Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1270: Destroyer

Don't underestimate these hundreds, killing so many in a few days on the battlefield of millions is already a good level, after all, you must always guard against demons from all directions.

However, even if Yi Shuihan’s team killed a few hundred, other teams would kill quite a few, which would add up to hundreds of thousands. In addition to the crusade army, the total number is more than one million. The demons on the battlefield still seem to be There is no decreasing trend. On the contrary, there is an increasing trend.

"In other words, the core of the Destruction Lair doesn’t mean how much we kill here is useless? It’s not right, it’s better to have us kill here, it’s better to let these demons wreak havoc outside. These destruction demons are inconspicuous here. , Absolutely has the ability to subvert the big world."

Yi Shuihan's own strength is strong, and he is in a protected position in the team, and there are other things in his mind. The other members of the team are different, and they are completely focused on the surroundings.

"Huh? What's the matter!"

Suddenly the Destruction Demons around Yi Shuihan team stopped attacking, but began to retreat in all directions.

"It seems that we killed too hard and have been targeted. Next we will face a corner of Destroyer Demons. Their strength is stronger than ordinary Destroyer Demons. They have the strength of the 5th to 6th floors of the Sky Tower."

Obik's words have not yet settled, and a circle of Destroyer Demons different from ordinary Destroyer Demons has appeared around them, exuding a violent aura.

"One corner of the Destroyer, is it the horn on the top of the head? Doesn't it mean that there are two corners, the triangle of Destroyer."

Yi Shuihan looked at the corner of the Destroyer that surrounded them with great interest, and his expression became a little serious. These Destroyers were already qualified to threaten the team, and a little carelessness might cause casualties.

In the end, Yi Shuihan still doesn't want to watch them die. Of course, he has to grasp a certain degree. He can see that the more dazzling performance on the battlefield, the more devastating he faces. The stronger.

Without communication, the moment the Destroyer in the corner appeared, the battle had already begun. As the captain, Biok was the strongest player in the team, and most of the Destroyer in the corner was pinned down, and the other old players also more or less contained. Some, in the end Yi Shuihan and Mu Ling had two Destroyers in front of them.

"Boy Yi, hold on for a while, and I'll come to help right away."

In front of Snake Ji were 5 Destroy Demons, but looking at her appearance, she could do well.

"Why don't you talk to Wood Ling, meaning I want to protect Wood Ling?"

Looking at the Mu Ling who was waiting next to him, Yi Shuihan couldn't help but complain in his heart.

The two Destroyers roared and killed them. They suddenly rushed in while they were running, but they slammed into the wood spirit next to Yi Shuihan with a death hug. It is estimated that the wood spirit will be torn apart.

The Wood Spirit's combat consciousness still appeared to be a bit poor. He didn't expect the sudden acceleration of the Destroyer Demon, there was a moment of stunned, and finally the reaction in a hurry could only activate a protective shield.

Four blade-like arms slashed on the protective cover fiercely. They didn't cut it at all, but the wood spirit couldn't help stepping back due to its huge strength, and one staggered and fell to the ground.

Of course, the Destroyer Demon wouldn't let this opportunity pass, or that no matter what the Wood Spirit did, it would not stop as long as it did not die.

The arm was used as a knife again, and the four-sword flow showed that only bright light could be seen quickly. Accompanied by a fierce collision, the protective cover on the wooden spirit broke.

Originally, the strength of Wood Spirit was a little stronger than this corner of Destroyer Demon, but her combat experience was obviously insufficient, and she made mistakes at the beginning, which led to the current situation, and she was about to be killed by the corner of Destroyer Demon.

There are a lot of these things, but in fact, it took only a few breaths. The other members of the team simply couldn't react. The only thing Mu Ling could count on was Yi Shuihan, who was the closest to her.

So what is Yi Shuihan doing now?

While Mu Ling was attacked, Yi Shuihan also faced the same situation, but unlike Mu Ling, he responded in a timely manner. At the moment when the attack came, he not only succeeded in hiding, but also launched a counterattack, stabbing with a sword. Because of the weakness of the Destroyer, a certain piece of underarm is different from all other scales.

The Destroyer Demon was hit hard and retreated. Yi Shuihan's clean combo overturned his opponent, and then rushed to the place where the Wood Spirit was without hesitation.

In the end, the blade arm of a Destroyer Demon stayed 1 inch from Mu Ling's eyes.


A corner of the Destroyer fell to the ground and began to dissipate in an instant.

Looking at Yi Shuihan in silence, Mu Ling finally said arrogantly, "Actually, I can solve it even if you don't come. It will definitely be solved..."

"Well, I'm passionate about myself, so can I ask the beautiful Ms. Mu Ling to get up first before talking? To be honest, I didn't mean it, but from this perspective, I might have seen something that I shouldn't see. Of course you might not mind."

"I'm very mind."

Mu Ling also realized something, stood up in a panic, raised his hand to slap Yi Shuihan, and finally seemed to think of Yi Shuihan's life-saving grace, stopped, and said this sentence coldly. Finally, the goodwill that Yi Shuihan had had was gone.

The embarrassing situation did not last long, because there were new enemies coming, and a steady stream of demons appeared from all around, and the dead one was filled with new ones.

With the lessons learned from the past, Mu Ling's next performance was quite satisfactory, he did not fall into the previous danger, at least it was no problem to deal with a corner of the Destroyer.

As time passed, the other members of the team also appeared to be a bit weak, so the whole team began to think about the direction of the demon army to retreat. The destruction demon seemed to see that they had increased their attacks, but the strength of Yi Shuihan’s team was still sufficient. Strong, there have been no mistakes.

In the end, Obic is the quasi-emperor, and the level of Destroyer Demon alone is not considered an opponent. If he wants to, he can completely kill and kill, but he did not go all out because of certain considerations.

In the end, the squad returned to the Demon Army, and all members survived.

"Something is wrong, the Destroyer Demon shouldn't appear too soon."

In one corner, Biok said seriously.

"Next, let's take a look again. If the situation is not right, we will run to the place we said before."

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