Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1225: Defeat the avatar of Tiandao

"Profanity, you **** it."

The voice of the avatar of Heaven is like the soul of Jiuyou, and it is full of endless evil spirits.

Fairness and justice, abandoning emotions in order to maintain the operation of heaven and earth and everything, this is the most reasonable way of heaven, similar to an intelligence rather than life.

The Heavenly Dao in front of Yi Shuihan now contains a variety of complex emotions. This emotion is not simulated, but is a combination of countless emotions.

"Could it be that it has become a special heaven in a novel, composed of all the consciousness of life in the world, and then these lives are contaminated, making the heaven selfish, devouring everything for its own strength, and restarting the world from time to time ?"

This thought flashed away, and the incarnation of Heaven had a new movement.

All kinds of rule attacks are in the hands of the incarnation of Heaven, wood, water, fire, earth, light, darkness, cause and effect, and even space and the time that Yi Shuihan has used before. Heaven shows what omnipotence is to Yi Shuihan.

Who is the way of heaven? As long as he controls the world, he can use the skills created by those who control the world, and he can also innovate and make new ones more powerful than before.

"It should be the way of heaven in the wizarding world."

Why did you make this judgment, because most of the incarnations in front of the Heavenly Dao use witchcraft.

"It's not just you who can turn on the selfless mode!"

As the lord of the world, Yi Shuihan can also use the skills of his creatures in the world, as well as various laws.

So the two sides began to fight, all kinds of moves emerged one after another, and there was no rule at all. This kind of battle is the most difficult and full of unpredictability, that is, the way of heaven or the Lord of the world can fight like this, replaced by someone else, even a saint. All will be beaten up.

In the beginning, the avatar of Tiandao and Yi Shuihan were about the same, and even slightly suppressed Yi Shuihan. After all, Yi Shuihan was not good at fighting in this mode. This was the first time. Familiar, Yi Shuihan gradually found a sense, and finally relied on his strong physical fitness to win the victory with injury for injury.

The five sources were all put in the portable space to suppress, at this time Yi Shuihan could only exert half of his strength.

"Huh, it seems that I still underestimated the Heavenly Dao, an incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, most of the consciousness is not here to be able to beat me like this, unless I thoroughly cultivate into a chaotic body, otherwise I can't win against the Heavenly Dao."

If you can't win, you can't win. Yi Shuihan is also sure that Heavenly Dao can't do anything to him. The same is true for the power that Heavenly Dao incarnation can use to replace all consciousness.

"There is not enough time, the husband of Houtu is here."

There was no time to recover, and there was no need to recover. Yi Shuihan stepped out and entered the spatial turbulence. Once again, the battlefield that was already a saint appeared, just blocking the front of Hou Tu.

"Hello! Wife see clearly, it's me."


Hou Tu looked at Yi Shuihan in front of him in surprise. Although she was strengthened, she was still a little unable to hold it. If she was not thinking of Yi Shuihan in her heart, she might have fallen. Seeing Yi Shuihan finally came. After she was relieved, she staggered forward and fell forward.

"Thank you, leave it to me next!"

Yi Shuihan put Hou Tu in his arms and said softly.


Hou Tu closed his eyes in relief, which shows how fierce the battle was before, exhausting his mind.

"Meeting again, Albert, Hulint."

"How could you be here?"

Seeing Yi Shuihan, Albert's face was shocked. He knew what was going to stop this person, and he couldn't believe that even that one couldn't help Yi Shuihan.

"Albert, it's all about fighting now. I don't believe that he came here without any injuries. Maybe he is just the end of the battle."

Hulinte shouted, holding back the fear in his heart.

"Oh, is it so!"

"of course......"

Hullint felt that he was speaking but found that he was already speechless. The change in the scenery in front of him actually saw a very familiar body, and that body was turning into fly ash.

"This is my body!"

At the moment of enlightenment, Hulinte's consciousness plunged into eternal darkness.

Seeing this scene, Albert’s pupils tightened for a while. He didn’t see how Yi Shuihan made his move. He didn’t even move where Yi Shuihan moved in his consciousness, but his reason told him it must be. Made by Yi Shuihan.

"I want to die like that too?"

As soon as this idea was born, Albert felt his whole body numb, and his body seemed to be bound by endless chains, unable to move any minute.

Yi Shuihan obviously just glanced over at random, and Albert was inexplicably terrified. He was actually frightened and fainted. His body fell from the air and smashed into a swamp below.

"So exaggerated?"

For a moment, Yi Shuihan was a little bit dumbfounded. He did intend to kill the other party, but he hadn't released the killing intent. It was like a person saw an ant on the side of the road and stepped on it. In fact, it was just The heart is a little irritable, and there is not much heart that really wants to kill the ant. Albert is the ant to Yi Shuihan.

"Forget it, just let you fend for yourself because you didn't take a cruel hand to Hou Tu."

It is judged that Albert did not make a ruthless hand because Yi Shuihan understood that even if Hou Tu had blessings, his strength was actually equal to Albert, because Albert was also extremely strong among wizards and sages, and now Hou Tu is only a spirit. Can't bear it, there is no injury on his body, naturally it is the opponent's hand.

I have to say that Albert took his life back, and Yi Shuihan didn't bother to continue to attack Albert, holding Houtu in one hand and heading to other places.

Yi Shuihan's existence is completely enough to change the situation of the battle, even if he is less than half of his mind on the battlefield, he still only uses one hand to attack.

In less than a minute, Yu Di and the wizards were killed by Yi Shuihan 20, and the remaining few were not rivals on the prehistoric side. The saints could also take part in the battlefield of the quasi saint level. The victory on the prehistoric continent has been decided.

"Finally, it depends on the battle above?"

Raising his head, Yi Shuihan's gaze penetrated through the chaos and saw the battlefield that belonged to the heavens.

"The Great Way of Heaven is downwind. If you don't show any hole cards, you will be suppressed. This is not good!"

Yi Shuihan didn't want to see the prehistoric being divided by the other two realms, and suddenly had the idea to participate. ,, ..

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