Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1232: Chaos body, into

When it really hit the chaotic body's complete body, Yi Shuihan's body had already stopped absorbing the surrounding chaotic air. Of course, the surrounding chaotic air was almost absorbed, and it would take a long time to fill it up.

The complexion of Yi Shuihan's body changed from bronze to a little gray, the kind of gray that resembled chaos, and the gray continued to deepen, and Yi Shuihan looked more and more weird.

In the invisible interior, Yi Shuihan's bones are also undergoing subtle changes, turning their color into silver gray.

A vast and unpredictable force slowly formed in Yi Shuihan's body, and once it took shape, it would be earth-shattering.

When Yi Shuihan broke through the True Sage before, the Primordial Continent didn't even know that anyone broke through the True Sage. The reason was that Yi Shuihan was far away from the Primordial Land because of his high control, and he recovered his momentum just after breaking through.

In the process of the current breakthrough of the body of chaos, the entire predecessor felt an inexplicable heartbeat, the heart was terrifying, and it was very depressed.

This kind of feeling is irrelevant to the cultivation base, it is the same for ordinary people who have no cultivation base, and the saints.

"What's the matter? Why does it always feel like something big is going to happen."

"I can't concentrate at all, it feels too uncomfortable."

"Even the last time the two worlds invaded, my heart was not so flustered!"

People in Honghuang have speculated about the reasons, and they are all very concerned.

Not far from Yi Shuihan, Hongjun's figure suddenly appeared. He looked at Yi Shuihan quietly, with a look of fear on his face.

Yi Shuihan, who was in a breakthrough state, was not aware of all this. At this time, his mind was completely immersed in the changes in his body.

After entering the breakthrough state, Yi Shuihan felt that his body was undergoing drastic changes, and his physical strength, adaptability, resilience and other attributes were rapidly enhanced. Before he completed the breakthrough, he had already increased several times.

With the passage of time, this enhancement has reached more than 100 times, and even so, it still means that it is not completely over.

Before Yi Shuihan broke through from the quasi-sage to the true-sage, the body strength did not increase a hundred times, only dozens of times, but now the chaotic fonts have been increased a hundred times and they are not over yet. The strength of the body.

100 times is not the end point, it is just the middle turning point. It is not until 200 times that the growth rate gradually slows down, and finally it reaches 300 times and basically does not move. To increase so many times, the chaotic energy required is incomparably massive. The Chaos Qi absorbed before Shuihan was almost not enough.

Suddenly, Yi Shuihan's whole body shook. The body strength that had been stopped to 300 times immediately jumped to 500 times, and the body of chaos was finally condensed.

"Huh, although the breakthrough of the body of chaos is not as thrilling as breaking through the true saint, the difficulty is a lot! 500 times the physical quality of the true saint, the strength of the chaos emperor can be seen to be average, compared to the true saint. It is tens of millions of times stronger."

Yi Shuihan could feel that even if he did not rely on the power of the world to bless him, his body alone already had the power to fight the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao. With the blessing of the world, he could now say that he could easily go on the Three Realms and the Heavenly Dao. Conquer it.

Aware of the power of the body of chaos, Yi Shuihan is more eager for the emperor of chaos, and he is more eager to go to Ten Thousand Worlds United College.

"But I still have to arrange it well before that."

Turning his head aside, Yi Shuihan looked at the expressionless Hongjun, and released a substantive pressure.

Under Yi Shuihan's coercion, Hongjun bent his body and was unable to straighten his waist anymore, which made Hongjun's face full of horror.

"Get out of here! Let me see you peeping at me next time, don't blame me for destroying you."

This sentence was spoken to Hongjun, and even more so to Heaven.

Facing the extremely powerful Yi Shuihan, Hongjun finally chose to be soft, and disappeared in place without even leaving a harsh word. After that, Yi Shuihan found that the sight peeping at him had disappeared.

Nodded in satisfaction, Yi Shuihan withdrew his clone in the Primordial Continent, and his deity stepped into the Primordial Continent.

With a clone, Yi Shuihan is extremely familiar with the changes in the prehistoric continent, and he can't deliberately go to see something, so he went directly to his system sales shop.

"If this is to leave, I am afraid that this store will not be able to open. After all, there is no source of goods for me and no system to buy them."

After leaving Yi Shuihan this time, I’m not sure how long it will take to return. Maybe I’ll never return. Compared to the big stage of the heavens and myriad worlds, the prehistoric land is too small after all, so small that Yi Shuihan would not leave. Don't think about going further.

In fact, if you really want to keep this store open, there is no way. After all, Yi Shuihan’s system is extraordinary. With coordinates, you can go through it. As long as you come back to see if it’s not, it doesn’t take long. It is enough to replenish the supply after a thousand years.

It’s just that Yi Shuihan finally dispelled such thoughts. The main reason was that his vision was no longer satisfying from a predecessor. Even if he continued to open a shop here, he would earn hundreds of thousands in a thousand years. This is still a good market. For him, as long as the cultivation base is exposed, the speed of earning resources is much faster than this.

With his true sage cultivation level, it is not difficult to become the company’s middle and senior management. If he can further become the chaos emperor, then he is the true senior management of the company. For the true senior management of the company, contribution points are fundamentally lacking, and what is missing is boundary points. , 1 cut-off point corresponds to 10 million contribution points, and opening a store has to make a profit of tens of millions, and it takes tens of thousands of years, which is too long for Yi Shuihan.

Entering the platform of Wanjie United College, there will be a faster way of earning resources, and he can't make a business in Honghuang.

"Moreover, once I become the head of the company's department, I don't know how many staff members can sell systems. Then I will be divided into the systems they sell. Maybe the 10 million contribution points will only be a thousand years. ."

Yi Shuihan thought this way, but he didn't know how much benefit would be brought to him by being at the level of department head. ,, ..

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