Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1183: Technological Empire and Wizarding World

Time goes back, in the prehistoric world, when the clone entered the silver realm, Yi Shuihan’s deity finally took advantage of this opportunity to contact the clone, and understood the situation of the clone. The connection between the two was further strengthened, so that the deity could include the clone. World coordinates.

"Interestingly, the flow rate of Primordial Time is almost the same as the flow rate of the mission world, but it is different from the main **** space, and once the clone enters the main **** space, the connection is suppressed to a minimum. This feeling..."

If it weren't for Yi Shuihan's deity comparable to a saint, if it were replaced by someone else, even if it was Da Luo, he would be confused because of the time difference, and ordinary people would have a mental breakdown.

"Normally, it would take decades or even hundreds of years to wait for the clone to get the origin of the advanced world. What should I do during this time? Retreat? But I can get results when I close my eyes and open my eyes."

In the end, Yi Shuihan still did not choose to continue the retreat. Although his retreat was only a few years old, which was completely different from the standard time of his quasi-sage retreat, he still stopped. It was not because the retreat could not make progress, nor was it because of something. To do it simply is to not want to retreat mentally.

If others in the predecessor knew that his thoughts would kill him, he would be able to easily break through to the quasi-sage stage by continuing to retreat for a while. How many people want to break through and there is no hope at all!

"The last time I went for a drive, I died because of the Lord God Space. This time I will go out and play for decades."

His mind changed so quickly, Yi Shuihan felt that he was a little confused, and it was not something a person of his realm could do.

"What's so fun about the prehistoric land now? Except for some scenic views, there is really nothing fun. The human race is still in the tribal period, and there is no concept of the country. The demon race only keeps the treasure all day long. By my side, they are fighting each other. The Wu clan is so innocent. I don't know what play is. It is possible to treat play as a fight between two people."

Standing on Kunpeng's back, Yi Shuihan was a little at a loss, but he had already come out, naturally it was impossible to go back to retreat immediately.

All the way to the west, flying aimlessly, Kunpeng didn’t know where Yi Shuihan was going, so he could only fly non-stop. Fortunately, it would be easy for him to fly continuously for thousands of years. What kind of complaints are there, and he dare not say to Yi Shuihan if there are complaints!

Thousands of years further ahead, a earth-shattering battle is underway on the outer edge of the prehistoric world. On one side is countless fleets and mechas, which are obviously technologically advanced, and the other side is diverse, mechanical and magical. , There are similar magical powers.

"Sorcerer of Dog Day, come and taste the black hole roar of my technology empire!"

A humanoid mecha, four shrinking forward, black energy condenses in front of them, and the last four expanding backwards. This is just beautiful, like the sun, as the action is made, a black line runs through the entire battlefield. The beam of light blasted towards the wizard's camp, and everything that blocked the black beam of light was annihilated.

This blow killed nearly one-tenth of the troops in the wizard camp, but the attacking mech temporarily lost its combat capability.

Just as the technology side was cheering, a tall figure flew out of the wizard camp.

This figure looks very strange, and the whole looks like a huge mouth.

"Oops, it's the devourer of demon weapons, hurry up and avoid it."

"No, it's too late."

The big mouth opened, the huge attraction was comparable to a black hole, countless battleships and mechas were absorbed, a series of blows hit the Devourer's body but it was useless.

When the Devourer's mouth is closed, the fleet of the technology camp is also reduced by nearly one-eighth. Generally speaking, the difference between the two sides is still not very large. The wizard camp has a slight upper hand but no absolute advantage. The outcome is still unknown. .

The battle is still going on. Both sides have fought real fire, and the eyes are red. If there is no accident, the battle will be extremely tragic. In the end, even if there are some left, there will be no one out of ten.

The battlefield where the two sides fought was gradually moving towards the prehistoric world. At this time, neither of them found the prehistoric world. What was outside the prehistoric world was a special chaotic storm.

Chaos Storm is a special environment that even only a saint can resist. The saint enters ten deaths without life, and generally everyone will try to stay away.

It's just that this is the battlefield, and some choose to introduce or break the enemy into the Chaos Storm in order to kill the enemy.

At the beginning, many people on both sides were thrown into the Chaos Storm, and then died instantly without special circumstances.

Until later, when nearly a quarter of the people on the battlefield fell in Chaos Storm, unknown changes occurred in Chaos Storm.

When the top combat power of the last two sides, the 8th-level Mecha Demon of the Science and Technology Empire and the 8th-level Holy Wizard of the Wizarding World entered the Chaos Storm at the same time, under normal circumstances, they should both die together. However, this time, Chaos Storm is extremely rare. The change.

I don't know why, the Chaos Storm, which was claimed to never end, stopped at this moment. Even if the pause was in fact only 0.1 seconds, both sides of the science and technology empire and the wizarding world seized this opportunity and did not die together.

If it’s just that, it’s fine. At most, they came out of Chaos Storm and continued to come. The two dying undead discovered the brand new world in the depths of Chaos Storm at the same time. The probability is much lower than that of black holes. .

We must know that the chaotic storm surrounding the prehistoric world would have to fly thousands of years for the saints to cross. How did they discover the prehistoric world over such a long distance?

As a result, the ultimate battle came to a halt, and the eyes of both sides looked towards the prehistoric through the chaotic storm.

Soon after, the two sides dispatched more troops to station on both sides of Chaos Storm. It seemed that they had reached an agreement, and finally they started to study how to break through Chaos Storm together.

Hundreds of years later, the two parties paid a certain price and worked out a method to transport people into the chaotic storm without dying. Each sent a certain number of troops to cross the chaotic storm in order to reach the new world. As long as they reached the new world, they would naturally have Ways to get the big troops past. ,, ..

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