Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 305: Teaching Metka's National Art (Part 2)

There are different naturally, because Ming Jin twists his own power into a burst of amazing power, even if it is used, it will only consume a large amount of physical strength, and will not cause harm to the body like the Eight Door Dunjia.

Bamen Dunjia is an explosion of the body's ultimate ability, so how much power it explodes, the body will inevitably suffer much damage. No matter how strong you exercise your body, you can only reduce the degree of damage as much as possible, but cannot completely eliminate it.

Although it is said that it has reached Ming Jin, its power is not as powerful as Bamen Dunjia, and even the Anjin and Huajin at the back cannot be as powerful as Bamen Dunjia.

However, the damage caused by the use of national martial arts is obviously better than that of Bamen Dunjia. If Bamen Dunjia is only forbidden and suitable for civilians, then national martial arts can be used as ordinary physical skills. As long as the physical strength is sufficient, it can be used all the time.

This is only in the first three realms, and the Baodan at the back is completely different. At that time, it can already absorb the aura of heaven and earth. Instead of using its own power, it uses the power of heaven and earth. It can be said that Baodan can completely hit the shadow level. .

Ming Jin can use his ultimate strength without damaging the body, as long as it is supplemented with nutrients, An Jin is to seal up all the usual strength, which is similar to Tsunade's storage of chakras to achieve the goal of being immortal.

Huajin, even if you fully control your body, at this point, you can even control your own blood to cleanse your blood and let your body directly jump.

It can be said that as long as it comes to Huajin, those who inherit the blood stains can directly reach a certain level of blood stains, and even blood stains that could not be awakened will be awakened.

If you tell other ninjas about the function of Huajin, it will greatly increase the chance of awakening. I am afraid that countless people will want to learn this national skill.

To use an analogy, if Tsunade can achieve kinetic energy, awakening Mu Dun would be appropriate.

Of course, Huajin is not effective for all bloodstains. After all, some bloodstains rely on the evolution of mental power. When Huajin is only aimed at the body, although there are also mental effects, it is not too great.

These are what Yi Shuihan knows at present, and Yi Shuihan also knows the outline of the latter two realms, but it is not clear.

It's just speculation that Baodan is probably equivalent to transforming the gods to the virtual return in the realm, and the latter breaking the virtual into a god, the strength is comparable to that of hedao.

Yi Shuihan didn't tell everything to Metkay, but only talked about Ming Jin and Dark Jin, but just so, it also made Metka stunned and excited to learn.

In this regard, Yi Shuihan did not hide it, and immediately told Metkay Mingjin's practice method. I believe that as long as Metkay becomes Mingjin, his basic physical fitness will be greatly improved.

Metkay, who had obtained the training method of national martial arts, immediately entered into a frenzied practice. Compared with the most skillful running, doing bitter push-ups, and constantly hitting trees with his fists, the training methods of national martial arts were too high.

Although there is no agreement that the practice method of the Chinese martial arts cannot be passed on, Metkay still keeps this secret. There is no secret about it. Even his father Metday asked, he did not bluntly tell, but said it was a kind of Yi Shuihan teaching. Physical skills cannot be passed on.

After learning Chinese martial arts, Metkay has also become a foodie. The original appetite has become a big appetite this time. A meal requires at least 10 kilograms of meat. Increase, basically, Mattdai’s daily salary is wasted on Mattkai’s food.

This is still due to the fact that this world is full of aura, and the energy in the meat is much more than that in the Age of Doom. Otherwise, if Metkay eats a cow at a meal, Mattdai really can't afford it.

"Big Brother Yi, I'm here to see you." Bo Feng Shuimen held Uzumaki Jiuxina with one hand, and the spring breeze walked to Yi Shuihan proudly.

Yi Shuihan leaned at the Feng Shui gate and didn't say a word, showing her affection in front of him is like looking for death!

Yi Shuihan's performance made Bo Feng Shuimen's eyes a flash of embarrassment. This time, he was not just watching Yi Shuihan, but as a lobbyist.

The whirlpool on the side of Bofeng Shuimen pulled his clothes, and Bofeng Shuimen had to bite the bullet and say, "Big Brother Yi, I heard Teacher Jilaiya say that you don’t let him enter the hot spring, I don’t know if No such thing?"

"Yeah!" Yi Shuihan nodded, remembering what was going on, that fellow Jilaiya was indeed banned from hot springs. The reason was naturally very simple. He actually peeped at the hot springs.

Obviously there are mixed bathing places, and this is not satisfied. If you have to go to the women’s place to peep, Yi Shuihan also has to admit that Jiraiya is bold. If it weren’t for Tsunade’s face, it would be more than simply prohibiting entry. Up.

The effect of mixed bathing in Yi Shuihan hot springs is stronger than that of separate male or female baths. This is nothing new.

Therefore, most people enter the mixed bath for the sake of their own strength. Of course, men take advantage of this.

Because it is a mixed bath, women naturally wear more clothes, which are more conservative than those worn by women only, but even so, pay attention to feast your eyes.

With such benefits, Zi Lai was not satisfied with the challenge and wanted more excitement, and naturally he was not allowed by Yi Shuihan.

The first time I caught it, I just gave a warning, and then I was not allowed to enter the area for a month. I didn’t expect that in the past month, Ji Lai was still in danger. Yi Shuihan finally got angry and went straight for ten years. No Entry.

How many ten years in your life, for Jiraiya, it’s almost equivalent to never being able to enter. How can Jiraiya stand this, I can only find someone to sympathize with him. It’s best to ask Tsunade for help. But in this case, he said Tsunade would definitely not help, so he could only retreat and find a good relationship with Yi Shuihan in his opinion.

"Well, the teacher found me yesterday and said that he knew he was wrong. Let me tell you. I hope you can open the Internet and cancel the ten-year prohibition. He promised that he will never go to the women's field in the future." Said the voice of Bo Feng Shui Men. It's all low, which is really embarrassing for my teacher!

"You know it's wrong? He said the same last time." Yi Shuihan said nonchalantly. ,, ..

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