Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1249: Enhanced King’s Treasure

"Don't panic, go and deal with other people, he will leave it to me."

Seeing that his morale was falling and he was about to lose his intent to fight, the young man who had communicated with Kantandin shouted, his body suddenly gleamed with gold, and he burst out with the strongest momentum on the battlefield, which seemed even worse than the Tyrant Soul Be stronger.

"Finally can't sit still?"

Yi Shuihan looked over, without the slightest surprise in his eyes, he had expected this a long time ago.

"There is still such a strong one who hasn't shot?"

Don’t mention how shocked the fighting Overlord’s soul is, and even for him, Yi Shuihan’s outbreak did not take him too seriously. After all, Yi Shuihan’s strength was already known when he came to Ten Thousand Worlds United College, otherwise. He wouldn't have to let Yi Shuihan be the deputy gang of the Tyrant Gang.

In fact, changing to the Tyrant Soul, he feels that he can also do what Yi Shuihan just did. After all, it is 1 to 3 instead of 1 to 10. If there are more opponents, he will be distracted. Prepare for attacks from other directions.

"It seems that our freshmen here should be better!"

On the audience stage, Wordsworth said with a smile on his face. He was really taken aback when he saw that the freshmen with Kantandin had so many strengths on the 4th floor of the Tongtian Tower. Fortunately, Yi Shuihan behind. The performance here made him regain his confidence.

"It's not yet known who will kill you. They are just a little careless. Then, when Carmen makes a move, you won't be able to jump for long."

Kantandine's face was a little gloomy, as if someone owed him a boundary point.


"Introduce yourself, this is Carmen, remember who defeated you."

Around Carmen are 3 spheres of light in a burning state. Behind him is a large area of ​​golden light. A dense array of weapons emerges, ancient, modern, technological, fantasy, and fairy-like, all-encompassing. Many of them have never been seen by Yi Shuihan.

"The King's Treasure? It's still an enhanced version, it's amazing!"

This is what Yi Shuihan thought in his mind when he saw Carmen's posture. There is no doubt that Carmen in front of him is stronger than the hero king. The fluctuations of those weapons are all high-end goods, and the most garbage can be. Against gold 1 star, all the strength of the hero king is estimated to be inferior to the random weapon here.

"It's an exaggeration, what exactly is it? It's too foul!"

"Local tyrant! So many treasures shouldn't be owned by the true sage."

"He is so arrogant, isn't he afraid of being robbed?"

"When you say that, I want to grab it too, but obviously I can't grab it!"

"Yi Shuihan is a bit bad now."

Yi Shuihan’s classmates are worried, and Carmen’s classmates are very excited.

"As expected of Carmen, he is really strong."

"Look at that, the **** faces on the opposite side are all scared white."

"It's settled, even if it is the senior Kantendin who can't do anything with Carmen now!"

With a faint smile on Carmen's face, he was not in a hurry to solve Yi Shuihan's opponent. In his opinion, he had exposed his true strength, and Yi Shuihan definitely couldn't beat him.

The only thing that made Carmen a little strange was that he didn't even see the panic on Yi Shuihan's face. He naturally didn't know that Yi Shuihan was confident in his own strength, so he could be so calm.

"It is pretending to be pretending, this is a virtual battlefield, even if you die, it is not really dead, do you want to maintain the decent surface?"

Carmen automatically filled Yi Shuihan's heart at this time.

Yi Shuihan didn't know what Carmen thought. If he knew it, he could only send him "You think too much".

"need my help?"

Lun's figure appeared behind Yi Shuihan at some point, his voice seemed very cold, but it made Yi Shuihan feel warm.

"Here is another one. It's a pity that the Shadow Clan's attack is useless to me. I don't have any dead ends in my body."

Carmen is surrounded by radiant rays of light, there is no shadow at all to provide shadow clan legends, and even if he barely shuttles through the past, he will encounter all-round blows. It is really a very restrained shadow clan fighting method.

Of course, the shadow clan actually has its own way of coping with this kind of battle. The shadow clan’s secret skills can be directly hidden in the shadow of the space when deepened, and the shadow of the space is ubiquitous. At that time, the shadow clan faced the shadow on the bright surface. There is almost no dependence, and Carmen obviously doesn't think that killing can reach that level.

Carmen talked to himself there. People Tuan didn't even bother to look at him, waiting for Yi Shuihan's answer.

"Without your help, I can deal with him alone, and you can deal with other people, otherwise, we will only have three of us left."

At this time, the big rear area of ​​Yi Shuihan had already started fighting, and he was defeated by several freshmen on the 4th floor of the Tongtian Tower.


The voice was still floating in the air, and the sound of killing had disappeared.

"Is it okay to just let him go like this?"

"Hmph, if they can't solve even a mere shadow clan, it's really a bunch of trash. You should worry about yourself!"

Tens of thousands of weapons fell toward Yi Shuihan like a meteor shower. The sight was much more spectacular than the arrow rain of the army at war. Not only was it spectacular, but it also carried a strange death beauty.

The sound of a shocking explosion sounded, bringing up bursts of smoke, which spread around like a remnant cloud, and the violent energy response interfered with perception, making it impossible to know the situation in the center of the explosion.

"do you died?"

Carmen also didn't know Yi Shuihan's real situation, but in his mind Yi Shuihan should be dead.

"No one is dead!"

The sound came from Carmen's ears, making him fly a certain distance to the side in reflection, turning his head and looking around, and found that Yi Shuihan was looking at him with a smile where he stayed before.

"When did he appear there? There was no reaction at all. If he attacked just now, wouldn't I..."

The cold sweat was almost frightened, and Carmen finally no longer underestimated Yi Shuihan this time, and regarded Yi Shuihan as a difficult opponent. Of course, in his heart, as long as he was not careless, he would win even more. ,, ..

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