Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 313: Zhuanyan is contagious pinkeye?

Everyone discovered the existence of Yi Shuihan, and instantly understood that Yi Shuihan is the owner of the hot spring field. Even people who have never met Yi Shuihan think so. There is no reason, just like the owner of the hot spring field. It should be the same as Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan looked around for a week, and everyone who was watched by Yi Shuihan felt an invisible pressure. Among them were civilians and ninjas, but they felt the same pressure.

"Broken my door, do you want such compensation?" Yi Shuihan is indeed a little angry, after all, this hot spring is already equivalent to his home.

"Isn't it just a door? The quota is more important than this! I will pay 500 taels of silver, which is enough for you to change the door several times."

A ninja dressed up in clothes with a fan stood up and said.

Are you a ninja of the Uchiha clan? Yi Shuihan narrowed his eyes, not feeling surprised, after all, the talents of these big families were his main customers.

"500 taels?" Yi Shuihan chuckled lightly and stretched out a finger without speaking.

"Do you want to blackmail? You want 1,000 taels?" A flash of anger flashed in Uchiha's eyes. If the patriarch had said not to provoke Yi Shuihan, he would definitely do it right away, but he opened Ergoyu's writing wheel. Shinobi.

Yi Shuihan did not conceal his disdain, "Twelve thousand taels, plus the mental loss fee totals ten thousand taels, take it out and continue talking about other things."

"What? Ten thousand taels, why don't you grab it?"

Yi Shuihan's words caused an uproar, and the timid people began to regret it. He didn't expect Yi Shuihan to be so tough, but after all, there were many people and no collapse.

"Grab? Do you earn more by robbing? I earn more than 10,000 a day. If I don't give it or not, I can drive people away." Yi Shuihan looked impatient, "You still have yours. I remember it all, if you don’t give it, you will all be blacklisted in the future. Neither you nor your relatives are allowed to step in here."

It’s not that Yi Shuihan’s extortion, he did earn far more than ten thousand in a day, and the money is actually a bunch of numbers in his eyes. The reason why he said ten thousand taels is just to let everyone know that he is not that good-tempered. That's it.

Even if it is a person against hundreds of people, the person who occupies the top in the momentum is still Yi Shuihan. Hearing that he was blacklisted, even his relatives, these people finally panicked and looked at Yi Shui at a loss. cold.

"No! Let's give it, can't you give it back? I have a hundred taels here. Everyone, everyone, quickly put out the money and let the boss fight the fire."

A middle-aged woman in the crowd spoke in a panic.

Following her beginning, other people around also took out silver tickets, and soon a stack of silver tickets far more than ten thousand taels was handed to Yi Shuihan, and even the ninjas had contributed.

Under Yi Shuihan’s signal, Matt Dai collected the money, and then stood behind Yi Shuihan again, watching Yi Shuihan admiringly. He didn’t expect that Yi Shuihan would be shocked by just a few words. Many people, let everyone give money obediently.

"The money has already been given, now it's time to talk about the quota!" Uchiha Kama felt very aggrieved at this time. He had vowed to other people before that if so many people were together, Yi Shuihan would definitely be under pressure. Compromise, did not expect it to be the result now!

"Quota? When did I say that I want to discuss this matter, please take a closer look at what is written on it! This is my hot spring field. All the rules are set by me. If you don’t want to follow it, then Don't come."

Yi Shuihan said of course.

Uchiha Kama really couldn't stand it anymore this time, and said loudly, "Do you know who I am? I belong to the Uchiha clan. I order you in the name of Uchiha clan to open the quota and stop doing anything. limits."

"In the name of Uchiha? What is that? It's my shit." Yi Shuihan looked at Uchiha's righteous sickle, feeling a little unbelievable. How did this man's head grow, unexpectedly, he could be regarded as Uchiha's clan. Order his illusion in name.

However, I saw that many people agreed with Uchiha's words. When he felt that it was not against the peace, Yi Shuihan understood how the Uchiha clan was annihilated. It is so arrogant that it is strange not to be annihilated!

"Nani? You dare to defy the will of my Uchiha clan." Uchiha Kama looked at Yi Shuihan in disbelief, his anger in his eyes was undisguised, because the excited black eyes had turned into a writing wheel eyes. , Liang Gouyu's writing wheel eyes exude evil aura, which is daunting.

"Huh? Why do your eyes become so red? Are you suffering from pinkeye?" Yi Shuihan looked surprised. "I heard that this disease is very serious! It will still be contagious. I don't have medicine here. You should go quickly. See a doctor! Or buy a coffin and lie in it earlier, so as not to harm others."

Unexpectedly, Yi Shuihan would say such things. The famous Shalunyan in the Ninja world, who does not know, the Uchiha clan is proud of the awakening Shalunyan, and believes that only those who have awakened the Shalunyan are real. People from the Uchiha clan, even the others admire the powerful power of Sharonyan, and rarely do not imagine that they have such power.

But now in Yi Shuihan's mouth, this enviable Shalunyan has turned into a contagious red eye disease, which is simply a provocation to the Uchiha clan.

No one thinks that Yi Shuihan does not know the existence of Shao Lunyan, it is too famous, so the only possibility is that Yi Shuihan knows Shao Lun Yan but still said so. This is definitely a blatant provocation against Uchiha's clan and he will not give it. The face of the Uchiha clan.

The power of the Uchiha clan has been deeply rooted in Konoha, and sometimes even Hokage is not as powerful as their deterrent. The only thought in everyone's mind is that Yi Shuihan is dead, even if he does not die, this hot spring field cannot be kept.

Of course, the people here want to get rid of Matt Dai, but he understands the real horror of Yi Shuihan. Even if he has never seen Yi Shuihan make a move, his strong instinct always tells him that if he makes a move against Yi Shuihan, It is absolutely dead and no life.

You must know that Matt Dai is now confident that he will not be his opponent even for three generations, and he has such a feeling in the face of Yi Shuihan, which is enough to explain everything. ,, ..

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