Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1182: Quiet return

In the ocean thousands of meters deep, this is a forbidden zone for mankind. Even in the 21st world with advanced technology, mankind's footsteps have traveled all over the earth, and even reached a magical place that has not yet been reached in space.

At this time, two humans appeared here, in the dark deep sea, disturbing the calmness of ancient creatures on the seabed.

"It's time to do it."

If you start here, as long as it is not a nuclear bomb level attack, it will not have much impact on the ground. Yi Shuihan finally let go of his hands and feet.

Compared with Yi Shuihan, Xuanying is obviously not very suitable for the deep sea. His speed has dropped a lot since he came to the deep sea, and his demonized body has a tendency to be restored, and it seems that he has nowhere to go.

The most dangerous time for a creature is not when it is at its peak, but at the moment when it is on the verge of extinction. At that time, it will explode with power that surpasses the peak, even if the use of power is costly and paralyzed. even death.

Yi Shuihan slowly consumed Xuanying's strength like a hunter, so that the opponent could see a glimmer of hope of escape, so that he would not do something similar to self-detonation. Of course, whether Xuanying had self-destructive moves was still a question.

About 10 minutes later, Xuanying had completely withdrawn from demonization. Now he had no strength to fight to the death, and finally he was buried in the deep sea with unwilling eyes.

"Why it always feels so easy."

The main **** space prompted to get the **** treasure chest, which meant that the captain of the blood killing team was completely dead. On the contrary, Yi Shuihan became a little melancholy. In his imagination, the Xuanying had at least one or two hole cards, but the last hole card did not come out. His cautiousness has become useless.

In fact, this is also Yi Shuihan who is too high to look at reincarnation. The reincarnation is indeed very powerful, and even comparable to some world protagonists at some times, but not all reincarnations are so powerful. Xuanying is actually quite good, but it is just right. The person who was in was Yi Shuihan. If he were changed to any person with the same realm as Yi Shuihan, Xuanying would at least be able to escape, and even directly slay him to death by conspiracy.

If it weren’t for Yi Shuihan, how can I subdue Uchihaga who possesses the mighty power, how can I use the secret method that everything is tangible, this secret method is not good for Yi Shuihan, but in fact it is definitely the top secret method in the main **** space, even if it is better than Demonization may be even more valuable.

It's not that the enemy is too weak, but our side is too big!

When he got here, Yi Shuihan had no more worries, he could quietly wait for the mission time to arrive, and then return to the main **** space.

A few days later, Yi Shuihan lived the life of an otaku quietly in his New York villa. In addition to studying gems, he flirted with Mandy every day, and his life was so cool.

He was still troubled for a while on how to deal with Mandy. In fact, he was only planning to play at the beginning, but now that he is in love with him, he can't let it go.

For this reason, Yi Shuihan frankly told Mandy about his going back. Because of the immortal cultivation, Mandy thought that Yi Shuihan belonged to the immortal world. She had expected that Yi Shuihan would leave, but it was just as Yi Shui. Han asked that she was still crying, and finally Mandy said that she would wait for Yi Shuihan to come back to find her.

Yi Shuihan himself didn’t know how long Mandy’s feelings for him would last. He made the decision to let the deity pick her up, but it would take at least 10 years to test her loyalty, but she would only Yi Shuihan had given her enough to stay in the Marvel World.


"For you to be so sensible, I will accept you as a follower."

"Thank you Sir, thank you Sir."

Uchiha added a look of joy, and he was almost desperate after so many days without Yi Shuihan, but fortunately he finally waited for a good result.

A good Samsara person does not do it and becomes a follower. In fact, Uchihaka has some resistance, but compared to losing his life, being a follower is also acceptable.

It is not so simple for a reincarnation to become a follower of another reincarnation. It needs to have a special follower contract. This is something Yi Shuihan does not have, but Uchihaka does.

To be honest, when I saw this follower contract, Yi Shuihan felt very strange. This Uchiha first had the main **** contract, and now it is the follower contract. From a certain perspective, the hidden leader of the blood kill team They are even deeper, which is simply the protagonist's treatment.

There were no waves in the following days. People from S.H.I.E.L.D. and even Tony had come to see Yi Shuihan. The former was about the blood killing team, and the latter was simply to express gratitude. Ji’s Tony, Yi Shuihan is still a little surprised, this Tony is actually a genius, a little unscientific!

Yi Shuihan could feel that S.H.I.E.L.D. was not at ease with him. There were probably more than a hundred agents around the villa watching his situation day and night. He even used some small tricks and found that the top Americans had listed him. For dangerous elements, as long as he makes any dangerous actions, a nuclear bomb may be launched. It is not impossible for New York, which has become a ruin, to launch a nuclear bomb.

Knowing this, Yi Shuihan was not interested in performing physical anti-nuclear bombing skills, and still lived a routine life, knowing that the last day of three months was coming.

"It's finally the day of return. Although I know these two things will not be taken back, I still want to try!"

Yi Shuihan did not return the space gems and time gems, they were still on Yi Shuihan's body.

Following the prompt of the main **** space, Yi Shuihan chose to return.

"Sure enough, didn't you bring it back!"

It was still in the summed up space, the space gem and time gem in Yi Shuihan's body were no longer seen, and the main **** space did not remind him whether to bring it out at the same cost.

The task evaluation is c, which is the lowest evaluation for him to enter the main **** space, but getting 4 **** treasure chests is also an alternative reward. It is not too disappointed. After all, he had planned to have no rewards before. What you get in the mission world is actually worth the fare. ,, ..

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