Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1202: Two worlds, two attitudes

"I didn't expect to break directly to the quasi-sage stage, and the quasi-sage stage, which is still very stable, can already start to break toward the sage. It's a surprise."

Feeling his strength increased several times at once, Yi Shuihan’s face was full of smiles. He hadn’t actually thought before that the world promotion would bring him one step closer, after all, the last time he was promoted to Silver in the World , What brought only the increase in combat power.

"Yes, the reason why there was no increase in the realm last time was just because the silver world had reached the limit that the silver world could reach compared to my cultivation base at that time. Now that the silver world has been promoted to the gold world, the limit of the gold world is suddenly high. It’s a lot, even if it’s a newcomer gold now, the limit that can be accommodated is definitely not just Da Luo, so my cultivation level will be promoted."

Yi Shuihan soon figured out the reason.

"I don't know how strong I am now? With the blessings of the entire golden world, no one in the prehistoric world can do anything to me anymore. Even if it is a heaven, it is impossible to suppress me."

Yi Shuihan's portable world is weaker than the Primordial World, but they are also at the same level now, and the gap is visible.

Honghuang is strong, and Yi Shuihan’s portable world will not be too weak. With the identity of the master of Yi Shuihan’s world, he can borrow the power of the entire world, and heaven does not dare to say that it can mobilize the entire Honghuang, at most It is the vast majority, and the gap between the two has narrowed again.

In terms of level, the Lord of the World in a world is more powerful than Heaven’s Dao, and Heaven’s Dao also needs to act in accordance with certain rules. For example, he clearly knows that Yi Shuihan is releasing the blood of the primordial land in the primordial selling system, but he is bound by the rules. You can't attack Yi Shuihan, and at best suppress the power of those wizards from outside rather than directly obliterate them.

If you change to the Lord of the World, you don't have to follow these rules at all. If Yi Shuihan knew who came to his portable world, it would be harmful, so he wouldn't have to think about it so much, he would just obliterate it.

The increase in strength made Yi Shuihan have the urge to find someone to fight, but he finally suppressed it. Because there was no opponent, he could not go to Hongjun to fight. If he guessed correctly, Hongjun is basically Just in Hedao, looking for Hongjun is equivalent to confronting Tiandao, and facing Tiandao, if you play something good or bad, it will cause too much damage to Honghuang.

Not to mention that there are two other worlds that are gazing at him. Even if they don't, Yi Shuihan can't just let him experience his new strength and let the predecessors suffer.

After canceling the retreat and using the formation method, after more than a year of isolation, Yi Shuihan stepped out of the retreat.

"Master, you are finally out."

As soon as Yi Shuihan came out, he saw Kun Peng eagerly running over, his expression a little anxious.

"Stop first and take a deep breath."

Yi Shuihan knew that Kunpeng must have something important to report, but he was not in a hurry. Now he asked himself to have the strength to face everything.

Kunpeng was originally very anxious, but after hearing what Yi Shuihan said, he calmed down inexplicably, and naturally took a deep breath as Yi Shuihan said.

"Just now..."

Looking at Yi Shuihan in horror, Kunpeng thought of his performance just now. I don’t know if he was affected by Yi Shuihan, and let him be like that in one sentence. It’s really terrifying. If it’s a fight, wouldn’t it be a sentence? Make him feel dizzy, even let him commit suicide without even knowing it.

Seeing Yi Shuihan's powerful ability, Kunpeng really calmed down a lot this time. With such power, everything is easy to say.

"That's it. During your retreat, sir, people from the wizarding world and the technological world have already come. They want to buy a lot of systems. Because you are not there, they went to the store to buy them. The result was discovered and caused a lot of trouble. In the battle, our predecessors were finally defeated, and we still relied on the sage Nuwa to make those people retreat."

"Later they went to the store to buy the system again, and there came a Binglan Sage from the Wizarding World, and the Nuwa Sage couldn't help him. In the end, the Houtu Sage came to join forces and only managed to draw a tie with the Binglan Sage. "

"In the last science and technology world, a Yudi appeared. He took advantage of the battle and took the East Emperor Taiyi away. He also took away the system in the shop. Styx is a clone, so there is nothing wrong with him. You go to him to beg people."

After Kunpeng finished speaking, looking at Yi Shuihan's face, he found that Yi Shuihan still had a smile on his face and was a little confused.

"Interesting, let me go and beg people? What if I just go there, I hope his head is iron enough."

For Yudi in the technological world, Yi Shuihan only felt that the other party was dying. Could it be that he didn't inquire about his news after coming to Honghuang? I don't know that he is not easy to mess with.

Naturally, Yi Shuihan didn’t know that the Emperor Yu was actually inquiring about everything after he came to Honghuang, but he was too confident in his own strength, thinking that no matter how strong Yi Shuihan is, he cannot be better than him. Do whatever you want.

Compared to the wizarding world, the Yudi of the science and technology world is even less suppressed in this predecessor, because they rely on mechas, which are foreign objects, and the predominant way of heaven mainly suppresses cultivation.

A suppressed sage can be one enemy to two, and the strength of Yudi is similar after being suppressed, because the strength of the sage is slightly stronger than that of Yudi.

In fact, the entire prehistoric land does not know the specific strength of Yi Shuihan. It can only be inferred from the several battles shown by Yi Shuihan. He believes that Yi Shuihan has the strength of a saint, but he does not think that Yi Shuihan has much of a saint. Strong, this also misled the Yudi from the technological world.

"Where is that Yudi now?"

"On Kunlun."

"Go to Kunlun? That's not Sanqing's site."

"He drove Sanqing out."

Nodded, Yi Shuihan asked again

"What is the attitude of the sage in the wizarding world, didn't he contact you?"

"Sage Binglan asked me to say hello to the master on his behalf, and asked me to notify him after the master leaves the customs, and he will visit him personally."

"Oh? This one in Wizarding World is still very friendly!"

The different attitudes of the two worlds caused Yi Shuihan's heart to lean towards the wizarding world. Because of this bias, the technological world will lose a lot of benefits that should not have been lost. ,, ..

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