Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1166: Give Tony exercises

Gu Yi waved his hand, and a circular channel appeared in the mirror image space. Compared with other magicians, this hand magic was smooth and terrifying. It completely broke away from the basic framework of releasing magic and reached the point where he wanted to.

Watching Gu Yi step into the passage, the mirror space opened and changed as the passage shrank and disappeared. When the passage disappeared completely, Yi Shuihan also returned to his previous location, the New York Temple.

There was no one in front of Yi Shuihan. Obviously the magicians had already left, and they should have been ordered by Gu Yi.

Taking a deep look inside, Yi Shuihan turned and walked outside the temple.

The next step is to wait, waiting for the Blood Killing Squad to act. As long as the Blood Killing Squad acts, Gu Yi will definitely take action. Then it will be when Yi Shuihan gets the Time Gem. Of course, if Gu Yi carries the Time Gem with him, then it will be counted. Up.

"The time gem is temporarily not good, then the space gem is good, I believe SHIELD will not be as tough as Gu Yi."

Instead of going to S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau immediately, but moving toward Stark Group, he needs to let S.H.I.

To let S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau take the initiative to come home, it needs a reason for them to find Yi Shuihan. This reason Yi Shuihan has already figured out, and that is the cultivation technique.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

At the front desk of the Stark Group, a nice blond woman asked Yi Shuihan with a professional smile.

"I'm looking for Tony."

I didn’t say the full name, but I believe the lady at the front desk also understood who Yi Shuihan was talking about. After all, this is Stark Industries, and Tony Stark is the chairman of Stark Industries, and here is Titoni. It is basically impossible to be other Tony.

Not everyone is qualified to see Tony. The receptionist no longer knows how many people who want to see Tony have been intercepted, but it was the first time she met someone like Yi Shuihan who called Tony so casually. In the past, they called Mr. Tony, and most of them were very respectful.

"Do you have an appointment, please?"

"Make an appointment? I don't need that kind of thing, you call to ask, just say I'm too easy to come to him, see what he says."


The wicked lady at the front desk really started to call as Yi Shuihan ordered, knowing that if she encountered this kind of situation in the past, she would rush people directly, or simply call the security guard.

"Assistant Potts? That's it. There is a gentleman named Tai Yi here. There is no appointment. I want to see the chairman..."

After the lady at the front desk said the situation, there was a busy tone on the phone, and after 10 seconds, Tony's voice came out of it.

"Let him wait for me for 3 minutes. I will come down right away. No matter what he wants, you will try to satisfy him. If he wants you, the same is true. If you are done, I will give you a promotion and a salary increase."

The voice was so loud that even at the distance of Yi Shuihan, he could hear clearly. The lady at the front desk put down the hung up phone in embarrassment, and a blush flashed across her face.

"The chairman said to let you wait for 3 minutes."

The title for Yi Shuihan has changed from you to you, naturally because of Tony's words.

It’s not difficult to see from Tony’s remarks that he attaches great importance to Yi Shuihan, and Tony personally came down to greet him. This shows that Yi Shuihan’s status in your eyes is even higher than that of himself. The military representative came, and the military went to see Tony instead of Tony to greet the military representative.

The lady at the front desk thought of Tony's promised promotion and salary increase. She looked expectantly at Yi Shuihan, and seemed to want to hear Yi Shuihan's excessive demands.

I have to say that the United States is open. For the front desk lady, it is probably a good deal to have a romantic evening with Yi Shuihan for promotion and salary increase.

It’s a pity that Yi Shuihan is destined to let her down. It’s not that I look down on her. The real reason is

"Tony dare to tease me deliberately, what is going to happen to her, three minutes is enough? Want to see my jokes?"

Tony didn't know that just because of what he said casually, Yi Shuihan decided to fix him later.

In less than 3 minutes, about 2 and a half minutes, Tony had already arrived in front of Yi Shuihan, together with him was her assistant, Pepper, Pepe Bozi, and Pepper was curious next to Tony. Looking at Yi Shuihan, she was also the first time to see Tony value a person so much.

"Oh, it's too easy, how come you have time to come to me today? Could it be that you made a special trip to give me the exercises?"

Tony had a profound influence on the technique that made Mandy become a superman, and wanted very much.

"Yes, I'm here to give you the exercises, it depends on whether you want it."

What Tony didn't expect was Yi Shuihan's words. He was so stunned for a moment that even though he asked, he actually never thought that Yi Shuihan actually came to give the exercises.

"Really come to give the exercises?"

Tony asked hesitantly.

"Of course, I'll turn around and leave if you want."

"How can you not want it, you want it, I will definitely want it!"

I stretched out my hands. I pulled out Yi Shuihan's clothes. This was because I was afraid that Yi Shuihan turned and left.

"Let go, I'm not gay, don't engage in foundation."

"I don't do anything about it!"

With embarrassment on Tony's face, he let go of his hand and said loudly, his eyes still subconsciously looking in the direction of Pepper, as if he was afraid of being misunderstood.


Seeing this scene, Little Chili laughed outright, and was full of affection for Yi Shuihan. Being able to make this joke with Tony shows that the relationship between the two is really good!

"Tony, this is not a place to talk."

Little Pepper reminded him, and at the same time motioned Tony to look around. There were already a lot of people around. They all looked at this side curiously. If they don't leave, they will probably be surrounded.

Realizing this, Tony led the way and led Yi Shuihan out of the front desk. He never talked to the front desk lady from start to finish. This made the front desk lady look at the back of them leaving with a sense of superhuman perception. The ladies at the front desk were a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, they quickly entered the exclusive elevator.

"Ding Dong."

The elevator opened, and Yi Shuihan and the others came to the top floor of Stark Building, which is also Stark’s chairman's office. It is very spacious, several hundred square meters, comparable to a small villa, lounge, living room, bathroom, etc. , Even Yi Shuihan saw the bar, it was simply luxurious.

"Bring the exercises!"

In an office, Tony couldn't wait to reach out and ask for a technique.

"What the **** is Gongfa? Make Tony want that?"

Tony didn't tell Little Pepper about the technique, not that he didn't want to, but he didn't want Little Pepper to know that he was easily defeated by Yi Shuihan. ,, ..

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