Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1231: Break the true saint, then rush to the body of chaos

In less than three hundred years, Primordial Land has invaded nearly a quarter of the world of science and technology. After another thousand years, it is not impossible for the world of science and technology to be completely eroded. During the period, the world of science and technology did not fight back. On the contrary, their counterattack. It's still very big, but it's a pity that the realm of heaven is still better.

The wizarding world has been recuperating, and has not participated in it, otherwise everything will not go so smoothly, and now, even if the wizarding world is not involved, the predecessor is not afraid at all, the prehistoric heaven has grown enough to be one enemy two To the point.

Along with the growth of the Great Way of Heaven, Yi Shuihan could also feel that the pressure on his body was increasing, and the deity in the chaos could be far behind the peep of that huge consciousness from time to time.

Although he did not show any obvious malice, Yi Shuihan also felt very annoyed. After all, not everyone could bear this feeling of surveillance.

Yi Shuihan himself knew that the reason why Honghuang Tiandao didn't make any shots against him was completely afraid of his strength. If his strength was lower, it is estimated that Tiandao would have calculations waiting for him.

With this kind of judgment, Yi Shuihan increasingly wanted to leave the prehistoric but broader world to explore.

Having been in an almost invincible place for a long time, Yi Shuihan also didn't feel very good, lacking stimulation and motivation.

Fortunately, this kind of day is about to end. At this time, Yi Shuihan has already condensed the chaotic Dao body to ninety-nine percent, and it will be completely transformed with just one step.

"It's time to start the shock."

Everything was well prepared, and Yi Shuihan began to break through. The impact this time was not to completely condense the body of chaos, but to the saint, no, it was an impact to the true saint, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Originally, Yi Shuihan wanted to use the fully condensed chaotic body to drive his cultivation to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but his plan could not keep up with the changes. For Yi Shuihan now, it is more difficult to fully condense the chaotic body than the chaotic body. Luo Jinxian, so he chose to attack Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian first.

For Yi Shuihan himself, the body of chaos is something that crosses two great realms, and it is naturally difficult to impact. However, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is only separated by one great realm, and once the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is achieved, the truth of all heavens and all realms Holy, when the time comes, the difficulty of condensing the body of chaos will be greatly reduced, maybe it can make continuous breakthroughs in one go.

The sages of the predecessors all rely on merit to pile up, which is completely different from Yi Shuihan. They are easier and weaker after breaking through.

Yi Shuihan felt that his consciousness was detached from his body, and he moved quickly across the entire prehistoric area, at a speed beyond imagination, almost the speed of consciousness, and he was there as long as he thought of it.

Every corner of Honghuang was seen by Yi Shuihan once, and then his consciousness touched a diaphragm. With the obvious induction, Yi Shuihan lightly slammed towards the diaphragm, time after time, I didn’t know it was hit. After many times, he finally managed to break through and came to another wider area.

At this moment, Yi Shuihan’s consciousness accelerated again, and he was lost in this boundless area. Yi Shuihan felt as if he was incarnate in everything, omnipotent here, began to indulge a little, and gradually forgot what he was doing. .

Outside, Yi Shuihan's body aura in the chaos began to weaken gradually, giving people a sense of dying wood.

Time was disordered. Only a short while later, Yi Shuihan's consciousness had passed. I don't know how many years, millions, millions, and millions of years.

Achieving the true sage is not so easy to achieve, even with Yi Shuihan's current background, if he can't break through in the prescribed time, his consciousness will sink forever and eventually die.

The path of the holy way, even in the heavens and all realms, is the most important level. The difficulty is beyond imagination. Generally, in order to achieve the true sage, those people will prepare for the breakthrough for millions of years, or even longer.

True sages who are millions of years old are considered young. Those who have achieved true sages within a million years are Tianjiao, and 100,000 years of sanctification are enchanting evildoers. Tianjiao and evildoers here do not refer to a certain world, but the heavens and the world. All the world.

Just when Yi Shuihan’s body was about to wipe out his vitality, Yi Shuihan’s eyes suddenly opened, and a glaucoma burst from his eyes, penetrating the endless distance directly from the chaos, and it could be beyond the wild world. see.

Opening his eyes, Yi Shuihan's vitality began to skyrocket, and he immediately returned to the peak of the quasi-sage, and then broke through to the sage level without hindrance.

Unlike Lao Tzu’s false sages, Yi Shuihan, as the true sage, has a layer of Taoism that is unclear about the Tao. This is also the reason why the true sage is the true sage. This layer of Taoism can allow them to perform in any world. Its combat power is not bound by the world.

In the end, Yi Shuihan is a person with transcending power. When his cultivation base breaks through and his soaring strength is not as good as the world's blessing, he can naturally retract and unwind, almost completely controlling his own power at the moment of breakthrough.

"Almost failed, it's really thrilling!"

Recalling the previous scene, Yi Shuihan also had lingering fears. Had it not been for the last warning from the world, he would have lost his consciousness forever, not only breaking through and failing, but also dying.

You must know that Yi Shuihan’s background is so thick, and the difficulty of breaking through is less than that of breaking through the true sage. After all, others need to cut off the connection with the original world, and in this case they almost failed. Among the difficulties.

In fact, Yi Shuihan’s thoughts are worse. His breakthrough difficulty is actually not lower than that of ordinary people, because the time he stayed at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage is really too short. People stay for tens of millions of years. What about him? Just a few thousand years.

After resting in the same place for a while, Yi Shuihan sat down again. He wanted to continue his breakthrough in the body of chaos, his cultivation level reached true sage, the difficulty of condensing the body of chaos dropped several times, and he also took advantage of this cultivation. The breakthrough has found the opportunity for the body of chaos to break through. If you don't strike while the iron is hot, you won't know when you want to wait for this next time.

"Chaotic air, gather me, chaotic body, condense me."

With a loud shout in my heart, the surrounding chaotic air rushed towards Yi Shuihan frantically, Yi Shuihan seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit, constantly devouring the chaotic air.

The swallowed Chaos Qi didn't increase the cohesion of Yi Shuihan's Chaos Body, but kept accumulating to prepare for Yi Shuihan's next breakthrough.

"It's almost done, break it for me."

After absorbing the Qi of Chaos for three months, Yi Shuihan finally took the next step and started a real impact. ,, ..

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