Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 312: Hot spa

"Ahem...It's actually An Jin, everyone underestimates you." Tieya looked bitterly and looked at Yi Shuihan in disbelief.

Tieya had never thought of encountering such a thing before coming here. It was only a very simple task, but it became his own grave.

Such an ordinary person is actually in control of such a powerful force, and the national skill is so powerful, and his shadow rank strength is not an enemy of Anjin.

If Konoha had a few more dark powers like this, wouldn't it be unbeatable.

No, this news must be passed back, and the village must pay more attention to national martial arts.

Well, a misunderstanding just happened. Tieya didn’t know that the power of Anjin also differed from person to person. If it was a Zhongren, even Shangren would not be his opponent even if he used the Darkness. He is a shadow rank, as long as he hides well, he is not without the power of a battle.

Struggling with Tiefang, he fumbled out a scroll from his hand. Then, in Yi Shuihan’s surprised gaze, he dug out one of his own eyes and placed it on the scroll. Then his hands continued to form marks, and finally pressed on the scroll. , The scroll and one of his eyes disappeared with the smoke.

"Hu" exhaled in relief, but Tieya's complexion improved a lot. Of course, this was just a revelation.

"Why don't you stop me? If you do, I won't be able to send the news back." asked iron teeth puzzled.

"Hehe" Yi Shuihan let out an unidentified laugh. He did it on purpose. The more other countries pay attention, the faster the development of Chinese martial arts will be? What reason does he have to stop this?

"What a terrible man." No answer was obtained, but Tieya seemed to have guessed something. It was just that he had no strength to do anything and died after speaking.

Looking at the corpses in a place, Yi Shuihan shook his head, there was a trace of sparks in his hand, and with a wave of his hand, these corpses turned into fly ash, everything became the same, as if there had never been any intruders here. general.

In the next few days, there were still several intruders, but each time they were easily resolved by Yi Shuihan, and they were given a chance to pass on the news.

At this moment, everyone realized that Yi Shuihan was not easy to provoke, and no more people were sent, and they simply united to put pressure on Konoha, wanting Konoha to surrender the cultivation method of national arts, otherwise, they would go to war again.

The three wars triggered by the national martial arts are about to break out.

The three generations resolutely did not agree to hand over the national martial arts, even if it was war, they did not hesitate. This time, the ninja world became surging again, and the cloud of war seemed to cover the entire ninja world.

It's just that the last three generations still compromised, because the other four powers had an extremely tough attitude, bringing together nearly twenty movie-class powerhouses to join Konoha.

The three generations surrendered the practice method from the national skill to the dark Jin, but they kept a hand in exchange for a large amount of materials, and this allowed the four-nation alliance to leave.

Yi Shuihan, who saw all this in his eyes, was the happiest. Since then, the term "national martial art" has spread throughout the Ninja World, which is very helpful to his mission.

Without mentioning the development of national arts, Yi Shuihan has new moves.

"Have you heard? As long as you spend ten times at the Ten Thousand World Hot Springs, you can get a guide for the national arts from the hot spring owner."

"I have known it a long time ago. I have already asked my son to soak for 10 taels of silver a time. Although it is very expensive, it is definitely worth it if I can get advice from the hot spring owner."

"Well, the national martial arts came from the hot spring farmer. It is said that the hot spring farmer's knowledge in national martial arts is unfathomable. Let him give instructions on the practice of national martial arts that can be compared to months."

The power of national martial arts is beyond people's imagination, even if it does not reach Ming Jin, but it also played a great role for these children in ninja school.

After several months of cultivation, the strength increased by a few tens of jins, a few hundreds of lines, and even more than a thousand jins, everyone's enthusiasm for national arts broke out completely.

Which parents do not want their children to become talents, so in order to let their children get Yi Shuihan’s advice, they have to spend money at Wanjie Hot Springs.

This is just the beginning. When they discovered the special nature of the hot springs, their enthusiasm became even higher. Originally, there were only a dozen hot springs and dozens of people coming every day, but now they have developed into a sea of ​​people outside the door.

how to say? Because of the quotas, people who line up every day are lined up outside the village. What's more, people who line up a few days in advance may not be able to line up.

I have to say that there are so many handsome men and beauties in the animation world, and there are so many that meet the requirements.

Fortunately, Yi Shuihan's inspection is stricter, otherwise the scalper party may reappear in this ninja world.

"Boss? Do you hire more people to maintain order? I'm really not enough alone!" Finally, Matt Dai, who had finished the work, walked to Yi Shuihan and said with a wry smile.

"Maintaining law and order? It is indeed necessary!"

Seeing Matt Dai busily sweating profusely, Yi Shuihan also felt that he needed to hire someone.

Putting it away, although he caused this situation, he had never thought it would be so popular before.

Before Yi Shuihan said something, the closed door burst open, and then a group of people rushed in.

Yi Shuihan frowned, "Go, go and see what happened."

"We want to see the boss, the boss comes out quickly."

"come out faster."

"How can such a spot be counted in one day, I have been in line for a day, and it is not my turn."

"That is, how do you do business? If you have money, you don't make any money. I strongly urge you to increase your daily quota."

There are constant comments from the crowd.

"be quiet!"

Metkay walked out and shouted, but his voice was quickly suppressed.

Metkay was also a little flustered when he saw this. After all, they were all from the village, so he couldn't suppress it with violence!

Yi Shuihan on the side stood in front and whispered "Quiet!"

Although it seemed to be said very quietly, this sound was heard by everyone present, as if it was drinking in the ear, the sound seemed to have magical power, and all other voices disappeared and quieted down instantly. . ,, ..

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