Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1269: Battlefield killer

Snake Fairy is a member of the Snake Clan, and their entire world is ruled by snakes. If placed in the prehistoric land, Snake Fairy can also be regarded as a monster.

The snake is cold-blooded, but the snake clan that Snake Ji belongs to is warm-blooded. At the same time, the snake clan in general are more enthusiastic. When he knew this, Yi Shuihan was still very surprised.

It seemed that Snake Ji was very satisfied with Yi Shuihan's appearance of a younger generation, and then Snake Ji opened the chat box and kept talking to Yi Shuihan about the evil spirit battlefield.

Among them, some Yi Shuihan had heard from Qingfeng, and some hadn't. In general, there were still some gains, which gave Yi Shuihan a little more theoretical knowledge.

"You are a good kid, talented, and daring to fight. As long as you don't fall, you will definitely become a strong one in the future. Now I am covering you, and then you will be able to help your sister."

Snake Ji put on a big sister's head when she talked, and she looked unique.

In all fairness, the Snake Ji in human form is really beautiful, almost no different from Humans. The only difference is a small diamond-shaped scale on her forehead. However, this also adds a bit of charm to her, but has become a feature.

Snake Ji's strength actually ranks second in this team, except for Captain Biok, she is the strongest, otherwise she would not be arranged to look at Mu Ling, the nanny.

Why doesn't Snake Ji talk to Mu Ling, but to Yi Shuihan instead, Yi Shuihan can only say that she is the same sex, and Mu Ling looks like a girl with iceberg personality.

After walking for about 3 hours, the zero in the front suddenly stopped, and the atmosphere of the team, including Snake Ji who was chatting with Yi Shuihan, became very serious, and took out her weapon. A scimitar, aura of Chaos Lingbao, but I don't know if it is low-grade or medium-grade.

"There is a small group of small destroyers ahead."

Zero Contrast Oak said.

"Destroy them."

Following Biok's order, the team finally entered the fighting form.

After that, Yi Shuihan finally saw the so-called Little Destroyer. It was said to be a Little Destroyer. It was actually not small. The body of 3 meters tall was much bigger than the average. But just think about the races in the team. It is small, after all, not all races are humans.

The little Destroyer is completely dark, with scales with a bowl of laughter, red eyes, and 4 arms. The style of the arms looks like a blade. Their feet are extraordinarily thick and dusty when they run.

There were 8 little destruction demons in a team, and when they saw Yi Shuihan and his party, they roared and rushed over, which was an excitement.

"Leave two for the newcomers."

The strength of the little Destroyer is equivalent to the weakest true saint. It is just a piece of cake for Yi Shuihan's team. It's almost just an early encounter and the casualties are severe. If it weren't for the yelling faster than Ok, let alone two, just keep one. No less.

"Mu Ling, although your main role is to recover, you will inevitably encounter special circumstances. You should try to kill the demons first, so as not to run into confusion in the future."

Biok said to Mu Ling.

Hearing this, Mu Ling nodded, took out the weapon belonging to her and walked towards a small destroyer that was surrounded.

The Wisdom of the Little Destroyer is not high, only a simple consciousness. Seeing Mu Ling suddenly became fierce, and no one of his companions was killed and feared.

After all, Mu Ling was also a king. Facing the little Destroyer Demon, he was a bit unfamiliar and suffered a bit at the beginning, but he killed cleanly later.

Then it was Yi Shuihan's turn to experience killing demons.

Yi Shuihan held a temporarily purchased sword in his hand. It was a low-grade Chaos Spirit Treasure, and did not use the Chaos Body and the power of the world.

A sword stabbed and hit the body of the little Destruction Demon, but only slightly damaged its scales.

"A hard body, even the Chaos Spirit Treasure can only achieve this level. I am afraid it can be directly immune to physical attacks below the True Sage."

With the idea of ​​testing, Yi Shuihan then used different methods to fight the little Destroyer, and he fought for 3 minutes before killing the little Destroyer.

"It's okay to kill it earlier. I have to waste time."

Mu Ling said impatiently, she felt that Yi Shuihan was completely wasting time, but did not notice that the others in the team looked at Yi Shuihan's eyes full of admiration, apparently approving Yi Shuihan's behavior.

"Let's go!"

Biok didn't say anything, he took a deep look at Yi Shuihan and gave instructions to move on.

The body of the little Destroyer will automatically dissipate soon after death, as if it has never appeared before. Only some special demons will have a body after death, and most demons will dissipate immediately after death.

As he deepened, he encountered a lot of small devils, all of which were easily resolved. In addition to the small devils, Yi Shuihan also saw the big devils. His body was ten times the size of the small devils and his strength was even greater. Far surpassing the Little Destruction Demon, it is completely at the level of the 4th floor of the Tongtian Tower.

After half a month, Yi Shuihan and the others finally came to the main battlefield, and millions of devils appeared in their sight.

Even if Yi Shuihan had been prepared for a long time, he was frightened by this scene. A Chinese cabbage like Destroyer with True Sage's strength is completely cannon fodder!

"It's finally here. Everyone cheered up. In this battlefield, even the slightest carelessness is in danger of falling."

In this battlefield, there are many squads that are the same as Beok and they are fighting, of course, more of them are wearing blue armor.

Wearing the blue armor is the demon-seeking army, and the heavens and the world have specially set up an army to defeat the evil spirits. Compared with them, Yi Shuihan can only be regarded as mercenaries.

The combat strategy adopted by Yi Shuihan's team was to follow closely behind the Demon Army, and from time to time to enter the Evil Army to rush, wait until tired and then come back to rest, and so on, of course, this is also the method adopted by most teams.

As the fight unfolded, the atmosphere in the squad gradually changed. At the beginning, I could say a few words, but afterwards, it was still fighting, and I didn't want to say anything.

The strength of the king rank is nothing in this battle. Even the emperor can only be regarded as a small captain level. Once surrounded by demons, there is a danger of falling.

Yi Shuihan's team is a veteran team, and the overall strength is pretty good, so no one has fallen in a short period of time. After a few days, the number of destruction demons killed has reached hundreds. ,, ..

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