Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1195: Jay shocked by the system

"It turned out to be so, but it makes sense."

After listening to Jay’s description, Yi Shuihan also nodded. Indeed, the gap between the saint and the saint is too large. They have no resistance to the saint under any circumstances. They are destroyed by the existence of the saint class and the teleportation crystal is destroyed by the wizard. It is not unacceptable for the people of the world.

"Isn't your world strictly divided by realm, but by combat power?"

"Yes, as long as the combat power is reached, the corresponding rank will be awarded. If a wizard only reaches the realm, the combat power is far from reaching the current realm, and in the eyes of others, he does not belong to this realm."

Jay's expression was taken for granted when he said this, and he obviously agreed with it.

"So it seems that the wizarding world is really terrible! Is the strong respected?"

Thinking like this in his heart, Yi Shuihan didn't really care too much, his strength had always been above the realm.

"No wonder that this attitude was adopted after I used the power beyond Quasi-Sage. In fact, if I showed my power earlier, those people wouldn't have to die?"

Silently mourned the dead wizard for 1 second.

"Next I will destroy 3 or more crystals as appropriate. Do you have any suggestions, which ones should I destroy?"

Yi Shuihan's words made Jay's expression look very beautiful all of a sudden, a little at a loss.

You want to destroy our important strategic resources, and then let me suggest which ones to destroy? Is this a mistake? It seems that we are a group, and we are enemies. Hey!

I can’t figure out what Yi Shuihan is thinking, and Jay simply stays silent, and there is some unbelief in his heart that Yi Shuihan knows the location of the other teleporting crystals. In his opinion, Yi Shuihan can find it because of luck. It's impossible to know they are here from the beginning.

"Actually, I do not intend to be an enemy of your world. I am a businessman, not from this world. I come from other worlds just like you. I came here to do business. It's just a few years before you. ."

"Are you a businessman? Are you not from this world?"

Jay looked at Yi Shuihan in surprise, with some disbelief in his eyes. After all, if what Yi Shuihan said was true, there would be no reason to destroy the teleportation crystal.

"Yes, mine is indeed a merchant, a merchant who sells systems, the so-called system, you can see this after reading this."

Speaking, take out a system introduction manual. The language above is a special text. No matter who it is, as long as you see it, the meaning will come to mind.

Jay took the manual subconsciously, and was forced to look at it because of Yi Shuihan's pressure. As a result, he was fascinated and couldn't help himself.

"There is such a thing, the system is such a thing, it is amazing, the dual repair system, as long as the continuous interaction can improve the strength, there is no sequelae."

"The legion system, you can summon various legions after completing tasks."

"Good people and good deeds system, as long as you do good deeds, you can get character value, and you can draw a lottery if you save character."

Jay muttered in a low voice as he watched it, with a crazy expression on his face.

Yi Shuihan didn't urge him, leaving Jay there to read the manual, with a smile on his face.

Kunpeng, who saw the smile on Yi Shuihan’s face, shivered all over his body. He was already familiar with Yi Shuihan. He knew that every time such a smile appeared on Yi Shuihan’s face, someone would be pitted and become Yi Shui. Han had seen the same smile when he was riding.

After a long time, Jay finally finished reading the manual and exhaled a long breath. There was still flushing on his face. Don’t get me wrong. Nothing indescribable happened. He was only too excited because he knew the system existed. that is it.

"Dear strong man, are all the things written on this true?"

Jay's voice was trembling when he spoke. After reading the manual, he didn't understand the power of the system. It can be said that with a system, even a fool can become a strong man. If the wizarding world can have some systems, the whole world will welcome it. There is a rapid development, and even this degree of importance is greater than the capture of this prehistoric world.

"If I can bring back the news from the system, I will not only be punished, but I will also be rewarded, and even become the 25th sage."

The heart was surging at this time, the crystal that Yi Shuihan destroyed before, and even the subordinate who killed him became no longer important. If he could choose again, he still hopes to encounter such a good thing today.

Jay is a disciple of a sage or not fake, but this does not mean that his status is particularly high in the wizarding world, because every sage has tens of thousands of disciples, and Jay is just one of them. To make an analogy, Jay is equivalent to the disciple of the sage, but is just the largest number of disciples.

There are 24 sages in the wizarding world, and Jay's status is not ranked in the top 100,000 in the wizarding world. This is why he was sent here as a disciple of the sages as an advance team.

"Are you questioning me? I have the need to lie to you? These are naturally true. If you can come up with something of sufficient value, it is okay for me to give you a system on the spot for you to verify it."

Yi Shuihan's face sank, his expression dissatisfied.

"Don't dare, how dare I question the lord, just because this matter is so important that I cannot accept it for a while."

Jay looked respectful. Not only did he lack Yi Shuihan’s attitude and felt panic, but he felt great joy in his heart. In his opinion, Yi Shuihan’s reaction is normal. If Yi Shuihan is happy and pleased him Will doubt.

"My lord, I have something here. Can you exchange it for a system?"

As a wizard of the Holy Spirit comparable to the quasi-sage, Jay naturally has his own inventory. Although it is not as good as the quasi-sage of the prehistoric sages, he is also richer than the general Daluo Jinxian. After all, the wizarding world is more developed than the prestige In 2009, the resources were allocated similarly, and it is normal that there are no people at the same level as rich.

"These things are enough to exchange for a poorer system, do you really want to exchange them?"

"Yes, my lord will do it."

"In that case, you can choose among these systems!",,..

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