Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1230: New track

"Have you recovered in just three hundred years? It seems that I still underestimate the way of heaven."

In the chaos, Yi Shuihan with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes. Just now, he felt the aura of the majestic Dao, which was stronger than that of the Three Realms War. Obviously, the Dao of the Great War suffered The damage has been completely recovered, and I take this one step closer.

Few people like war, but what I have to admit is that war is a catalyst for evolution, because war, various war technologies, and magical powers will be developed. Under the huge pressure of war, all participants will do their best. Oppress yourself, make yourself stronger, and survive the war.

Although the War of the Three Realms caused great losses to the prehistoric land, it also accelerated the development of the prehistoric land. If we follow the original path of progress, it will take many tens of thousands of years to develop to the present.

Because the people of the two worlds appeared in the prehistoric land, the things they brought also accelerated the evolution of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao. As long as the Heaven’s Dao appeared in the prehistoric land, it could be transformed into its own resources. The power used by the emperor and wizards in the predominant land also Being able to be parsed will gradually make Honghuang more complete.

Speaking of the intangible things that the current prehistoric has obtained because of the invasion of the two realms, as long as it can be completely digested, it is not impossible to directly invade the two realms at that time. Even now the prehistoric is barely qualified to step out of the prehistoric. A tentative invasion between the two worlds.

He was about to close his eyes and continue to condense the body of chaos. Now he has condensed 40% of the body of chaos, and he can completely succeed in about a thousand years. Because the world becomes stronger, it is more convenient to control the chaotic air, and the time is also more convenient. The millennium has been shortened a lot.

He opened his eyes again when he was half closed, and there was a touch of surprise in his eyes. Because of the actions of the Heavenly Way, the Heavenly Way Meritorious List released a new mission to invade the technological world.

Of course, the so-called invasion is not a full-scale invasion, but a slow erosion, that is, the Heavenly Dao establishes a channel to transmit the primordial people there. The primordial people complete certain tasks arranged by the heavenly path and disrupt the technological world, and then the primordial heavenly path uses this to plunder the origin.

"This mode is a bit similar to the main **** space! The primordial heaven is really hidden. Obviously, the other two realms don't understand this method."

The more I think about Yi Shuihan, the more misty it becomes.

"That's it, it's still important to condense the chaotic Taoist body. With strength, you can easily deal with whatever happens. Ten Thousand Realms United College is still waiting for me!"

Without the intention of participating, Yi Shuihan's eyes slowly closed, and the surrounding chaotic air quickly gathered towards him.

It is naturally difficult and dangerous to invade the world. When the technological world knows the purpose of the predecessor, it will try its best to stop it, and will call on the whole world to encircle and kill the people of the predecessor. Without certain strength and corresponding wisdom to go there is simply Nine deaths and no life.

Knowing this, there will still be many people who will go, because the rewards of heaven are too generous, and they have promised 5 holy places, as long as they complete enough tasks, they can be sanctified.

Although the saints are far from being as rare as the appearance of the two realms, they are still unattainable for hundreds of millions of sentient beings, enough to make them fly into the fire.

In addition to this group of people, there are some people who should participate in this mission. They are forced to a desperate situation. In addition to completing the mission, they will undoubtedly die. For example, when they are chased, they choose to complete the mission and escape the chase.

Of course, not everyone is qualified to complete the task. This qualification is judged by Tiandao itself. If Tiandao does not approve it, this matter will basically have no effect on them. It is a luxury to want to escape at a critical moment.

All this has little to do with Yi Shuihan. When the Heavenly Dao slowly invaded, Yi Shuihan maintained a stable schedule. In addition to practicing, he was concerned about the things in the shop, and whether he was visiting friends, talking about the Tao, or not. Life is very easy.

"Have you heard? It's said that someone committed a major incident in the Qianyuan Empire. A month ago, they disrupted a region of the Qianyuan Empire and caused countless deaths and injuries. The Emperor Zhou died of tens of thousands. The next is countless."

"Who is so fierce? The entire Qianyuan Empire is no more than sixteen domains, and it can disrupt one domain. How did it do it?"

"I don't know the specific situation. I heard that it is to instigate discord, create confusion, and make the major powers suspicious of each other. In the end, they will meet each other in battle.

"Then why didn't there be Yudi's suppression, as long as Yudi was there, it would be impossible for such a large number of casualties?"

"Yu Di? Yu Di is useless, because the two major warring forces are the direct lineages of the two Yu Di, and Yu Di also restrains each other."

In a restaurant in the anti-invasion alliance, everyone talked, mostly news from the world of science and technology. Yi Shuihan sat in a corner silently, eating small dishes, and listening to these gossips with interest. This is also easy. A daily pastime in the cold water.

Most of the people here are at the level of Da Luo Jinxian. The immortals who are above all have the same style of painting as adventurers in the fantasy world. They look very discordant. The only reason for this is the merits of heaven. Both are an adventure guild, and the Heavenly Path Meritorious List is the place where missions are released in the guild.

In the current prehistoric times, it’s very rare for you to retreat. For thousands or hundreds of years of retreat, it’s actually a flash for these big Luo Jinxians, but not many people go to retreat, unless you have a last resort, in the current situation. After hundreds of years of retreat, it is estimated that it has been vicissitudes of life.

Rather than retreat, it is better to gather a few Daoists, complete some tasks, and get rewards from the heavens, so that the improvement of the cultivation level will be faster.

"There are a lot of capable people!"

Yi Shuihan sighed in his heart that the person who disturbed the situation that these people talked about, Yi Shuihan, never knew before. He might have been an unknown guy. However, just because he caught up with the invasion of the world, a great deal was done by chance. , If he could come back alive, he would be a great power, his reputation would be not much worse than that of Emperor Jun.

"If a few more saints were born, Honghuang would be completely different from what I remembered and embark on a new track, although it has deviated a lot so far."

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