Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1203: Guards against the sky

In Kunlun Mountains, buildings with a sci-fi atmosphere stand here, forming a steel fortress. You can see many ships and even mechas rising and falling among them.

"This style of painting has completely changed! From Xianxia to science fiction."

When Yi Shuihan saw this scene, he was quite emotional.

By Yi Shuihan's side, Kunpeng was also curious to see that this architectural style was completely different from the prehistoric style.

Yi Shuihan still feels amazed that the technological world can build a fortress here openly. Kunlun, as the site of Sanqing, is considered a treasure of geomantic omen in the entire prehistoric land. If it weren’t for Sanqing’s cultivation base, status, and background, Hard, it's not their turn.

Sanqing was driven away, so I should go to Hongjun for help, and as a member of the anti-invasion alliance, it is possible to call on the alliance to drive away the emperor of this technology world, so that people will not be built on Kunlun Mountain. Okay base camp.

"Isn't there a task on the Heavenly Dao Meritorious Meritorious List that is cleared here? The merit value of the reward is still relatively high, why is no one coming?"

With doubts, Yi Shuihan flew to the fortress, honestly.

"Warning, flying is not allowed here, please land and walk, otherwise you will be regarded as an enemy and be bombarded."

Starting from the electronic sound, Yi Shuihan felt that he was locked by a lot of naval guns.

"Is this trying to give me a chance?"

There was a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and Yi Shuihan ignored these warnings and flew straight in the direction where he perceived Lidong Emperor Taiyi.



Laser rays, missiles, and even special bullets were venting madly towards Yi Shuihan. These are not ordinary technological weapons, but they are also useful for Da Luo Jinxian. Replaced with ordinary worlds, they can easily destroy countless planets.

"My lord, can you do this?"

In a similar room, there was a huge screen, and what was displayed on the screen was the picture of Yi Shuihan being attacked.

"What's wrong is to let him know how powerful our technology world is. Besides, we have reminded him that he doesn't want to follow our rules."

"What if this person becomes angry and doesn't sell the system to us?"

"Not for sale? I can't help him, my mecha is not a display."

There are only 2 people in the room. One is the Apache that Yi Shuihan has seen. At this time, the Apache aura is dozens of times stronger than that seen by Yi Shuihan. Teacher; the other is the Yudi who grabbed Donghuang Taiyi and also robbed the system. This Yudi sat on a huge golden chair, exuding the breath of watching everything, as if everything was As if not in his eyes.

Emperor Yu’s name is Tu Ba, his name is arrogant, and his personality is as arrogant as his name. Originally, the Qianyuan Empire sent him to contact Yi Shuihan to let him release his goodwill first, and he himself believed that Yi Shuihan should be suppressed first. , And then forced Yi Shuihan to call out the system, just give some rewards.

Looking at Yi Shuihan who was bombed on the screen, Tu Ba smiled, but the next moment his smile froze on his face.

"How dare he? Looking for death!"

Tu Ba stood up abruptly, and the chair under him was scrapped because of excessive force.

The screen had turned into darkness, and at the end it showed that the lasers and missiles that attacked Yi Shuihan had all flew back, destroying all the weapons in the fortress, and even the surveillance.

In his anger, Tu Ba directly dressed in mecha and killed him in Yi Shuihan's direction, leaving Apache in the room alone.

"I have a bad premonition. I just need to communicate well, Master Tu Ba must provoke him."


"Yo, little Taiyi, I'm here to pick you up."

When I saw Donghuang Taiyi, he looked very embarrassed. He was wearing a prison uniform. His hair was messy, his nose was bruised, his face was swollen, and there were some blood stains on the corners of his mouth. This is hard to see for those who are successful in cultivation, especially Taiyi. Quasi-sage, this injury cannot be left at all, and the system of Quasi-sage will recover in a moment.

"The shopkeeper, is it really you?"

Donghuang Tai didn't believe it when he saw Yi Shuihan, and after wiping his eyes fiercely, he said with surprise on his face, it seems that he has suffered a lot here.

"Is the cultivation base sealed by a special method? No wonder it is so, the breath is the same as that of a mortal."

Looking at the collar around Donghuang Taiyi's neck, Yi Shuihan thoughtfully.

"It's me, wait, I'll get that thing down for you right away."

Speaking, Yi Shuihan walked to the front of Donghuang Taiyi and stretched out his hand to touch the collar.

"It's useless, the seal lock can't be removed without the correct way..."

Tu Ba also rushed to the scene at this time and sneered when he saw Yi Shuihan's movements. However, he hadn't finished his words. He only heard a click, the collar was taken down by Yi Shuihan and he was in the mecha. The Tu Ba among them stared with big eyes.

Damn it! Should I slap my face so fast? I'm totally caught off guard!

"Did you say anything just now? Can you say it again?"

Yi Shuihan threw the collar casually, then turned around and asked Tu Ba.

Just kidding, how could Yi Shuihan dare to do it without being sure? Yes, he saw this kind of seal lock for the first time. It would have been impossible for him to open it in such a short time. But Yi Shuihan is a backstage person. I directly spent some contribution points to purchase this seal lock release method, and took down the collar in seconds.

Tu Ba was so angry that he almost lost his reason, and simply stopped talking. An energy cannon was fired in the past. It was full of power and completely reached the standard of a saint. This was to kill Yi Shuihan!

For this kind of guy who doesn't agree with each other, Yi Shuihan said, come and come, can do it, I actually don't want to talk!

Instantly blessed the state of the Lord of the World, the combat power was violent, and then just gently released a trace of warfare.

"Uh! Is this done?"

Looking at the mecha that had stopped cooking blankly, Yi Shuihan felt so incredible that he hadn't even shot it yet! Is there such a big gap in strength?

"Huh, are they both?"

Suddenly discovering that Kunpeng and Donghuang Taiyi were also lying on the ground, Yi Shuihan had a deep understanding of his state just now, which was simply against the sky. ,, ..

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