Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1184: Mecha that appeared in the prehistoric


Yi Shuihan, who had just enjoyed from the portable world, appeared in the prehistoric world and was planning to let Kunpeng return. Because he had been flying for 6 years, he would go to the Marvel Universe to see Mandy’s situation in the next 10 years. , If Mandy hasn't changed her mind, put her into the portable world.

"Little Kunkun, have you been notified?"

"Master, what are you talking about? What notice?"

"Well, nothing, change direction and go here."

Yi Shuihan sent a coordinate to let Kunpeng fly over.

In fact, Yi Shuihan has never been to this coordinate since he came back. It stands to reason that he would not give such an order suddenly.

Kunpeng also noticed Yi Shuihan's weirdness, but in the end he didn't say anything, and changed the direction according to Yi Shuihan's words.

In fact, just now, Yi Shuihan received a message from Tian Dao and gave him a coordinate so that he could go over and see if there was anything unusual.

This information came out very abruptly. Yi Shuihan couldn't understand what Tiandao wanted to do. It stands to reason that he could ignore Tiandao. He was not a native resident and could not listen to Tiandao. Moreover, Tiandao did not even give benefits.

It is our system that makes Yi Shuihan change his attention. After the message of the heavenly path appears, the holy spirit of the system prompts that if you do what the heavenly path says, you may get a task when you get there.

Tasks are good for Yi Shuihan. Basically, every time the system releases a task, Yi Shuihan will get a certain benefit. This kind of good thing is naturally to be done.

Yi Shuihan is not afraid to talk about Yin him, and this is a prehistoric place. If you really want to be overcast, you don't have to let Yi Shuihan go to that place. The entire predecessor is the back garden of heaven, right?

With curiosity, Yi Shuihan and Kunpeng finally arrived at the designated location in a month's time. This is the result of Yi Shuihan deliberately asking Kunpeng to accelerate slightly. If the slow speed before, it is estimated that it will take a year to arrive. Here.

"Desert? It's hard to imagine. I thought it would be difficult for a place like a desert to appear in the environment of the great wilderness?"

The endless desert, with yellow sand rolling, made Yi Shuihan feel some inexplicable intimacy.

The reason why the desert will not appear in the desert is completely because the desert has only appeared not long ago. As a new world, the aura is sufficient. Under the nourishment of the aura, the miracle of life is no longer born in the entire desert at all times. It should become an oasis under moisture.

"It's me who made the image. Existence is reasonable, and there are even harsh places like the sea of ​​blood. The appearance of this desert here is logical and not surprising."

Standing on the yellow sand, Kunpeng also turned into a human form, lagging behind Yi Shuihan, looking around in confusion, he really couldn't see Yi Shuihan's intention to let him come here, there was nothing around him.

"Could it be that you are hitting my mind?"

Thinking of this, Kunpeng's heart is shrinking. Even if he becomes Yi Shuihan's mount, he does not have much sense of security. I am afraid that when Yi Shuihan will do something to him, such as using Kunpeng essence and blood to exercise his body and Kunpeng's bones. Come to refine the magic weapon.

Obviously Kunpeng was thinking too much. Like Kunpeng, Yi Shuihan was also in a state of doubt at this time.

"What is that guy doing? I'm here, and there's no movement at all, or I'm here too late?"

Inexplicable fluctuations appeared dozens of miles away in Yi Shuihan, and the fluctuations rapidly became stronger in a short period of time, which had caused the appearance of spatial vortices.


Yi Shuihan realized that this might be the reason Tiandao called him over, and immediately rushed towards the source of the fluctuation.

"this is......"

Yi Shuihan felt a strange sense of incongruity, as if something that was about to appear shouldn't have appeared.

"From something other than the prehistoric like me?"

As a member of the company, Yi Shuihan is not as conservative as Honghuang locals. He immediately came up with a very reliable answer. At least Kunpeng still looked blankly at the appearance of the whirlpool and did not realize the importance of this matter. Sex.

"Holy Spirit, is my judgment correct."

"Yes, it is indeed a breath from other worlds. The specific world is not clear. According to the energy response, it is a creature of the great Luo Jinxian level."


"Yes, there is a life reaction, which will appear in front of the host in 13 seconds."

While Yi Shuihan quietly waited for unknown creatures to appear in front of him, he didn't know that the same situation had happened in dozens of places on the Primordial Continent.

The vortex in front of Yi Shuihan can only be regarded as medium among these dozens, and the largest one is ten times larger than the vortex in front of him.

After 13 seconds passed, as the system said, something finally appeared in the vortex in front of Yi Shuihan. It was a steel arm that had been relatively broken. How broken was it? There are many pits and bumps on it, and about one-fifth of the area has disappeared.

"Iron Life?"

The world is so big that there are countless special life forms in the heavens and all realms. Yi Shuihan's first thought when he saw this steel arm was a life form like Transformers.

Only in the next second, Yi Shuihan overthrew his thoughts, because he had already seen the whole picture of what appeared in the whirlpool.

The appearance is a humanoid machine, it looks extremely flexible, full of sci-fi-like texture, and even the steel arm is an illusion, made of countless special materials, in fact, it is a dead thing.

The mechanical body of several meters has a soul breath only in the center. That is the real life center. Without it, this mechanical body is a waste product.


This time Yi Shuihan was guessing at odds and ends. The mecha in front of him was the strongest mecha that Yi Shuihan had seen.

Although he hadn't seen the real combat power of the mecha in front of him, Yi Shuihan could also roughly see something. This thing might be better than the Da Luo Jinxian in combat, and this was also the biological level initially judged by the system.

"The creature that controls the mecha, in simple terms, should have only the golden fairy level, but the soul is a little weird, a little bit beyond the golden fairy."

The mecha in front of him hasn't moved for a long time. If Yi Shuihan hadn't known that the manipulator was not dead, he would have thought that what was in front of him was a dead thing.

"What kind of magic weapon is this, curious and special refining technique, I have never seen it before."

Kunpeng looked at the mecha curiously. He regarded the mecha as a magic weapon, although that said, it was not too wrong. ,, ..

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