Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1194: Destroy the crystal

The wizard side was astonished that the witch formation had no effect on Yi Shuihan, and the movements were not slow, yet another series of attacks.



"Lightning Storm"



This round of attacks was even more powerful than the previous one, but unfortunately it was useless. Yi Shuihan had already won a very fast speed and instantly accelerated slightly, perfectly avoiding all the attacks.

When he came to the front of a sun wizard, in his horrified eyes, his hand turned into a thunder knife, and even the soul of the opponent was annihilated directly.

Killing a wizard comparable to Da Luo Jinxian, Yi Shuihan continued with the next goal without fluctuation in his eyes.

Repeat Thunder Knife, one, two, three, there is no fourth, because he has already penetrated, and the other wizards are on the other side.

"This is the teleport crystal?"

10 meters in front of Yi Shuihan, a blue crystal stone the size of several people was suspended in the void, and in front of the crystal stone was a whirlpool similar to a wormhole.

"No, stop him, his goal is to send the crystal."

The wizard side reacted, but it was too late, Yi Shuihan stepped out in front of the crystal, and then silently waved his fist.

A punch was blasted, and the space was punched with a ripple, spreading, and the ripples passed over to nothingness, and the crystal was swept by the ripples.

"Fortunately, the crystal is not so easy to destroy, go and protect the water..."

Jay breathed a sigh of relief as the only holy wizard among the wizards present, the Quasi-Holy Grade existence, and then saw the teleporting crystal's tremor. After 2 seconds, a violent explosion sounded, and the teleporting crystal exploded and turned into The beautiful dust star dissipated in front of him.

"In this way, one task will be completed first!"

A low murmur sounded and passed to the wizards' ears, making their emotions instantaneous. Even if Yi Shuihan had just killed the four Yaori wizards in a devastating manner, it would be difficult to stop them from generating anger.

Wizards transmit crystals as a strategic resource in the wizarding world. It is very precious, even more valuable than those guarded wizards. The wizards have not accumulated much throughout the year. The order issued above is that the crystal is there and the crystal will no longer die.

Now that the crystal is destroyed, they will be held accountable even if they survive, and the end will be no better than death.

The eyes of all the wizards present turned red, exuding an irresistible murderous aura, looking at Yi Shuihan's eyes as if they were killing his father and enemy.

"What the **** is this? The hatred is unexpectedly big!"

Seeing the eyes of these wizards, Yi Shuihan thought of those death squads that would harm the enemy even if they died together, and immediately became a little confused.

Could it be that the wizards are so united, so I killed some of their companions, and they hated me so?

After all, Yi Shuihan didn't know the specific value of this teleporting crystal, so he got it wrong.

"Kill him at all costs."

Jay roared, his voice resounding through the air like a thunder, like a giant roaring.

"Hey! Wait, let's talk carefully if you have something. I came here with a friendly attitude. What I just said was actually a misunderstanding."

Yi Shuihan still wanted to save, but these wizards couldn't hear anything, thinking madly that Yi Shuihan tilted his magic power.

"I can't communicate at all!"

In the beginning, Yi Shuihan was just evasive, waiting for the thoughts that these people were tired of talking, but when a wizard ran out of power and ran to him to play a suicide attack, Yi Shuihan finally realized and communicated. It has become impossible, and his only choice now is to quickly kill.

"I'm really bullying. I wanted to let you go. Since I'm looking for death, I will fulfill you."

The lazy eyes became sharp in an instant. It was almost an instant that Yi Shuihan ended the wizards except Jay, and then slammed Jay.

What Yi Shuihan exploded at this time was completely beyond the quasi-sage's combat power. In Jay's eyes, it was completely sage level. Just before Yi Shuihan was about to destroy Jay, Jay shouted "surrender". .

Because it was too sudden, Yi Shuihan killed Jay for half his life even if he used the time-out, and one third of Jay's upper body was severed.

Fortunately, Jay was not an ordinary person, and the injuries that were enough to kill an ordinary person did not kill him.

"Why, didn't you just stubbornly! Surrender now?"

With a rather shifty expression on his face, he sarcastically said.


Jay coughed violently, took a small bottle from the dark inside his arms, and then slowly opened the bottle. Because of the injury, the action of opening the small bottle was repeated three times before it succeeded. Finally, he almost shook his hand. Throw the bottle out.

Under Yi Shuihan’s gaze, Jay drank the potion in the bottle. A strange red light emerged from the wound on his body, slowly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wound healed vertically, Jay’s face His pain began to decrease, and his breath calmed down.

Kunpeng, who had always been in a state of confusion from beginning to end, slowly walked to Yi Shuihan's face, his face was full of shame.

"Sorry, sir, I didn't react just now."

Kunpeng is proud, but in the battle just now, he did not play any role, even if the final winner is still Yi Shuihan, he also feels his old face is red, of course the most important thing is that he is worried about his inaction. Will cause other views of Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan raised his hand to stop Kunpeng's words, but didn't say anything, but his expression was very cold, which made Kunpeng's heart go up and down.

Fortunately, at this moment Jay finally spoke, Yi Shuihan's attention shifted, and the pressure on Kunpeng's body dropped sharply.

"Respected strong man, I am a disciple of the Storm Sage of the Wizarding Empire. You can't kill me. I ask for prisoner treatment."

"A disciple of Storm Sage?"

Yi Shuihan muttered inconspicuously, with a little surprise in his heart. He didn't understand why this guy became so fast. Didn't he still hold the feeling of death before? Could it be said that they are all pretending, because other wizards are dead, so they can't pretend?

"What happened before? Why are they so fierce and not afraid of death?"

"That's because you ruined the relationship to teleport the crystal."

Jay explained the value of teleporting the crystal, and then said why he finally surrendered. That was because the power Yi Shuihan used in the end was of the sage level. This power belongs to the power they cannot resist. In this case It is forgivable to drop the destroyed crystal, although it will be punished. ,, ..

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