Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1250: Hidden Zhong Er Shanzhai King

"I admit that I underestimated you. You will regret that you didn't make a direct shot just now. Then I will use all my power. You won't have any chance again."

Kamen said with a solemn expression.

"Why should I wait for you to shoot first?"

Yi Shuihan suddenly smiled weirdly, the figure disappeared from Carmen's eyes, and the voice appeared in Carmen's ears again as before.


In my heart, he felt bad, but at this moment Carmen had no chance to leave the same place as before. Yi Shuihan did not give him this time.

Just a punch on Carmen’s stomach, Carmen was beaten out of the enhanced version of the King of Heroes. The enhanced version of King’s Treasure disappeared behind him, and he bowed himself, pressing his hands on his abdomen, and was about to vomit. Gesture.

Without warning, the 3 light **** surrounding Carmen shot towards Yi Shuihan at a very fast speed, but they were all easily avoided by Yi Shuihan.


A touch of unwillingness flashed in Carmen's eyes, it seemed that there was really nothing to do.

"This little trick is nothing to do with me."

Yi Shuihan waved his backhand a few times, and shot the 3 light **** that turned back below. Suddenly, 3 mushroom clouds comparable to the explosion of a nuclear bomb rose from below. I have to say that the energy contained in these 3 light **** is really very great. Astonishing, each one has the qualification to severely damage a true saint.

"Actually, what you pretend is still very similar, but I didn't actually look at you just now, mainly because I usually don't get distracted when fighting."

What Yi Shuihan is telling is the truth. Carmen’s performance just now was done for the air to see. The 3 ball of light attacked from behind. This trick is actually not bad, but Yi Shuihan noticed it from the beginning. His combat experience would not be mistaken for low-level players. The light ball could be controlled in direction, which Yi Shuihan had guessed from the beginning.

I didn't see it. Yi Shuihan heard it, and he could infer the previous situation from Carmen's reaction. This is the reason why Yi Shuihan said Carmen was wearing a portrait.

"Your only mistake is that you didn't solve me in the first place."

A whirlpool appeared on Yi Shuihan's top, bottom, left, and right, and then six silver chains tied Yi Shuihan, and Carmen straightened his upper body again, showing a complacent expression.

"The lock of the sky?"

"Oh! You also know their names, then you should also know that once locked by the lock of heaven, you are destined to be unable to break free, unless you can burst out ten times more strength than mine."

Carmen seemed to think that the winner was in hand, and he was not in a hurry, explaining to Yi Shuihan as if showing off.

"It's really the lock of the sky, but it's a little different, do you have the same name?"

The lock of the sky in Yi Shuihan's mouth refers to the lock of the sky of the heroic king Gilgamesh. It is a treasure that serves as a "rule to the gods". The greater the hardness of the chain of the captured person is. It will also improve, the harder it is to break free, it is a very small number of arms to God.

The one in front of him is also called the lock of the sky, but the effect is completely different. It can restrain the captured person who is no more than 10 times the strength of its user.

Yi Shuihan could feel a peculiar energy emanating from the chain to invade his body, but it was not excessively blocked by his chaotic body, and it did not play a role at all.

"You punched me just now. This time I am replaced. But I won't be so rude. Let you try it."

Carmen stretched out his hands and clenched his fists. Then there was golden light on his fists, and a very exquisite full set was placed on his fists.

"This looks a little familiar! Well, I think about it, right, isn’t this a space glove used by the protagonist of a certain family teacher? It’s really similar, first the treasure of the king, and the lock of the sky. With this glove, the copycat king!"

This psychological activity showed that Yi Shuihan looked at Carmen's gloves with surprise.

Fortunately, Carmen didn't pose as the protagonist of the magnified move, but directly used the most primitive swing, otherwise Yi Shuihan's heart would vomit again.


The glove hit Yi Shuihan's body with a huge sound, and a huge force exploded with the contact point, spiraling and frantically pouring into Yi Shuihan's body, but it still did not shake the body of Chaos.

"Oh, the bones are still very hard, so you can bear it! I hope you can bear it next time. The purpose of this glove is not to increase strength, but to generate a strange strength, as long as the strength enters the body. , There will be a special effect, producing an itchy sensation. This itch is uncomfortable, just like thousands of ants are afraid of."

"For me, thousands of ants are afraid that they can be tolerated naturally, but what about the itch of the soul?"

Carmen is like a standard villain, saying that he is dead, without realizing that Yi Shuihan's eyes look strange at him.

"This is the second secondary with hidden attributes. Compared with the second secondary on the surface of Tyrant Soul, this secondary two is even more terrifying! Fortunately, he and I are not roommates, let alone the same class."

Yi Shuihan didn't have the idea of ​​going on after he received a punch. He was not a bit mad, and part of the reason for the punch he received before was that he was surprised by the shape of the glove.

Lifting the body of chaos, power constantly surging in the body, impacting on the chain. The originally extremely hard and hard chain became fragile under the impact of this ferocious force, and it was like a fake and shoddy product. Come.

One hand grabbed Carmen's fist, and Yi Shui's cold eyes met Carmen's confused and disbelieving eyes.

"Okay, it's not worth playing for you anymore, you should leave first!"

As soon as his hands were hard, Carmen’s gloves and hands were crushed, and even before he let out a painful scream, Yi Shuihan’s other fist fell on Carmen, and Carmen was blown up like sand. The dead can't die anymore and retreat from the battlefield.

"How is it possible? Boss Carmen was actually..."

The people who have been paying attention to this side are shocked by the figure of Yi Shuihan. It is clear that Carmen still has the upper hand at the moment before torturing Yi Shuihan, but the next moment he is directly blown by Yi Shuihan. Too fast, they are totally unacceptable.

"It's great, Yi Shuihan won, and the most powerful ones were killed, and there was nothing left.", ....

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