Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1292: Baron Meaha

Yi Shuihan did not intend to use super-spec power, so it seemed to have the same effect as the battle in the ordinary world. This second stage does not have any learning significance for the prehistoric sentient beings, and can only be viewed as entertainment. If the environment is replaced by a flood, there will be too much of a flood that can be done like Yi Shuihan is now.

Riding a horse, Yi Shuihan's speed is about the same as that of an ordinary car. For ordinary people, it is naturally fast, and for people with cultivation skills, it is like a snail crawling.

In fact, Yi Shuihan’s feeling is also a bit strange. In his senses, he seems to be doing slow motion. What can be accomplished by just one thought is divided into several steps, just like old ones. Computer, one card one card.

"The strength of the bear, follow my call and come to me."

Baron Ahab suddenly shouted, and behind him appeared a giant bear phantom, thumping his chest with both hands, and roaring up to the sky.

Just like buffing, Baron Ahab and his horse swelled up in an instant, and their speed rose a lot in vain.

"That's the power of his bloodline? It's simply an increase in speed and strength!"

Regarding Baron Ahab's changes, Yi Shuihan was not as shocked as the others, he could only say that he was barely surprised.

By mobilizing the authority inherited from the bloodline, the power of the flame was drawn out, and the horse under Yi Shuihan was instantly covered by flames. Yi Shuihan's body itself was also like a flame gauze. If the head becomes Skull and crossbones, it is estimated that it can compete with the soul men.

"Actually, the inheritance is really over, but how can the power that I just gained compare with me? I have obtained the power of the bear for more than ten years, and the power of the bear is now several times stronger than before."

Baron Ahab cheered himself up in his heart, but he didn't realize that his aura was not as strong as before. Before, his plan was to kill Yi Shuihan directly, but now he thought that he should be stronger than Yi Shuihan.

Of course, no matter what Baron Ahab thought, his fate was already doomed, because what he encountered was the most powerful existence in the world, and it really broke out and could even destroy the world.

Just a confrontation, Baron Ahab fell from his horse and was directly beheaded by Yi Shuihan on the spot.

"Baron Ahab is dead!"

Yi Shuihan yelled, as Baron Ahab’s army suddenly became panic, especially when he saw that Baron Ahab fell to the ground and did not respond. Many people had rushed towards Yi Shuihan, but now they immediately turned around. To escape, some even threw away their weapons.

They knew the power of Baron Ahab, and Yi Shuihan was able to kill Baron Ahab with one stroke. In their view, it was an invincible existence, and they had no guts at all as enemies of Yi Shuihan.

"Viscount Yi is mighty, long live Viscount Yi!"

Compared with Baron Ahab’s troops, Yi Shuihan has a great morale formation. Before, they just bite the bullet and went with the boss of Yi Shuihan, but their hearts were not low at all. Now seeing that Yi Shuihan is so fierce, That's an excitement! Aoao chased after the deserter.

"How could the son be so powerful?"

Maid Hill also followed. Originally, her thought was that if Yi Shuihan lost her to her, then the two bloodline inheritors should be able to beat Baron Ahab before. When Yi Shuihan rushed out, she He has already followed, so he knows how Ahab died.

It’s just that even if she saw it with her own eyes, she already felt incredible. She could feel the strength of Baron Ahab. She was definitely not a general, at least she was not sure that she could defeat the opponent. However, such strength was in the hands of Yi Shuihan. There is no trick on it.

Even the old Viscount at the time, it is impossible to solve Baron Ahab as easily as Yi Shuihan, at least a dozen tricks are needed.

"Because the son is a real genius?"

Hill couldn't help thinking that Yi Shuihan would end the inheritance in the shortest time, labeling Yi Shuihan as a genius. At the same time, she was very happy. She hoped that Yi Shuihan would be strong, the stronger the better, the best. Become the best in the world.

It is best that none of Baron Ahab's three thousand troops ran away, most of them were taken prisoner, and a small part were killed directly.

There are also three knights among these prisoners, who also awakened the bloodline power, but the bloodline power ratio is not too strong. If the baron’s bloodline power can make him an enemy hundreds, the viscount class is an enemy thousands, and the lord It's just a dozen enemies.

Yi Shuihan finally left part of the captives to repair the destroyed town, and took the other part back to his lair.

Using war to support the war, going out not only eliminated the invading enemy, but also added more than two thousand soldiers. Yi Shuihan's strength suddenly increased, even if it was stronger than the strength of the old Viscount.

Baron Ahab is considered to be particularly strong among the barons, so he would have the idea of ​​playing a viscount, which can be called a quasi-viscount. Yi Shuihan accepted his territory, and his strength is sure to exceed the average viscount.

To be honest, it would be bad luck for Baron Ahab. If he hadn't taken the initiative to attack, Yi Shuihan would not be able to fully accept his territory. There is such a tradition among the nobles, that is, no matter what, the nobles should leave the last face to the nobles. Attacks are allowed, but they cannot completely kill the opponent, so there will always be a comeback.

The situation is different now. Baron Ahab took the initiative to attack, and he still fought a higher level of Viscount. Even if Yi Shuihan wiped out their family, it was reasonable. This was to ensure that the power between different classes was enjoyed only by the same class. Etiquette among nobles.

Yi Shuihan's defeat of Baron Ahab was quickly passed on. In an instant, those restless people settled down, and each of them sent spies to inquire about the course of the matter. After getting the exact news, they all chose to agree. Give gifts to Yi Shuihan, pull relationships, and show that you are harmless.

Anyway, at least no matter what people think in their hearts, at least on the surface, they are all about Yi Shuihan, the new Viscount and kindly. Announcing the recognition of Yi Shuihan’s status as Viscount, seems like a firm ally of Yi Shuihan. of. ,, ..

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