Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1293: Speak my heart

At Yi Shuihan's statement meeting, there were five viscounts, dozens of barons, and hundreds of knights. It can be said that most of the powerful people in a radius of thousands of miles gathered in his house.

These forces add up, even the earl has to look sideways. The lowest threshold for earl is to have a territory with a radius of thousands of miles.

The count level did not come to attend Yi Shuihan's statement meeting, but sent someone to give a gift, showing the importance of Yi Shuihan.

"My nephew! I didn't expect that the last time we met, you were just a kid behind your father. Unexpectedly, you inherited your father's position in a blink of an eye and became a viscount on the same level as us old guys."

Around Yi Shuihan, an old man, three middle-aged uncles, and a middle-aged beautiful woman were all viscounts who came to attend the declaration meeting. All of them were of high authority, coupled with the power of blood inheritance, and aura. Vigorous.

The baron is not qualified to come here, but every viscount takes this person, or their heir, or their absolute confidant. Anyway, what can be brought on this occasion is definitely not in the hearts of the viscounts. low.

The five viscounts are Viscount Caddy, Viscount Gini, Viscount Mifaso, Viscount Blue Rose, and Viscount Jianyang.

The nephew of Yi Shuihan was Viscount Mifaso. The old man didn't say anything. He obviously wanted to see Yi Shuihan's reaction and was in a state of not wanting to help.

"This old guy wants to beat me! By saying this, isn't he just trying to show that he is a veteran and make me humble?"

Yi Shuihan heard the subtext of Viscount Mifaso, but he didn't bother to talk to him.

"In fact, I think this is the age of young people. It happens to be a viscount at my age. You can actually pass the position to your son! Otherwise, you can't compete with me as a young man!"

This is another way to say that Mifaso is old, incapable, and a direct counterattack.

Compared to Viscount Mifaso, Yi Shuihan's words were very straightforward.

"My own business is not enough for you to worry about."

A ridiculous color flashed in Viscount Mifasuo's eyes. Although he had hidden it well, he was still seen by Yi Shuihan. I don't know how Viscount Mifasuo thought he was not thinking enough.

"Scheming? That's for people of the same level. Of course it's so cool to deal with your group of ants that can easily pinch to death."

Originally, Yi Shuihan was here to experience the so-called aristocratic party, but when he thought of being surrounded by these old guys, he was a little impatient.

"It's good to be young! I like young people because they are often very capable."

When he said the last word, it was not only the accent, but also, the eyes of Viscount Lan Rose looked vaguely under Yi Shuihan's body, and he couldn't help but pinch his legs. It was called a coquettish show.

Although she is a middle-aged beautiful woman, her charm is not lost to those young girls. On the contrary, she is more seductive and seductive because of her maturity. Her whole body has been developed, and she only needs to enjoy it.

Among the five viscounts, Viscount Blue Rose is the only woman. The position of the viscount is still inherited from her husband, and I don't know how she got it. It is simply a legend.

With such a high status of the Viscount, coupled with being a widow, I don't know how many people have had an unclear relationship with her. Regardless of her strength that is considered good among the Viscount, it is a completely social role.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the eyes of the surrounding barons were a little angry, even the old man Viscount Mifaso.


The maid behind Yi Shuihan cursed in a low voice, but the few people around here were not ordinary, so naturally they could hear it.

In an instant, Viscount Lan Rose’s face became cold. She knew that many people were scolding her secretly, and she didn’t care. Those people could only scold her secretly, and now she was scolded in front of her. The face slap came from a maid, and she was naturally angry.

"Presumptuous, dare to insult Madam,"

The young man standing behind the Viscount Blue Rose and most of the guards immediately shouted and glared at Hill.


"But Madam, she..."

"Shut up, you are not qualified to speak here, you know what to do!"

When Viscount Blue Rose spoke, his expression was calm, but he gave a very terrifying feeling.

The guard called Jack was silent for a moment, then took out the dagger hanging from his waist, performed self-harm on the spot, and cut off one of his fingers.

At this time, everyone discovered that his fingers were not complete. Before cutting one finger, there were only 8. Now there are only 7.

Not to mention the loss of three fingers, even one finger has a great impact on combat effectiveness. This guard is not an ordinary person, because he should bleed when the finger is cut off, but he does not. The replacement for the broken finger is blue like water. Elemental things seem to be more flexible than the original fingers.

"My people have been punished for breaking the rules, now it's your turn."

Viscount Lan Rose looked at Yi Shuihan and said.

"She really broke the rules. If you don't punish her, I'm afraid she will have a bad reputation for you after it is spread!"

Viscount Mifaso made up the knife.

"Because of the rules, the world will not become chaotic."

"It's not a big deal, just breaking a finger is about it."

The other two viscounts, Viscount Caddy and Viscount Jini, also spoke separately, and the only one who has not yet spoken is Viscount Jian Yang.

The four viscounts were aggressive, and Yi Shuihan could stand it and wanted to laugh a little, but Hill couldn't stand it. She trembled and said to Yi Shuihan, "My son, I am willing to be punished."

A man, if the loss of a finger does not affect the combat effectiveness, it is not a big problem, but it is different if it is replaced by a beautiful and flowery woman. I don't know how many people will be pointed and looked down upon.

"What kind of punishment? You are not wrong, is there any wrong? I think you are right! She is a slut, it's obvious! You just helped me tell what I was saying."

Pointing at Viscount Blue Rose, Yi Shuihan said these words, and everyone was stunned. They stared at Yi Shuihan blankly. These words were too strong, and it was hard for them to imagine that Yi Shuihan would choose for A maid and Viscount Blue Rose tore their faces.

That's right, this kind of remarks has reached the level of tearing the face. If Viscount Lan Rose doesn't ask for an explanation, no one will look at her, and her position of Viscount may be unstable. ,, ..

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