Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1215: Play for fair trade

"I wonder what the shopkeeper is looking for?"

Bing Lan asked straightforwardly. It was different from the way he had seen him several times before. At this time, Bing Lan had red eyes and a messy head. It looked like he had not rested for days and nights, but if it weren't for his wizard. The robe is not ordinary, it is estimated that the clothes will become very tattered.

When Yi Shuihan came, Bing Lan was still staying in the laboratory, studying a system, and he had almost entered the stage of madness. Had it not been for Yi Shuihan, he would not have come out.

In order to study the mystery of the system, Bing Lan can be said to have come up with all the means, so that he can't even take care of his own appearance.

"It looks like I'm bothering you!"

Yi Shuihan just said a polite remark, but he didn't know that Bing Lan returned a look that you also know, and immediately felt a little embarrassed.

"In this case, I won't go around in circles, just say it directly. I'm here on behalf of the Anti-Invasion Alliance. We hope that you will use the corresponding resources for the resources you obtain in the land, instead of just taking them away like the robbers."

"We are not robbers."

Bing Lan first refuted, and then fell into contemplation. Regarding what Yi Shuihan said, he had to admit that they came to Honghuang for the resources of Honghuang. As an intruder, it was obviously evil, just standing by him. Whether this level of evil is not important at all.

The important thing is the strong and the weak. If I am strong, then what I do is reasonable. If you are weak, then you deserve to be bullied.

Honghuang is weaker than the Wizarding World. This is certain, but this does not mean that Honghuang has no power to resist. Now there are not many strong people in the Wizarding World. If they really fight, Honghuang will certainly lose. Nor will it be intact.

It's just not enough to promise to allocate resources just because of this.

"Whether we can discuss this matter for a while."

When he said this, part of the reason Bing Lan really wanted to discuss, but more because he wanted to delay time, the longer the delay, the more beneficial to the wizarding world.

"I know that you will not compromise easily. What I mean here is that if you win a match, if you win, then it's fine. If we win, then we must have a fair deal. At the same time, you have to open up your world so that this side can also pass."

"Three parties? Also includes the Qianyuan Empire?"

"Yes, and according to the ranking of the game, if we get the first place in the anti-invasion league, then both of you have to trade fairly with us and open up your world. If we get second, then the third-placed world is the same. We don’t care about the first one. If we are the last one, then everything is the same as before, and we won’t talk about it again."

"What if you don't agree?"

"I will help the Anti-Invasion Alliance to drive you out of the prehistoric."

This game is for his own task. Yi Shuihan naturally has to do his best to promote it and he is not allowed to fail. That's why he said that, and what he said will definitely come true. If the game is different, just a simple and rude war will do. Yi Shui Han's strength is qualified to do so.

"I don't know why you helped Honghuang so much, but I will try my best to make it happen, just to give you face, but the content of the game must be fair and just."

"Naturally it will be fair and just. If there is a little unfairness, either of you can withdraw. Of course, you can't withdraw deliberately to find fault."

Leaving from Binglan's side, Yi Shuihan went in front of Xius again, and the same thing was the same, and Xius was done.

Half a month later, the people of the Three Realms gathered in Buzhou Mountain. This big mountain transformed from the spine of Pangu was also the support of the entire prehistoric land.

"The game is divided into three games. In the first game, ten people from each of our three parties will enter Buzhou Mountain. They must be at the level of Daluo Jinxian. In other words, the mecha must be at the realm king level, and the wizard must be at the Yao level; these people enter We have selected three areas. Special sign items are placed in the areas. In the specified day, the world with more sign items will win. The first place gets 3 points, the second place 1 point, and the third place. Name 0 points."

Yi Shuihan announced the rules of the first game, and the three parties had no objection, because all these were discussed before, and the sign items were divided into three parts by Yi Shuihan, and the three parties personally placed them in the three areas. .

The three areas are all far away, and it takes at least one day for the contestants to expand one area, so they can only search in their respective areas, and there is no such thing as the area where the sign items are placed on their turn. , Are all crossed.

This game is just luck, nothing else matters.

The other two circles also raised doubts at first, because the competition area is prehistoric, and Heavenly Dao may intervene. In this way, with the blessing of Heavenly Dao and Qi Luck, the victory rate of the predecessor is too high and the game is unfair.

In the end, the matter was solved by Yi Shuihan. He bought an air luck regulator from the company, which is only effective for the strong people of Da Luo Jinxian and below. You can make these people have the same air luck value in a day. After multiple tests, The other two parties believe in its authenticity.

On the surface, it seems that it is really just luck, but Yi Shuihan came for victory, is he really so kind?

The answer is naturally impossible, he naturally has the means of cheating.

The cheating method is very simple, that is to force intervention, under the noses of Binglan and Hughes to intervene in the game, this is only the deity of Yi Shuihan can do, even if the gods do it, it will leave traces, Yi Shuihan's deity does not. The deity's strength, coupled with the company's black technology, is almost zero.

Players from the Three Realms entered the designated area one after another, and then everyone began to wait outside. One day was not long, and it was just a matter of sitting.

"Sure enough, it's not just me, they are not rules!"

With the clone outside, the deity had already entered the designated area invisibly. If it were not for the mission, Yi Shuihan could not bear to stop the aggregation of the Chaos Body.

Yi Shuihan saw with his own eyes, the wizard took out a wizard ball, and then began to mutter something, and then after a while, an arrow appeared in the crystal ball, and the direction it pointed was undoubtedly the point where the marking object was.

The Qianyuan Empire also did not show weakness. A mecha division was split into countless small mechas and quickly carried out large-scale scans. ,, ..

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