Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 317: Short-lived writing wheel

He was originally a Tsunade of the film class, and Chakra's volume increased at an inhuman speed, and it doubled several times in a short moment.

Even if the amount of Chakra on a Shionin body doubles several times in such a short moment, it is enough for the world, not to mention Tsunade this shadow level, she was originally a thousand hands, and the amount of Chakra is compared to the average shadow level. It's too much, and now it's doubled, it's hard to imagine.

If it is shocking enough to say that this chakra is doubled by several times, then if we know that on the basis of this doubling, Tsunade’s chakra is still growing, and the speed has not declined because of this. Not shocked, but horrified.

The growth of chakras made Tsunade unable to control his chakras freely. The blue chakras came out, completely covering Tsunade, and the more the chakras gathered, a few meters were formed in a moment. Thick chakra wall.

"If you continue, my hot spring may be destroyed because of this! Fortunately, I was prepared."

Yi Shuihan walked to an inconspicuous position beside the hot spring, took out a white stone and placed it on the ground.

This white stone is not simple, but is made up of the purest spiritual energy. It just looks like a stone. Another name may be called Lingshi, something Yi Shuihan made based on the Lingshi in the novel in his memory.

In addition to cultivating and replenishing spiritual energy, the most famous function of spirit stones is to arrange formations and use them as energy sources. What Yi Shuihan does now is to activate hidden formations that already exist.

The infinitely extending array extends a small space in the space. It is still big from the outside, but the inside has already undergone earth-shaking changes. The moment the spirit stone is placed at the activation point, the place where Tsunade is has been expanded. A hundred times, the crisis was easily resolved.

The use of this formation is not so simple. If you change to an enemy trapped inside, you have to figure it out, unless you have the black iron 9-star attack power, which is the power to destroy a hundred-mile city in one blow, otherwise you can only Wait until the spiritual energy of the spirit stone is exhausted to come out.

As far as the strength of the Ninja World at this stage, basically no one can break through this formation.

Just when Yi Shuihan was complacent, Tsunade's changes within the formation did not stop, but instead became more intense.

"A lot of chakras, if this goes on, her chakras will not be comparable to tail beasts, right? A human chakra has more chakras than tail beasts, which makes those people so powerful."

Yi Shuihan thought maliciously, but he also knew that even if Tsunade's chakras were comparable to tail beasts, they were not comparable to tail beasts in essence, after all, tail beasts were made of pure chakras.

"Did something happen? Boss, I felt an amazing chakra, but it disappeared suddenly."

"It's nothing, it's just a little problem. Go ahead and take care of you!"

Outside the bronze gate, Matt Dai's eyes looked straight at Tsunade's direction, but in the end he did not forcibly enter.

After all, a trace of chakra was leaked, and it was so close that Matt Dai could find out.

"Next, let me see where Tsunade can go." Yi Shuihan simply sat aside, protecting Tsunade's method, and he could react as quickly as possible even if there was an accident.

Tsunade's changes continued for a long time, until the sky turned black completely, and Yi Shuihan had a supper and it was not over yet.

After such a long period of time, Yi Shuihan did not feel anxious, on the contrary, he became more happy. After all, the longer it lasted, the greater the benefits Tsunade would get.

"Hey, is it finally over? Anyway, it's about to run out of a spiritual stone. Tsunade Chakra is amazing."

Don't underestimate this spiritual stone, this spiritual stone may not be a big deal to Yi Shuihan, it is only an hour's work, but if a person of the transformation stage can cultivate, it can be used for half a year.

The chakra wall in the formation was slowly shrinking, and after a while it completely disappeared, and Tsunade's figure became clearer.

Tsunade was floating in the air at this time, like a fairy, and the whole person felt full of agility.

The huge vitality can no longer be felt in Tsunade's body. This does not mean that the vitality has disappeared, but that it has turned into a higher level of existence, and the quantitative change finally caused the qualitative change.

Even Yi Shuihan was an incomparable accident at this time. Under his perception, Tsunade, who had a life limit of 1,000 because of dragon blood, broke the limit of 1,000.

"Such a thing will happen unexpectedly, beyond one thousand, less than two thousand, about one thousand three hundred!" Don't underestimate the extra three hundred, which is not represented by three hundred. Breaking through one thousand is more significant than these three hundred.

Now it's only three hundred more. If Tsunade turns to practice the Immortal Dao system, every time he breaks through a realm in the future, the life breakthrough he brings may bring even greater surprises.

Even Yi Shuihan was very curious about the so-called blood in this world at this time. In the final analysis, the root of all this came from the sacred tree!

What magical power does that eaten fruit have?


The spirit stone finally shattered, and the formation could not be maintained, but fortunately, it was no longer needed.

"Tsunade, how are you feeling?"

Even though he asked, Yi Shuihan knew that Tsunade couldn't answer negative answers.

Tsunade's eyes opened, and it turned into a writing wheel for a moment, but this writing wheel seems to be only a flash in the pan. I am afraid that even Tsunade himself did not notice it, but was only seen by Yi Shuihan who has been paying attention to Tsunade. .

This kind of thing shouldn't happen, and what the Thousand Hands Clan inherited does not include eyes and spiritual power.

But it is impossible for me to see that what appeared at that moment was indeed correct, and it was not an ordinary one.

After all, it’s because the source is the same. Is there such a small remnant of the spiral chain deep in the gene? Or is it hidden in the depths of the soul in an unexplainable way?

"Is this still me?" Tsunade clenched fists with both hands, looked at his white and unspeakable hands, realizing a powerful force that was once completely unimaginable, and said that he couldn't believe it. ,, ..

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