Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 314: Finally shot, shocked white teeth

"Boy, you're going to die! The honor of the Uchiha clan is absolutely not allowed to be trampled on." Uchiha Kama has decided to ignore the clan leader's warning, and he believes that even other clan members will make the same decision as himself when they encounter this situation. .

Killing Yi Shuihan, Uchiha Kama had no such plans, because he still wanted the hot spring field to continue to exist and increase the strength of the Uchiha clan.

I abolished Yi Shuihan, let him see the horror of the Uchiha clan, and then made the hot springs a part of the Uchiha clan. Thinking of this, Uchiha Kama felt all over. If he really succeeds, he will be the hero of the Uchiha clan. From now on, the Uchiha clan will dominate Konoha, and the position of Naruto will belong to the Uchiha clan, and his name will be inscribed on the family's tombstone.

The patriarch is still too careful, an ordinary samurai, even if there is a relationship with Hokage, what's the matter?

The more Uchiha Kama thought about it, the more he felt that he was right, and the eyes that looked at Yi Shuihan were full of cruelty.

He didn't know what kind of monster he was facing. It was an existence that could kill him dozens of times by blowing his breath. Even though he was a Shinobu, he also awakened Ergouyu's writing wheel, but it was Li Uchi after all. The center of wave rights is a bit farther away, so some secrets are not known.

For example, Yi Shuihan once appeared on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain and rescued Tsunade from Hanzo's hands, and for example, Yi Shuihan wiped out the invader Shanin and captured Qiandai alive.

In the Uchiha clan, only the strength reaches the upper endurance, and the Shalunyan awakens to the three-gouyu can enter the true core circle of rights, and the two conditions are more important than the latter. The Uchiha clan still speaks by blood after all. , Besides, the general awakening of Sangou Jade, the strength can definitely reach Shangren.

Except for a few exceptions, the members of the Uchiha clan first reached the upper ninja before awakening the three-gou jade, and the Uchiha clan who awakened the three-gou jade are the overlords at the upper ninth level, and basically compete with ordinary Shangnindu It is a direct spike.

If several people with Uchiha who have three-gou jade writing round eyes are together, even the shadow-level strong will be jealous. When encountering the kind of poor resistance to illusion, a three-gou jade, it may even kill the shadow-level strong.

Even if it is a double-god jade, it is out of absolute advantage to face ninjas of the same level. It is no wonder that each of the Uchiha clan has developed that kind of arrogant personality.

"You'd better not be impulsive, the consequences are not what you can bear." Matt Dai appeared in front of Yi Shuihan in an instant, like a bodyguard.

Naturally, Matt Dai didn’t really want to protect Yi Shuihan. He knew that Yi Shuihan would definitely be the winner when he really fought. It’s just that he didn’t want to see Yi Shuihan and Uchiha’s clan really match up. After all, he was from Konoha and didn't want to see the strength of Uchiha's clan weakened.

For some reason, Matt Dai never appeared in his heart. Uchiha's clan and Yi Shuihan were facing each other. Yi Shuihan was the one who suffered.

However, Uchiha Kama didn't know that Matdai was for his good, and seeing Matdai's obstruction, he also regarded Matdai as an enemy.

"Just because you want to stop me for ten thousand years?"

"Try the power of Shao Lun Yan!"

The two Gouyu in his eyes quickly rotated, and after Uchiha's eyes kicked, a strange wave came out of his eyes and acted on Matt Dai's body.

"A physical ninja, just sink in the illusion! The next thing is..." Uchiha, who thought he had solved Matt Dai, was planning to continue dealing with Yi Shuihan.

"What? Are you okay?"

However, he noticed that Matt Dai's eyes were so clear, what was the performance after being hit by the illusion.

"If a two-hook jade illusion put him down, then I really don't have to hire him as an employee."

Yi Shuihan was not at all surprised that the magic technique had failed.

"Cut, since illusion is not good, I will defeat you in the physical arts you are best at. Under my eyes, all your movements are invisible."

Uchiha Kama confidently said that although Shuanggouyu's writing round eyes could not copy ninjutsu and directly copied body art, the action of seeing through was extremely simple.

"It seems that I am here at the right time!"

Just when Uchiha Kama was about to move his hands, a faint voice sounded, and people seemed to see a white light flashing by, and a person appeared between Metkai and Uchiha Kama.

"It's you? Konoha White Fang, Hagaki Sakumo."

Kama Uchiha recognized the person at a glance, and all the courage in his heart was lost all at once. The shadow of the famous tree of man, the name of Konoha Baito is too big, even if he is arrogant, he does not think he will be Konoha Baito. Opponent.

"Damn it, how could he appear here."

He didn’t dare to look at Haaki Shumao. He went over Matt Dai and looked at Yi Shuihan with resentment. He didn’t even notice it. He had a slight fear of Matt Dai, and he subconsciously thought Yi Shuihan. Shui Han is a soft persimmon.


A terrifying scream was horrifying, and his whole body was cold, and his horrified eyes looked at the figure that shouldn't have been there.


Red blood dripped on the ground, and several bright red blood flowers appeared on the ground soon.

"My eyes, my eyes, you demon, demon."

The place where Uchiha's sickle eyes were written was no longer visible, and two skull-like holes appeared, with unstoppable blood, and he waved his arms madly, as if this would make him less fearful.

"It was said long ago that pinkeye is contagious. Let you go, you have to go. For everyone's safety, I have to reluctantly deal with it and destroy the source of infection."

In Yi Shuihan's hands, two writing wheel eyes were floating. Following his words, the writing wheel eyes suddenly burned and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

The people who saw this scene consciously knew Yi Shuihan for the first time, with unknowingly cold sweat spreading all over their backs.

"What a terrible guy, I didn't even see how he did it at that moment."

Sakumo Hagi is known as Konoha White Fang, and his shot speed is extremely fast. Basically, apart from Space Ninjutsu, he can't be faster than him. He actually didn't see Yi Shuihan's movements, which made him very shocked. ,, ..

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