Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1187: Sell ​​the system to the tech world

Compared with language, direct soul search is actually faster, but who makes Yi Shuihan not anxious and has time?

Sometimes judging the authenticity of a person's speech is actually an interesting pastime. Apache dare not lie to himself, Yi Shuihan is not sure about this.

Yi Shuihan believed that most of what Apache said would be true, and even if there was something he didn't want Yi Shuihan to know, he would use martial arts instead of mere deception.

In fact, Yi Shuihan is not the prince's aunt Apache who cheated or cheated. It is his ability to cheat. If he cheated and is discovered, he naturally has to bear the corresponding consequences.

Apache said, Yi Shuihan was also listening quietly, and only asked a little when he heard something of interest. Duantian knew about the world that Apache came from in the past.

"It's actually two world wars. I accidentally discovered the prehistoric world. The other world is the wizarding world, just like the wizards described in the novel who use knowledge as a lever to leverage power."

Knowing the existence of the wizarding world, Yi Shuihan was really surprised to be honest. Compared with the technological civilization, the wizards made Yi Shuihan pay more attention to it. Knowledge is power. It can even be said that the wizarding world is more technological.

In Yi Shuihan’s eyes, the wizard system is not inferior to the immortal cultivation system. Those who can become high-ranking wizards have super-high IQs. If the immortal cultivation sometimes depends on talents, the wizards will compete completely with wisdom. .

Compared with simple muscles, Yi Shuihan still finds a higher IQ to be more difficult to deal with.

"This technology world can compete with the wizarding world for so long. It seems that it has a certain strength. Of course, if we continue to fight, the ultimate winner will be the wizarding world. The wizarding world is best at invention and creation. Once something in the world of science and technology is cracked, the wizard will definitely be stronger just by simply competing with hard power."

These thoughts flashed in Yi Shuihan's mind, and what really made him care about now was his business issues.

One more world is good, one more world will have one buyer, two worlds are balanced, the three world structure will be stronger, and Yi Shuihan can earn more.

I believe that the magical things like the system will definitely buy crazy when they hear about it. If they want to study the principles and the like, Yi Shuihan is not at all worried. If the company’s system is easily compromised, then the company It will not be one of the overlords of the heavens in the car.

"According to Apache, their world was unified by an emperor Yu and established a technological empire called Qianyuan Empire. The Qianyuan Empire can completely represent the great world of that side. Not to mention the king of the world, the Emperor Zhou. There are thousands of mecha divisions at the Yudi level. There are 33 mecha divisions at the Yudi level. They are really very powerful, if Udi has the combat power of the saint level."

"We have been fighting the Wizarding World for tens of thousands of years. We know that the Wizarding World is notified by the Wizarding Alliance. The highest decision maker of the Wizarding Alliance is 24 sages. The sages and the Yudi-class mechas are at the same level. The imperial mecha division is stronger, and the high-level combat power of the two sides is delicately balanced for this."

Honghuang is really a little bit worse compared to these two worlds. Now Honghuangman has only three saints, one Hongjun, one Nuwa, and one Hou Tu. Even in the later stages, there are only 8 people. Twenty or thirty, it's simply incomparable.

From the perspective of high-end combat power, Honghuang is currently completely at a disadvantage and is at the lowest end of the three major worlds. It stands to reason that it should be destroyed.

It's just that Yi Shuihan knows that Honghuang is not so easy to fall. It is not because Yi Shuihan also built the same immortal Dao system as Honghuang, nor is it because the education Yi Shuihan received from childhood made him more recognized by Honghuang.

From Apache's mouth, Yi Shuihan still knows the difference between Honghuang and the other two worlds. The other two worlds are both naturally generated. At the beginning, they were not even the golden world, but rose step by step.

The Primordial World is different. It was created by Pangu. It is directly a high-level world. It is inherently stronger than the other two worlds. Pangu is faintly surpassing the sage level, and is about to become the Chaos Emperor or simply the existence of the Chaos Emperor, because The world he was born in is very powerful.

The world will in the prehistoric world is much more agile than the other two worlds mentioned by Apache, and there is also a boss in the prehistoric world, Hongjun, who will be in harmony in the future. Hongjun in the state of harmony is Beyond the sage, I am afraid that it can already exert the power of some of the Chaos Emperor.

Now Hongjun naturally does not have the right way, not so strong, but it is estimated that it can be worthy of the sages of the digital technology world or the wizarding world, and it is really at the critical juncture that the world is to be swallowed. Hang, then it is not impossible to fight back.

After Apache finished speaking, he saw Yi Shuihan meditating there, and he felt a little nervous. He could not tell from Yi Shuihan’s face what Yi Shuihan was thinking, and did not dare to ask, so he could only wait there. The more he waited, the more anxious he became, and the harder he was. He would rather go find a wizard and play a few games now than stay here with Yi Shuihan.

After a long time, when Yi Shuihan turned his attention to Apache again, Apache was actually pale and sweat appeared on his forehead. This is normal for an ordinary person, but the problem is that Apache is Not counting the mecha, it should be the first level of the fairy!

"Just so afraid of me?"

With a free smile, Yi Shuihan's mood is a little better. He cultivates hard and wants to become a strong person. Isn't it just like he is now, not to become a person like Apache who is scared in front of the strong?

"I ask you, can you still contact your empire?"


"Can you send something, I mean the real thing?"

"Can only send very small things, no more than the size of one person."

"That's good, I have something here, and how to use it. You pass them all back to your empire, and then you can go wherever you like."

Yi Shuihan said that he took out a system with a manual that introduced the system. The manual also stated the store opened in Honghuang, and gave several examples of attractive systems.

Apache naturally didn't dare to go against Yi Shuihan, and teleported things back in front of Yi Shuihan. The teleportation still used a special device on the mecha, which was very powerful. ,, ..

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