface. After all, her reputation is already resounding in the multiverse, even Thomas Everyone is very jealous of her."

Suddenly Yi Shuihan had such thoughts in his heart.

"I don't see the dark breath from your body, but you don't belong to the light, the existence in the middle. You have great power, and I hope you can make good use of them."

Gu Yi didn't see through Yi Shuihan's virtual reality, but because of this, she knew more about the terrible man in front of her. She even felt that she might not be an opponent.

"Naturally, I will not use my power to do anything wrong. As long as no one provokes me, I am always honest, but some guys are different."

"Some guys?"

Gu Yi frowned slightly, she knew that Yi Shuihan wouldn't say this for no reason, and she knew what Yi Shuihan had come from.

"They come from the same place as I, and their purpose of coming here is you, Gu Yi Mage, they want your life!"

There are many people who want Gu Yi to die, too many to count, so when Yi Shuihan said that someone wanted her to die, she was very calm, her expression unchanged, she looked like a master.

"Well, I will pay attention, thank you for your reminder."

Nodded, Gu Yi said, she obviously believed Yi Shuihan's words, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

"For some reason, if they can't kill you, they will have their own life worry, so they will do everything to kill you. If destroying the earth can kill you, they will not hesitate, and they will also Have the power to destroy the earth."

For people at the silver level, destroying the planet is really not particularly difficult. Even Gu Yi has this ability. If the magicians are not too powerful, there will be no magic like the mirror world being developed.

This time Gu Yi’s face finally changed slightly. As the Supreme Mage, her duty is to protect the earth from the erosion of the multiple worlds. If someone’s purpose is to destroy the earth directly, it would be more terrifying than erosion. She would never allow it. The earth is devastating.

Knowing the threat, it should be eliminated, so Gu Yi's spiritual power spread out instantly, and the majestic spiritual power enveloped the entire earth, and very few people on the earth could feel this power.

"Charles? No, this power is stronger than Charles, who is it, a new mutant, or..."

Magneto, who was in an underground base, felt Gu Yi's power, and his face became uncertain.

Similarly, Professor X, who possesses the super-strength psychic power, also perceives that this is the same source as him, but surpasses his psychic power, and his complexion is complex.

In the Middle East, Banna became the Hulk, and the whole person looked up to the sky and roared, as if to vent something.

In the depths of the deep sea, someone who was frozen in the ice had a momentary tremor in his eyelids.

Outside of New York,

"Someone is investigating with spiritual power. The owner of this power has definitely reached the silver level. I don't know whether it is a native or the one who hunted us down."

"Uchihaka, you have seen him, you should be able to sense his breath, is this him?"

"Captain, this is not him."

"Apart from him, there is such a strong presence in this world?"

"Brother, shouldn't you forget our mission goal this time!"

"Gu Yi? It makes sense, but why did he release this kind of probing? Do you know our existence?"

The other people in the blood kill team naturally couldn't figure it out, only Uchiha had a faint hunch, which was probably inseparable from Yi Shuihan.

In Gu Yi's mirrored space, Gu Yi's mental power was recovered, and she became a peaceful mage again. She did not find a trace of the blood killing team, which made her a little uneasy.

"I need your help."

"Of course, I am happy to serve you, this is the purpose of my coming."

Neither party said about forming an alliance, but in fact from this moment on, Yi Shuihan has become an ally of Gu Yi.

"I have a request."

It's time to talk about the real purpose. Compared to this, the previous ones are not particularly important.

"What's the request?"

"I want to study the Eye of Agomoto, or its other name, Time Gem."

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit subtle, Gu Yi's eyes became a bit sharp, as if he wanted to see Yi Shuihan through, and at the same time, the strong mental pressure was like the substance, and the entire mirrored space was hung with a mental storm.

Yi Shuihan didn't flinch and looked at the ancients. He was very magnanimous. He didn't have any extra thoughts yet. He really only wanted to study the gem of time. He had no ghosts in his heart and was naturally worthy.

After a long time, Gu Yi's eyes eased, but he still shook his head and refused Yi Shuihan's request.

"The Eye of Agomoto cannot be touched by anyone unless it is the Supreme Mage."

"It's okay to be right in front of you."

"Or not."

Gu Yi's attitude was very determined, and there was no room for maneuver. If Yi Shuihan didn't give up, it would be very possible for her to tear her face directly with Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan underestimated the position of the Time Gem in Gu Yi's heart. In the original work, Doctor Strange could touch it because of Gu Yi's indulgence.

Gu Yi said that he was looking for heirs. In fact, the most fundamental thing is to find someone who can use the Time Gem. If the Doctor Strange and Time Gem are not compatible, it would not be his turn to inherit the position of the Supreme Master.

"In that case, forget it."

What was said, but Yi Shuihan would really just forget it. The answer was obviously impossible. Gu Yi refused, and Yi Shuihan had to pick it up himself. ,, ..

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