Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1229: Rift between brothers

"Come on, call Uncle."

"Good uncle."

To the uncle Donghuang Taiyi, the ten little golden crows are very intimate, and they are called very happily, perhaps because they are the same as the golden crows and are connected by blood.

Seeing his nephew, Donghuang Taiyi was also very happy. First he hugged them one by one, and also took out a lot of treasures to them. They were all of the congenital spirit treasure level, and the performance was very magnificent. I saw Emperor Jundu. I was a little surprised. As the Demon Sovereign, he didn't dare to take out so many treasures without changing his face. Of course, it was not that he did not have, but there were so many people under his hands. In terms of less, more.

"Sister, let's talk aside and let their brothers reminisce about the past."

Xi He spoke to Mei Ji proactively.

Meiji looked at Donghuang Taiyi, and saw Donghuang Tai nod her head, and then said to Xihe

"Okay, sister, please come with me, I also want to ask my sister something!"

As a mission that did not appear in the original myth, Meiji is inferior to Xihe in strength and heels. When Yi Shuihan was just selected as a candidate for the employee’s wife, she was only the golden fairy, not even the big Luo Jinxian. In the era when the quasi-saints are as many as dogs and the big Luo Jinxian walks all over the land, it is indeed very inconspicuous.

From the perspective of the Honghuang people, Meiji and Donghuang Taiyi are totally unmatched. Their combination is like an ordinary Meiji who cannot marry an ordinary girl and the richest man in the country. At that time, most of the people of Honghuang People are puzzled.

But who made Yi Shuihan choose it! His concept is completely different from these guys. Wife! As long as you like it and you are loyal to yourself, it's ok. As for the cultivation talent, it is all clouds. A system can be easily solved, and it is not enough to use a resource pile.

Affected by Yi Shuihan’s thinking and concepts, Donghuang Taiyi spent a large part of his income to help Mei Ji. Now Mei Ji is a real quasi-sage powerhouse. He has gone from Jinxian to quasi-sage for hundreds of years, even at this speed. It is also a very fast speed in today's prehistoric times. You must know that Meiji is not a human race, she is born with an innate Taoist body, but a monster race with slow growth in cultivation.

With the departure of Xihe and Meiji, only one or two brothers, Emperor Jun and Donghuangtai, remained in the room.

Dijun looked at Donghuang Taiyi with a little entanglement, and was still a little bit awkward about asking Donghuang Taiyi for help.

Donghuang Tai was thoughtful when he saw this. After being a clerk in the store for so long, Donghuang Taiyi has also become a master of words and expressions, and it is not difficult to guess Dijun's thoughts.

"Brother, just talk about it if you have anything! As long as my younger brother can help, I will definitely help. We are brothers, aren't we?"

This kind of expression gave Di Jun a little comfort in his heart and made him determined to speak out.

"That's the case, you must also know the recent prehistoric situation. The Human Race has been pressing **** my Monster Race and has swallowed too much territory of our Monster Race. For the sake of the overall situation, I have repeatedly tolerated, but they don't know how to be grateful. Constantly demanding more territory and resources, not long ago, our monster clan's territory has shrunk by one-tenth."

After a pause, Di Jun continued

"You know my strength, and it has a certain relationship with the system. If this continues, even if I rely on the system, my strength will fall below the saint. By then, the monster race will have no power to fight against the human race. , As the Demon Emperor, I can't do anything, I..."

Di Jun clenched his hands and made a sound of muscle rubbing, his face gritted his teeth.

"If that's the case, the older brother just needs to change a system. I can support the older brother and change to a better system. I believe that with the strength of the older brother, it is definitely possible to become a saint."

Donghuang Taiyi knew Yi Shuihan's attitude, and Yi Shuihan supported the Human Race, so he didn't want to see Emperor Jun and the Human Race against each other. In addition, the Human Race was originally the protagonist of the heavenly determination, and God's will cannot be violated.

"Does the Yaozu really only become a vassal?"

Di Jun said loudly, he was ambitious and didn't want to give up his position.

"So what else?"

Dong Huangtai replied helplessly.

"Taiyi, you have changed. Ever since you became the clerk of that guy, you have changed. You have to know that you are also a member of the Yaozu!"

Di Jun looked at Donghuang Taiyi with disappointment.

"Big brother, being an emperor is really that important? After all, this world is respected by strength. As long as your strength goes up, there will be everything. The purpose of the initial establishment of the Yaozu by Big Brother was just to give the Yaozu a good living environment As long as you give up the status of the Demon Race, the Human Race will agree to coexist peacefully with the Demon Race. If you were the older brother, you would not care about the position of the Demon Emperor.

Di Jun was taken aback by this, and a dim picture appeared in his mind. At that time, there was no monster clan. He and Donghuang Taiyi depended on each other for fate. Their strength was average in the prehistoric times. Hongjun was not sanctified. Neither of their brothers was holy. How dare to go out and wander around.

At that time, I was very weak and depended on each other, longing to become stronger, but it was easier than it is now. The relationship between the two brothers was also the best time, but I don’t know when it started, maybe he became stronger and stronger. He got more and more things, and finally forgot his original intention. Originally, what he wanted was not to dominate, but to live well.

"I can't go back in time!"

Di Jun muttered to himself, even if he realized it, he couldn't give up his current position.

There was silence in the room for a long time, and the two brothers were speechless.

After a long time, Donghuang Taiyi sighed.

"Big Brother, I understand what you mean. I will talk to the Human Race. They are indeed too radical recently and should develop steadily for a period of time."

"Ah! Then...thank you."

Dijun opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. At this moment, the relationship between the two brothers had an unhealable crack.

"Husband, what's the matter? With this expression, Taiyi didn't agree to help?"

"No, he agreed."

"Then what..."

Di Jun did not answer Xi He, but his eyes made Xi He vaguely understand what happened.

Soon after, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had a conversation with the high-level human race, and then the human race paused its expansion, and developed peace of mind in the existing territory, and the monster race had time to breathe. ,, ..

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