Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1204: Big business in the wizarding world

"This seems to have gone beyond the scope of saints! Even if they face the saints, Kunpeng and the others are completely able to stay awake, and I haven't fully released my aura before they fainted."

Yi Shuihan had some guesses about the easy coma of Tu Ba, Yu Di, that the world of science and technology from which Tu Ba came from was much weaker than the world of cultivation at the same level. It was completely dependent on mechas. With such a high output, Yu Di is equivalent to a saint, and its endurance is actually not higher than that of a quasi saint. It is a bit reluctant to say that it can reach the endurance of a saint.

"What should I do now?"

Standing in place, Yi Shuihan thought.

A good plot of pretending to be slapped in the face, it ended like this before it even started, it is really not the opponent's strength!

After such a show, the mood that Yi Shuihan had brewed was almost gone, and he felt a sense of depression.

"No matter, let's finish the matter quickly."

First awakened Kunpeng and Donghuang Taiyi who were in a coma, and then awakened the butcher who had been in the body because of the coma.

The sober Tu Ba looked at Yi Shuihan right in front of him, his consciousness still staying at the time when he attacked Yi Shuihan before, but he was a bit at a loss for a while not seeing the imaginary picture.

"Hand over all the looting systems, and then we will talk about compensation and follow-up cooperation."

Hearing Yi Shuihan's words, Tu Ba's first reaction was that Yi Shuihan was making fun of him. Just as he was about to say a few sarcasm, he suddenly realized that a big slap appeared in front of him.

Not a face slap, Yi Shuihan just put his palm on Tu Ba’s head, his eyes were extremely silent, and he said in a very indifferent tone.

"If you don't pay, you will die, and if you don't pay compensation, you will die."

A sense of fear spread from the depths of his soul, Tu Ba couldn't afford a trace of resistance. Somehow, he just felt that if he said nothing, he would really die.

This feeling was very absurd, but Tu Ba didn't have any doubts at all. Under the threat of his life, ghosts and gods took out his system in the storage space.

"It seems you have made a choice."

Removed his hand from Tu Ba's head, Tu Ba was panting, looking like he was escaping from death.

"Taiyi, check if there is any shortage."

"Okay, shopkeeper."

After a moment of stunned, Donghuang Taiyi replied hesitantly.

After a while, the Eastern Emperor and his wife Yi Shuihan nodded, indicating that they hadn't missed anything.

This is also the luck of the tyrant. In fact, the tyrant plans to send these systems back to his world in the next few days. If Yi Shuihan stays at night for a few more days, he won’t be able to see these systems. He didn't want to see it.

"Next, let's talk about compensation..."

Ten minutes later, Yi Shuihan left Kunlun Mountain contentedly, leaving the butcher with regret on his knees on the ground, completely resembling a bereaved dog.


"Master, the Sage Binglan is here."

Not long after Yi Shuihan came back, people from the Wizarding World came to visit, and the speed was not so fast. Obviously, they have been paying attention to Yi Shuihan here.

"Then let him come over!"

After getting enough benefits from Tu Ba, Yi Shuihan was in a pretty good mood. Besides, this ice sage was very acquainted, and Yi Shuihan naturally didn't mean to pinch the opponent.

When I saw Bing Lan, Yi Shuihan felt that the other party was younger than he thought. This youth does not mean the appearance, because anyone who has cultivated to a high level can change his appearance at will. On the surface, it is difficult to see the other party. At the age of, and they are all at the level of Yi Shuihan, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of years old are considered young.

Bing Lan was young because Yi Shuihan felt the youthful vitality from Bing Lan. It can be seen that Bing Lan's mentality is extremely young and positive, giving people a feeling of pursuit.

Bing Lan's short hair, a tall figure, a firm face, and a pair of deep blue eyes are piercing and piercing, saying that he is a wizard, more like a warrior.

Seeing Yi Shuihan, Bing Lan showed a smile on his face, and made a very peculiar gesture to Yi Shuihan. This is a wizarding ceremony in the wizarding world, representing friendship.

"I'm Bing Lan, you should be the owner of Too Yi shop?"

Bing Lan added a shop owner to Yi Shuihan's title, indicating that what he valued was not Yi Shuihan's strength, but the identity of selling the system.

"I have been admiring a great name for you and I have faced two saints with one enemy and two in Honghuang without falling into the wind. Unfortunately, I was in retreat at the time and didn't see it with my own eyes."

"I've passed the award. Actually, I took advantage of them to break through the realm. To be honest, I have been in the realm of the sage for more than 100,000 years, and I am now in the middle of the sage."

"Strength is strength, besides, you have been suppressed some strength in this world!"

The atmosphere between Yi Shuihan and Bing Lan was very good, and they quickly got acquainted with each other deliberately, and the laughter continued for a while.

Bing Lan and Yi Shuihan talked a lot about things in the wizarding world, basically knowing everything, and sincerely said that the wizarding world does not have to invade other worlds, but the resources of the wizarding world can no longer satisfy them. The need for progress is the last resort to start wars. If Honghuang is willing to coexist peacefully, wars can be avoided.

Yi Shuihan couldn't deny what Bing Lan said, indicating that he was not a predecessor, and that this matter should not be discussed with him.

Seeing this, Bing Lan didn't talk about prehistoric things, and simply talked about system matters with Yi Shuihan. They wanted to buy a lot of systems, hoping that Yi Shuihan would give some discounts.

"A lot, how much is it?"

"This is the list of systems we need to buy."

Bing Lan took out a piece of parchment, on which secretly written various systems, basically hundreds of types, and the total number is even more than a thousand. In the end, he also proposed that if there is a system that can cultivate sages and wizards, it will also come. 2 pcs.

"This is not to buy it back for use, but to buy it back to study it!"

The reason for this conclusion is that the types are too complicated, and many systems are too rubbish, which does not have much effect on the wizard world to enhance the strength, unless they can use these systems to create the corresponding systems themselves.

If this business can really be done, Yi Shuihan can pretend to earn millions of contribution points. After the calculation, Yi Shuihan's heart is instantly moved. ,, ..

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