Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 306: You can come to work here if you don’t be a ninja

"And the last time?" Bo Feng Shuimen didn't know that it was not the first time that Jilai had committed a crime, so he was extremely surprised.

Of course, he also knew that Yi Shuihan would not lie to him on this matter, so Bo Feng Shuimen could only complain about Ji Lai in his heart.

Teacher, you hurt me.

However, even if he knew it, Bo Feng Shuimen could only continue to bite the bullet and persuade.

"Even so, do you think ten years is too long? Can it be replaced with one year? If you can't take a hot spring, his strength will be reduced a lot."

What Bo Feng Shuimen is more worried about is the strength of Ji Lai Ye. If he can’t enter the hot spring for ten years, he can imagine that there will be a large area of ​​Konoha Kage-class. Although Ji Lai will not be able to stand still, it is absolutely impossible. Everyone will be confused.

In one year, Bo Feng Shui Men felt that with Ji Lai Ye's talent, he would not be left too far behind, and he would still have a chance to catch up.

"One year? Are you sure it's one year!" Yi Shuihan was a little surprised when he said to Bo Feng Shuimen, he thought that Bo Feng Shuimen would continue to plead for Ji Lai to enter the hot spring immediately!

"Yes, one year."

Bo Feng Shuimen said with certainty.

One year, it’s not unacceptable. I have to say that the conditions proposed by Bofeng Shuimen have reached the bottom line of Yi Shuihan. Yi Shuihan didn’t really want Jilaiya to be unable to enter the hot spring for 10 years. If they do, their relationship will be completely frozen.

Yi Shuihan himself didn't say too much about this, but it was definitely uncomfortable for Tsunade to be caught in the middle.

"For one year, it's not impossible to look at your face"

Yi Shuihan's words make Bo Feng Shui look happy

"It's just that if you let me catch it next time, it won't be ten years. It will never allow you to enter. I will be ahead of you."

"I promised for the teacher, he will definitely not commit the crime again next time."

Bo Feng Shuimen is very decisive, and at the same time, he also made up his mind to tell Jiraiya well. If you really want to peep and collect materials, don't come here. Don't other places have hot springs as well?

This is not an ordinary hot spring, it is about strength!

Bo Feng Shuimen couldn't understand Jiraiya's approach. He didn't know that peeping here was more thrilling than peeping in other places.

If it’s Jiraiya and the first time is for the beauty, the second time is more for the pursuit of a feeling of excitement. Compared with ordinary hot springs, this tension that can be caught at any time Let Zilai also extremely yearn for.

It can be said that in the heart of Zi Lai Ye, the success of peeping in Yi Shuihan once is better than the sense of accomplishment of undiscovered peeping a hundred times in other places.

Well, in the final analysis, there is something wrong with it.

"That's it."

Yi Shuihan nodded as acknowledgment of Bo Feng Shuimen's words, and then called Matt Dai to the front and explained it.

After sending away the young couple of Bo Feng Shuimen, Yi Shuihan welcomed the guests again, making Yi Shuihan feel very strange today.

"If you want to pay back the money, just find Dai directly."

Even though he said that, Yi Shuihan knew that Haaki Shumao must not find himself for this.

Speaking of paying back the money, Haaki Sakumo also twitched his mouth and had the urge to turn around and leave. He did not expect that he had worked so hard to make money during World War II. In the end, he was not enough. He could only owe him. I can’t take a good rest and often go out to do tasks.

If he could, Sakumo Hagaki would not want to continue to soak in the hot springs. After all, his own strength is almost the same. It is no use to soak in the black iron hot springs. The bronze is too expensive. The price of 100 taels of gold will make him It hurts.

It's just that Kakashi still has a Kakashi outside of his family. For the future of his son, he has to work hard to make money.

It has been so long, the bronze hot spring has naturally been opened, but compared to the previous two, few people use it. Even if it is three generations, who is in control of Konoha, they dare not splurge in the bronze hot spring!

Since the bronze hot springs are basically only visited by a few people a day, and sometimes there are no people, you know that the price of the bronze hot springs is indeed not affordable for ordinary people, even ordinary ninjas.

Outside of the heirs of the big family, I am afraid that no one will lavishly come to the bronze hot springs.

In view of this situation, the hot springs behind Yi Shui Han are not open.

Of course, the bronze hot springs can already greatly increase the strength of the shadow-level powerhouses, and they have paid attention to satisfying people's needs.

"I want you to ask a question."

His eyes were a little erratic when Sakumo Hagi spoke.

Huh? Something is wrong! he.

Suddenly, Yi Shuihan looked closely at Haaki Shumao, and finally found something wrong. At this time Haaki Shumao was much depressed compared to what he had seen before, as if he had received a huge blow.

Let the white teeth of Sakumo Hagiki suffer a blow, and that is the only thing! It's just that the timing doesn't seem right, is it because of the butterfly effect?

Well, when I came into this world, there were indeed many mistakes, such as the age of people like Kakashi, in short

There is nothing wrong in the general direction, but small mistakes continue.

Yi Shuihan thought of the reason why Hagaki Shumao committed suicide. During a mission, he gave up the mission for his companions, causing Konoha to suffer heavy losses.

"Do you think the task is important or the companion is important?"

Is this really the problem!

"Of course the companion is important. If you lose other things, you can get it back. The companion is gone if you lose it."

Without the slightest hesitation, Yi Shuihan said categorically, but in fact he thought the same way in his heart, so he said that because he didn't exist at all to comfort Shumao Hagi.

With Yi Shuihan's words, Haaki Shuomao was stunned in place, the perplexed color in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the light burst out again.

He guessed well with Yi Shuihan. Sakumo Hagi has indeed experienced the task of giving up his mission to save his companions. The only difference from the original book is that it seems that Konoha has become much stronger because of his hot spring field strength. Konoha's loss was not as great as the original.

The loss was small, coupled with the achievements of Sakumo Hagiki, so the accusations made by Sakumo Hagiki were small and not small. His thoughts of suicide were not as great as the original, although he was still depressed.

"What happened?"

"No, it's nothing."

"Well then! When will your money be returned?"


Sakuma Hagi said that he did not want to talk to Yi Shuihan, so he turned and left.

"You can come and work here if you don't be a ninja"

Yi Shuihan said loudly, but Haaki Shuomao paused before continuing to leave. ,, ..

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