Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 308: Mike Kay vs. Kakashi

"Yes, Kakashi agreed to Metkay's challenge."

"There is a good show to watch."

"But Metkai will definitely not be Kakashi's opponent, right? Kakashi is Konoha's son and a genius."

Kakashi’s challenge immediately aroused the excitement of the people around him. Although one child is only about 6 years old, in this precocious and unspeakable world, their play is not a housekeeper. Wine and mud, but nothing.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of the ninja teacher not far away, but after discovering that the protagonists were Kakashi and Metkay, they did not stop them. Instead, they showed great interest one by one, as if they were expecting the two to start right away. same.

For Kakashi's strength, even these teachers are extremely curious, while Matkay, ordinary people can't see it, but as a teacher, his eyesight is not bad, and he can naturally see the powerful power hidden in the body.

"What happened before? What do you mean?" Metkay looked dumbfounded. He didn't know what Kakashi was talking about. His IQ was indeed not very high.

Kakashi was taken aback and looked at Metkay in surprise, thinking that Metkay was pretending to be stupid. Only after seeing the thick question in Metkay’s eyes did he realize that he was thinking too much, and the other party really didn’t understand. What he said.

I regret it a bit, is it really good to fight such a guy?

Sighing, Kakashi said, "That's why you suddenly grow taller. Did your previous movements practice physical skills?"

"It turned out to be like this. I understand it when you say that. Let me tell you. I am indeed practicing Physique. This is the Physique given to me by Brother Yi. Guoshu is the name of this Physique. I just Just broke through to Ming Jin.” Metkay said directly.

It's okay to just say a name, not a cultivation method.

"Guoshu? Ming Jin, what is that?" Kakashi couldn't understand it this time.

There was no time for Kakashi to think, but Metkay had already rushed over, his speed and strength had been greatly improved under the bright energy, a burst of sprints, leaving a footprint on the ground.

"It's so fast, the official ninja is not as fast as him, right?"

"My uncle is a great Ninja, and he is not so fast! Is it possible that Metka is a Ninja, a lie!"

The surrounding peers were stunned, and even the teachers looked unbelievable.

As a teacher in a ninja school, you are generally at the level of ninja, and the speed that Metkay is now showing is not as fast as they can. This makes them feel like they are dozens of years older than Metkay.


Metkay's kick was empty, he was fast, but Kakashi's reaction was not slow.

"As expected of Kakashi, come again."

Metkay yelled excitedly.

"What a great power."

With a right punch, Kakashi's expression changed. The power coming from Metkay was beyond his imagination. In terms of power, he was completely downwind.

"Youth! Whirlwind Foot"

Metkay spun around and kicked Kakashi to the side.

"Can't fight it hard."

Although Kakashi in this matter is a ninja, but because there is no blood wheel eye, ninjutsu is not the copy ninja, and ninjutsu is not so rich.

"Substitute technique? When."

Metkay looked at the wood in front of him, and his eyes flashed with surprise, he did not notice Kakashi's knot marks.


Kakashi, who was 10 meters away, looked calm, his hands began to seal.

"The good show has just begun, the shadow avatar technique."

Boom, two other Kakashi appeared beside Kakashi.

"It's actually the shadow clone technique, he actually learned this kind of ninjutsu."

The teachers who watched the battle were shocked. No one would use this level of ninjutsu, and Kakashi was stronger than them based on this trick.

"This kind of thing, he just entered the ninja school!"

A teacher said with emotion, feeling that he has been living with a dog all these years.

"Wow! Kakashi is so amazing, he deserves to be the son of Konoha White Fang."

"Genius! Even the famous Uchiha and Hyuga clan don't have such a genius, right?"

Kakashi's classmates, the eyes that looked at Kakashi had completely changed, full of awe and admiration.

As Kakashi's current opponent, Metkay also showed a look of admiration, but admiration and admiration, but the fighting intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

"In this case, I have to show my real strength."

Metkay spoke in a pose that had never been seen in the ninja world.

"this is……?"

Kakashi looked at Matkay in surprise, because he found that Matkay now feels like a tiger, and may be culled at any time.

"The tiger goes down the mountain!"

With a loud shout, everyone seemed to see an imaginary tiger from Metkay, making a culling look.

Tiger-shaped boxing, this is a set of matching boxing techniques that Yi Shuihan handed over to Metkay. At this time, it was used by Metkay to look like a decent, powerful B-level physical skill.

This physique, even for Shinobu, is completely sufficient. Now that it is used by Metkay, even Kakashi doesn't dare to insist on it.

Originally, it was not as powerful as Metkay. In addition, this kind of power was so powerful that it could burst out a boxing technique that was several times its own power, and Kakashi was only able to dodge.

"That's great, that Kakashi has been beaten and retreated."

"Is Metkay actually so strong?"

"Hmph, no matter how strong the physical skills are, what's the use? The ninja still has to use ninjutsu, Kakashi, use ninjutsu to kill him.

"Yes, ninjutsu is king."

Most of the little kids still support Kakashi, there is no way, who calls Metkay obviously not as handsome as Kakashi!

And in the world of ninjutsu, physique is indeed not as popular as ninjutsu, physique requires painstaking practice to achieve success, ninjutsu is different, as long as you have talent, you can quickly learn it. Ninjutsu is generally more powerful than ninjutsu. They are all bigger and more handsome, so popular is a matter of course. ,, ..

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