Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1205: Go to war with the tech world

"Say good first, don't blame me if the system is broken by your research."

"Of course I won't blame the shopkeeper. Don't worry, we will be ours if it breaks."

Bing Lan said with a confident expression that he trusts the research ability of their wizards, because their wizards grow by relying on knowledge, and solving difficulties is a necessary skill for every wizard.

"To be honest, I also have wizards who train sages, but the success rate is only about 20%. Are you sure you want to?"

"really have?"


"Then want it."

The success rate of 20% does not scare Bing Lan at all, thinking that the probability of becoming a sage in the wizarding world is calculated at one in a billion, not to mention the success rate of 20%, that is, 1 Chengdu is very high.

"I don't support installment payment here!"

"Pay in installments? No need. I have brought enough treasures and can trade on the spot."

Bing Lan's words made Yi Shuihan have the urge to rob him immediately. This is a transaction worth millions. You must know that Yi Shuihan hasn't made so much after staying in the land for so long.

"That's fine, but for the time being, I don't have that much in my hands. I can trade in three transactions! I will give you a 20% discount."

"Of course there is no problem, but as soon as possible."

I like such a refreshing customer. Yi Shuihan is very good with Bing Lan's senses now, and the smile on his face can't stop.

Without further ado, Yi Shuihan made a deal with Bing Lan on the spot, and he would directly receive one million contribution points. If it weren’t for the three deals he had previously said, he wanted to finish the deal immediately.

"How about the second transaction three months later? As for half a year after the last transaction, because the system for cultivating sages is a bit precious, it takes longer."

"Then I will wait for the good news from the owner."

"It's easy to talk, come, come, and have a meal together."

Bing Lan brought so much benefit, Yi Shuihan would naturally not be stingy with some delicacies. This meal took a full day and night.

When Bing Lan left, Yi Shuihan was excited to go to the world, and he went to sleep with his wives. He had been fighting for a few days before he came out. If he hadn't had a double cultivation secret method, he would probably collapse, after all. Take a hostile N.

"Now, I have become a rich man completely. When the transaction is completed, the cultivation resources will support me and the Emperor of Chaos is enough."

Looking at the shopping list in front of him, the various genius treasures from the heavens and worlds on it gave him an urge to buy.

"This Bing Lan has no evil intentions from beginning to end. It's a bit strange! Why is he so honest? It's impossible for him not to be tempted with such a big benefit."

If you compare your heart to heart, Yi Shuihan will stand in Binglan's position, and he will not be willing to trade like this, at least first determine whether Yi Shuihan's strength is worthy of equal treatment.

"Follow him! No matter what the conspiracy is, it's scum in the face of absolute strength. It's time to consider completing the task of the system."

The prerequisite of the system mission is the collision between the predecessor and the outside world, so the mission cannot be completed in the current situation is relatively stable. If Yi Shuihan does not want to wait, he can only guide the two sides to collide.

As a result, Yi Shuihan went to the headquarters of the Anti-Invasion Alliance non-stop, a special space created by the powerful people.

This special space actually invited Yi Shuihan to build it together, but at that time Yi Shuihan was in retreat, so he was absent.

Here, Yi Shuihan saw Sanqing. Sanqing's complexion was not so good. There was a sense of depression, especially Yuanshi, which felt like a volcano that could erupt at any time.

Seeing Yi Shuihan, San Qing barely smiled. Yi Shuihan was a little sad in this scene. The former Sanqing was so energetic and energetic, and now even the Wuwei Laozi can't maintain his previous temperament.

"Tao Yi Daoist, you finally got out. People in the world of science and technology really deceived people too much. Relying on their strength, they drove us out of Kunlun."

Tongtian complained to Yi Shuihan, he was also very angry about what happened to him.

"In my opinion, we should first unite and drive people from the world of science and technology back. Fellow Daoist, since you have already left customs, you have to contribute to this matter!"

Yuan Shi looked at Yi Shuihan with some expectation. Before, he thought that the tyrant was strong, and he had nothing to do with the anti-invasion alliance. Now that he has the power of Yi Shuihan as a saint, he also has the confidence to deal with the tyrant. It's hope.

"This is certain. Kunlun, as the dojo of the three Taoist friends, should belong to you in the first place, and it is a robber's behavior to take over by outsiders."

Yi Shuihan said affirmatively, San Qing's eyes lit up, and his affection for Yi Shuihan greatly increased.

After a few words of greeting, I learned that Yi Shuihan was coming, and many great abilities came forward to say hello, and soon all 7 members of the parliament arrived.

A meeting was held under the auspices of Hongyun. The participants included 7 members of parliament and hundreds of people were in attendance.

"The theme of this meeting is to fight the world of science and technology and whether to take back Kunlun Mountain."

Hong Yun said very much the host Fan Er.

"I agree to war. The people in the technological world are too arrogant. Today he took Kunlun. If we don't respond, can they take the entire prehistoric land?"

"I also agree to go to war, not to contribute to the arrogance of the technological world."

"To start war, we must go to war, let them know that we are not easy to provoke"

Almost all Mighty's arguments support the start of war, even those who are not able to deal with Sanqing. They are not stupid, they know the truth of their lips and teeth.

Seeing this scene, Sanqing was very pleased, and Yuan Shi nodded again and again.

"Okay, Members have heard everyone's opinions, now I would like to ask Members to speak up."

The scene calmed down, all eyes were focused on Yi Shuihan and the 7 of them, and the most eyes were on Yi Shuihan, which may have something to do with Yi Shuihan's non-primal status.

If Yi Shuihan said nothing at this time, he would probably be driven out of the prehistoric land, thinking that he was a traitor or something.

"Kunlun is our Sanqing, but it is even more prehistoric."

Laozi said this lightly, showing his attitude.

"I support going to war."

Dijiang said loudly.

"Our homeland needs protection."

Zhen Yuanzi is very determined.


Houtu cherished the words like gold, and then Nuwa and Dijun also expressed their support, and only Yi Shuihan remained silent. ,, ..

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