Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1224: The incarnation of heaven in front of you

When the great creatures were crying and desperate, there was a special character in front of Yi Shuihan.

"Please stay here and don't move."

This is a young man dressed in white, with a slight smile on his face, perfect, but his eyes are cold and ruthless.

"Can't that work? I have to help my wife."

Yi Shuihan shook his head and said, the white-clothed youth in front of him was very strong, far superior to any Yudi, wizard or saint Yi Shuihan had ever seen, even Hongjun was not as good as him.

If Yi Shuihan's portable world hadn't been promoted to the Golden World, Yi Shuihan would not be an enemy of the opponent at all, and even now he felt that the white-clothed youth in front of him had the qualifications to make him use his full strength.

"Move and die."

The voice of the white-clothed youth was extremely colder, and as his voice fell, the tens of thousands of chaotic air around him disappeared.

"God? I don't know if you are in the wizarding world or in the technological world. How strong can you be today?"

Yi Shuihan pointed out the identity of the young man in front of him. It is true that the man in front of him is not an ordinary creature, but is spoken by a heavenly path. The composition of the whole body is the origin of the advanced world.

Some greedily looked at the young man in front of him. Yi Shuihan never thought that he would encounter this kind of thing. The body composed of world origin is too extravagant. Some of this body's advanced world origin has five parts, hands, Feet, heart, torso and head.

"If I can use it for my own use, my portable world can at least double."

The prerequisite for collecting for his own use is to defeat the incarnation of Heaven in front of him. This is not a problem for Yi Shuihan as long as he gives more time.

The problem now is that Yi Shuihan doesn't have time to spend on this Heavenly Dao Incarnation. Otherwise, once he defeats this Heavenly Dao incarnation, the prey will be over.

Even when the sage and Emperor Yu set up a conspiracy last time, Yi Shuihan never thought that the two worlds would really be so thoroughly aligned. According to the inquiries from the two worlds, the senior leaders of the two worlds should not have this. The tendency is right.

Obviously, Yi Shuihan at that time forgot to consider the heavenly ways of the two worlds. After all, it is not the so-called saint powerhouse who controls one world, but the heavenly way. As long as the two heavenly ways reach an agreement, everything becomes logical.


Just when Yi Shuihan planned to ignore the incarnation of Heaven in front of him and save Hou Tu, the expression of the incarnation of Heaven changed, and then a voice resounded in the hearts of the entire prehistoric creatures.

"I am the way of heaven, and the prehistoric times have reached the moment of life and death. I hope those who contribute their strength will not resist, and coexist and die with the prehistoric times."

One by one, things similar to fluorescent light emerged from the prehistoric creatures, and the entire prehistoric state seemed to be shrouded in fluorescent light. These fluorescent lights rose upward, gathered together, and grew larger and larger, and finally turned out to be like a sun.

The huge sun was divided into three parts. One part continued to rise to the unknown void, where the battlefield belonged to the heavens. The other part flew to the saint-level battlefield, and then converted into several parts to each saint and several powerful quasi In Sheng's body, the strength of Nuwa, Sanqing and other saints instantly doubled several times. Before, they were all hanged one-on-one, but now they are one-on-one.

Di Jun fully demonstrated the power of the system and was blessed. With one enemy four, he was actually stronger than the saints.

The ancestral witches, who formed the twelve capitals, gods and demons, also dragged down 4 Yudi.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun joined forces to deal with a sage. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi fights against a sage alone, Fuxi, Kunpeng...

In short, with all of a sudden effort, the predecessor on the battlefield of the saint was barely able to withstand it, and there was no counterattack at all until the beginning.

One-third was used to strengthen high-end combat power, one-third went to Heavenly Dao, and the last one-third flew to the army of the Emperor Eternal and the Sun Wizard. Today’s explosion occurred, almost one-tenth of the prehistoric capital. As a result, more than 90% of the Zhouhuang and Yaori wizards who died in the explosion were destroyed, leaving only a few thousand.

Taking this opportunity, the quasi-saints counterattacked, and for a time they also resisted the enemy several times with themselves.

At this moment the heritage of the prehistoric finally broke out, indicating that the prehistoric cannot be slaughtered, even if the jade is burned, the enemy must be beautiful.

"His spirit and energy seemed to have been drawn for nearly half all at once, and now it seems to be able to solve him with a full burst of energy."

Yi Shuihan looked at the incarnation of Tiandao whose eyes had become a little dull, and he was overjoyed.

What hasn't been said, Houtu, whose strength has soared, should be able to last for a while, go all out to solve the clone of Heaven in front of him, and win the origin of the higher world.

The power of the world was immediately released with all its strength, and the pressure that surpassed the saints instantly rose to the sky. The entire prehistoric, quasi-sages lost their mobility under this pressure, and the quasi-sages could not exert their full strength and could only use less than 10% of them. The strength, as for the saints, can only use 50%, this is because they are too far away.

"Time stands still."

Raising his hand was a moment of stillness, but it held the Tiandao incarnation for a ten-thousandth of an instant. Yi Shuihan arrived in front of the Tiandao incarnation, and the power of the semi-chaotic body was used frantically towards the right fist. At this moment, a layer of solid chaotic air was covered, and the gray chaotic air turned pure black.

On the surface, it looks the same as One Piece’s armed color domineering, but the actual level is higher than the unknown number of dimensions. This trace of chaos is enough to overthrow the One Piece world.

The right fist blasted towards the heart of the Heavenly Dao Incarnation, but the actual concentration was the shoulder of the Heavenly Dao Incarnation. At this critical juncture, the Heavenly Dao incarnation still moved slightly.

The sound of "click" sounded, and the shoulder of the incarnation of Tiandao was shattered, but because it did not hit the key point, the shattered shoulder quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was restored to the original state in less than a thousandth of an instant.

"Time disrupted."

It was another force of time. Tiandao's body stiffened due to excessive force in the counterattack. Yi Shuihan completely grasped the stiffness. This time the goal was to kick both legs and one leg.

"Want to recover?"

With his eyes flashing, Yi Shuihan grabbed the hands of the Tiandao Incarnation with both hands, and with a pull, he tore off his arms, and the Tiandao Incarnation's momentum suddenly dropped by one-fifth.

The broken arm still wanted to go back. Yi Shuihan threw it directly into the portable space. Suddenly, there was no movement in those arms. However, Yi Shuihan also suffered some backlash, and his strength dropped by about 10%. .

Heavenly Dao clone dropped by 20%, Yi Shuihan 10%, this exchange is still very cost-effective. ,, ..

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