Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1193: First encounter with the people in the wizarding world

"Crystal Detector 1000 contributes one point, which is already higher than the price of the previous ordinary system. The equipment produced specifically to deal with this situation is said to be very popular in the world."

Take out the so-called crystal detector, which is similar to a magnifying glass. As long as there is a wizard teleporting crystal within a radius of one million, it will automatically remind you, and then you can use it to quickly find the location of the teleportation crystal.

Although the Primordial Continent is very large, the scope of the crystal probe is not small. Although the crystal cannot be found all at once, at least it will not find a needle in a haystack.

It took a week for Yi Shuihan to finally determine the location of the seven wizards to transmit the crystals by relying on the crystal probe, and then he could begin to make plans to complete the task.

"Destroying all the wizard crystals can greatly delay the wizard world’s invasion of the prehistoric world. Doing so may be regarded as a thorn in the wizard world. It is not advisable. Destroying a crystal alone may be regarded as luck. It’s not shocking enough. You must destroy half of them. Whether it’s 4 or 5 depends on the attitude of the wizards."

Yi Shuihan’s plan is to destroy the crystal and try not to kill the guarded wizard powerhouse. In this way, the wizard world will not have much hatred against him. The wizard who is comparable to the quasi-sage must also have an important position in the wizard world. The possibility of a sage standing behind is very high, and Yi Shuihan is not allowed to sin against the sage, or as far as possible.

It’s not that Yi Shuihan is afraid of the sage. He is a business man, so he naturally wants to make money with his temper. If he offends a sage, no matter how good the system is, it will have a certain impact on sales. People can buy them secretly, and then order others. People are not allowed to buy!

Without taking a group of people, Yi Shuihan and his mount Kunpeng came to the first hidden place to teleport the crystal.

It looks like a very ordinary lake on the outside, and many creatures can be seen coming to the lake to drink water at any time, and it looks peaceful and peaceful.

Such a place is easy to overlook even if it is Yi Shuihan, and will not be carefully explored to avoid destroying the tranquility.

Who knew it was dozens of miles below the lake and there was a huge hole where the wizard's teleportation crystal was there.

"A quasi-sage, or holy spirit wizard, and then seven sun-day wizards, even if there are two quasi-sages, they may not be able to win.

The Sun Wizard, that is a Tier 7 wizard, at the same level as the Realm King Class Mecha Master and the Primordial Da Luo Jinxian.

"Master, what are we doing here?"

Kunpeng asked, he could not see Yi Shuihan's purpose at all.

"Do the task."

"Do the task?"

"Yes, the Destroyer Wizard sends crystals."

Yi Shuihan's answer surprised Kunpeng. If Yi Shuihan was not joking, it means that Yi Shuihan found the place where the wizard sent the crystal, and if nothing else, the location would be here.

Kunpeng has also seen this mission. After all, he is also a separate part of the Heavenly Dao Meritorious List, and the most difficult mission has long attracted the attention of all the great powers of Honghuang, including him.

The rewards for the mission are rich. If anyone can destroy a crystal, he can get a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and if he can destroy all of them, he can exchange feats for one innate treasure.

Many great abilities are very concerned about this task, but this task is too difficult, even the heavens do not know the specific location of the crystal, they can only rely on luck, and no one has found a crystal until now.

Seeing Yi Shuihan walking towards the lake, Kunpeng's face was thoughtful.


With a soft drink, the lake water separated to the left and right, and a channel a few meters wide appeared, and the bottom of the lake could be seen through the channel.

Yi Shuihan walked into the passage, followed by Kunpeng. When he reached the middle of the lake, Yi Shuihan stopped and looked down at the bottom of the lake.

"Is it down?"

Kunpeng didn't find anything below. As a quasi-sage, his scope of exploration was also extremely large. He didn't notice a trace of strangeness for tens of thousands of miles below the bottom of the lake.

"If you found them so easily, they would have been found long ago."

Noting the doubt in Kunpeng's eyes, Yi Shuihan said.

When Yi Shuihan came to the bottom of the lake, the people below also found him. After all, Yi Shuihan did not hide it.

"Report to Master Jay that there are 2 quasi-sages on it."

"Oh? Did you find us here?"

"do not know."

"Assemble everyone, go into vigilance, and attack once they get down."


The people below waited in full battle, and once Yi Shuihan really came down, he would be attacked by violent storms.

This is not even clear to Yi Shuihan himself. He can find that the crystal is relying on a probe, and the probe can only indicate the existence of the crystal and the level of the powerful life forms near the crystal. What exactly these life forms are unable to do. to show.

Of course, Yi Shuihan was also prepared for the attack he would go down. After all, if it was him, he would definitely not miss such an opportunity.

"Wait, be careful and try to follow behind me."

After explaining this to Kunpeng, Yi Shuihan's body slowly blended into the ground.

A journey of tens of miles, tens of seconds, Yi Shuihan arrived, and when he entered the space where the crystal was, a large variety of attacks came upon him, fireballs, ice cones, venom...

Every attack does not seem to be gorgeous, but in fact the lethality is very huge, there is a certain threat to the sage, and the strongest sage is a deadly threat.

"Yeah! Friends in the wizarding world are really enthusiastic!"

Naturally, Yi Shuihan, who had been prepared for a long time, didn't suffer any injuries, until the Kunpeng who followed him was a little embarrassed.

"Continue attacking."

Another large attack was thrown over. In addition to the previous energy witchcraft, there were many other things this time. A large spider quickly approached Yi Shuihan from the ground, and exploded in front of Yi Shuihan. , A group of ugly little monsters roared and rushed over, opening their mouths to bite Yi Shuihan.

Frowning, Yi Shuihan's body flashed with thunder, all attacks were easily resolved, and a large coke monster corpse lay on the ground.

"Since you don't want to communicate, let's play a game first."

Saying that the figure disappeared in place, rushing towards the wizard's camp, and encountered a layer of enchantment-like thing halfway, but it didn't even play a role in blocking Yi Shuihan for a moment. ,, ..

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