Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 307: The rise of Guoshu

The seeds have been planted, and although they will not germinate immediately, there will be results one day.

He sent Haaki Shumao away, and Yi Shuihan was planning to find Tsunade for a good time.

"Ding, it is detected that Metkay has stepped into Ming Jin, and the task is being generated..."

"Task Name: The Rise of National Magic"

"Task description: A new power of fire has appeared in the world of ninja, but fire alone is not enough. As a person who spreads the seeds, please ensure that the national martial arts are thoroughly developed in the world of ninja and become a power system that is not inferior to the ninja."

"Task Reward: One 100% Golden Lottery"

"Failure Penalty: Stay in the Current World forever"

The appearance of the system stopped Yi Shuihan, his expression extremely strange.

"The system scams the corpse? How can I publish such a mission? To develop the national arts into a system that is not inferior to the ninja? What exactly is Nima going to do."

There is no specific standard, just such a general sentence, which makes Yi Shuihan feel helpless.

How could such a task appear? Is it just because I taught Metkay?

Yi Shuihan stayed for a long time, but in the end he could only think of this possibility.

Task! How can it be done? Although the national martial arts system does not belong to the ninja in terms of potential, this is now the world of ninjas. The ninja system has been developed for so many years. It takes a lot of time to make the national martial arts system as powerful as the ninja system. less.

A task that takes a long time!

Yi Shuihan regretted passing on the national martial arts to Metkay. It was obviously a whim, and he didn't expect to lead to such a task.

"I have a headache! The days of drinking tea, sunbathing, and having nothing to do with Tsunade will be gone forever?"

He said so, but Yi Shuihan's eyes were exceptionally bright, and his heart was faintly excited.

Although this task is extremely troublesome, it is better than no task, and it is a 100% golden lottery draw. I feel excited to imagine!

Isn't it just to carry forward the national martial arts in this world? I really want to see what Kaguya would look like when she took back Chakra when she faced a bunch of strong national martial arts.

If there is a strong national skill in the Void Breaking Realm, will Kaguya Ji be directly blown up?

While Yi Shuihan was thinking about the task, the training ground of the Ninja School,

"Look, Metkay is doing weird moves again."

"It's so ugly, I don't know what he is doing, is it funny?"

"Listen to him that this is Zamabu, and that he can become stronger by doing this."

"Become stronger? That's it? If I can become stronger in this way, I would have become a ninja. If I have time to be here to sensationalize, why not contact ninja throwing and ninjutsu more?"

Almost most people sneered at Metkay's approach, but only a few people were contemplative.

"Hey, Kakashi, what do you think he is doing? Is he practicing some kind of physical skill."

On one side of the corner, a child with a cigarette hanging from his mouth asked Kakashi with a cold face.

If it was someone else, Kakashi would definitely ignore it, but the person who asked him was Sarutobi, named Asma, the son of three generations of Naruto Sarutobi.

Kakashi thought for a while and thought, "Kay is not the kind of person who can do useless work. Since he can do this, then this action will definitely help."

Although Kakashi's relationship with Metkay is not particularly good, she has seen it many times in hot springs and knows that Matkay's father is Matdai.

Kakashi’s father once told Kakashi that Matt Dai is not easy, and that he can make such an evaluation by Shumo Hagaki, who is Konoha and White Fang, which naturally makes Kakashi even attach great importance to Metkai. A lot.

"Why don't you just ask? Maybe he will tell us."

Next to Asma Sarutobi, a young man with white eyeballs suggested that he was a member of the Konoha Hyuga clan.

At this moment, Matkay, who was originally motionless, made a crackling sound, and then his body became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a short moment, his body grew 7 or 8 cm taller and exuded. With a sturdy breath like a beast.

"Finally I broke through to Ming Jin, but it was amazing. Only when I broke through to Ming Jin, I have this kind of change. I feel that I am several times stronger than before." Metkay looked at his hands with excitement, completely unexpected. After reaching Ming Jin, his strength will increase so much.

Yi Shuihan still underestimated the power of national martial arts in this world. Combining national martial arts with the powerful bodies of people in this world, the power of national martial arts is not as simple as one plus one.

Just like the six forms of the Pirate World, you can become a Superman. Even the guns can be completely fearless. The national skill is even more magical in the Ninja World.

Metkai, who has just reached Ming Jin, cooperates with Shang Ming Jin's realm, even if he is only at the level of Zhongnin, he can completely leapfrog and fight against Shangren.

Waiting for a certain period of time in the practice, completely controlling Ming Jin, defeating Shangren is nothing.

Mr. Zombie didn't have Chakra on him, so Yi Shuihan didn't know that Matkai, who had cultivated his vigor, was quicker in refining Chakra.

Although it is not as fast as the rate of improvement in the hot spring Chakra, it is more than twice as fast as under normal conditions.

"Do you feel it?" Kakashi looked at Metkay with a look of shock on his face. "His breath is actually several times stronger than before."

"That kind of movement turned out to be really practicing." Sarutobi Asma also stared at Metkay with wide eyes.

"Kakashi, how about we play a game?"

Metkay walked up to Kakashi and said with a sense of warfare. From his father, he knew that Kakashi had become a Shinobu, and he wanted to challenge for a long time. It used to be because of his lack of strength, but now he has broken through to Mingjin. He finally felt that he was qualified to challenge.

"Challenge me?" Kakashi wanted to refuse subconsciously. He didn't like meaningless battles, but he was also curious about Metkay's strength and wanted to know what Metkay had cultivated.

"Yes, but you have to tell me what happened before.",,..

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