Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1186: World King Mechas Apache

Apache opened his eyes laboriously, and there was a dense sore sensation all over his body. His arms were numb, and it was laborious to move a little. The most important thing was hunger. He felt that if he didn't replenish his energy, he might be hungry. Die, the first level 7 world king mecha division starved to death in the empire.

"Woke up?"

Hearing the voice, Apache discovered that his situation was no longer in the mecha, but lying on a stone bed. A few meters away from him, there was a handsome young man who was looking at him faintly. .

What do you say about that look? It's like looking at a small animal.

Why do you feel this way? Apache was very surprised that he would think so, he would be seen as a small animal in front of an ordinary person.

That's right, in Apache's eyes, Yi Shuihan is an ordinary person, which makes him feel at ease for the time being. At this time, he hasn't thought about how an ordinary person can get him out of the mecha.

"Is there any food?"

Apache asked.

"Yes, you wait."

Yi Shuihan looked at Apache with a weird look, then walked out, and quickly brought back a few crystal clear fruits, the refreshing fragrance made Apache appetite.

"Here, eat!"

Apache was not welcome, and he ate the fruit, but even if he was very hungry, he didn't gobble it up. The food was elegant.

Until now, Apache hadn't noticed that at the beginning, he couldn't understand what Yi Shuihan said, but later, what Yi Shuihan said was his language, even slightly more authentic than what he said himself.

Naturally, the fruits that Yi Shuihan took out were not ordinary fruits, and there were no ordinary fruits in the prehistoric times. Even the wild fruits on the roadside would belong to spirit fruits later. Yi Shuihan could be regarded as Xianzhen.

"Can't directly absorb the aura between the heavens and the earth to recover, or is it so weak that it can only be recovered through the most common means of eating?"

Looking at Apache, Yi Shuihan wondered what to do with him.

The heavily damaged mech, Yi Shuihan, studied it again, and its technical content was still very high. It used various materials that Yi Shuihan had never seen before, and its operating mechanism was also very strange.

Yi Shuihan has already made it clear that he should go, so he only studied the mecha, and didn't intend to go further. He is taking his own powerful path. No matter how strong the mecha is, it is a foreign object, and the normal development of the mecha If the division wants to become stronger, in the end, the mecha and the human must be integrated to achieve the degree of integration of the mecha, it is better to not use the mecha in the beginning.

According to the information obtained from the company, this kind of strong man who grew up by relying on foreign objects is not a supreme one, and even those who have become the emperor of the Dadao account for a very small proportion.

The Apache itself has no value, and the mecha technology Yi Shuihan doesn’t need it. They don’t value Apache’s cultivation system. The only thing Apache can do is to bring back the news that Yi Shuihan sells the system here. .

"I hope they are more acquainted, otherwise, I don't mind standing on a precipitous position. The wars between the worlds represent catastrophes and opportunities at the same time."

As long as they are willing to spend their money, win the war, and then make up for everything, the worst is naturally that both sides have paid their money and fight the war of attrition, and in the end no one wins.

"Ah, finally came alive."

After eating the fruit, Apache can already behave like ordinary people, breathing the wild air, with a smile on his face.

"The aura of this world is too abundant, and there must be a lot of resources. As long as it can be occupied, the empire will usher in a new round of rapid development, and I might be able to become an 8th-level Mecha Division one step closer. Yudi-class mecha divisions are all possible."

The world of science and technology that Apache comes from, the mainstream system is Mecha Division, with 9 levels, from low to high, they are low, intermediate, high, planets, stars, stars, world kings, cosmic emperors, and emperors.

As a 7th-level world king mecha division, Apache’s status is actually not low, and it is a proper power in their world, but it is much worse than that of the overlord Eternal Emperor, let alone mecha The teacher is the ultimate Yudi.

Looking at Yi Shuihan calmly, Apache had a murderous intent. As an intruder, he was not a good person, and the natives of other worlds were not placed in the same position by him.

Yi Shuihan naturally felt this killing intent. He was a little funny in his heart, pretending to be unaware. If the other party really did it, then Yi Shuihan would not be merciful, and would force Apache to send the message back. , And then throw Apache into **** to enjoy, and kill him directly? That's too cheap for him.

"Forget it, I will cleanse his memory later, just an ordinary person."

Perhaps it was a conscience discovery, or that Yi Shuihan was too irrelevant to an ordinary person. Apache decided not to kill Yi Shuihan and let him escape.

"Little brother, did you see other things when you found me?"

Apache naturally asked about mechas, but he thought that Yi Shuihan didn't know mechas, so he didn't say it directly.

"Are you talking about mecha?"

"Yes, it's a machine..."

How could he know mecha? And how can he speak our mother tongue?

Apache's brain finally reacted, looking at Yi Shuihan with astonishment, an unpleasant feeling arose in his heart.

"He is an ordinary person? No, how could he be an ordinary person! Ordinary people can take out the kind of fruit just now? That kind of fruit will explode when ordinary people eat it, even I dare not say that I can take out that kind of fruit. Level things, so say..."

"It seems that you have realized it. Then I won't go around in circles. I will not kill you because you finally gave up to take action against me. Then I will tell me your origin and purpose. I will decide according to my mood. What to do with you."

After showing a little momentum, Apache felt the gap like an abyss, Yi Shuihan turned into an "ordinary person" in Apache's eyes.

"Emperor Zhou, Emperor Yu, this is the imposing manner of Emperor Yu, you can't go wrong, he is a great existence at the level of Emperor Yu."

Apache felt extremely bitter and confused at this time, and didn't know what to do next.

In the end, Apache chose his own life and began to slowly tell his origin and purpose. ,, ..

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