Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 318: Secrets discovered

"I feel that I am more than a hundred times stronger than before, and also, is this the transformation of energy in the national arts?"

Did you break through to Huajin? Accidents are really everywhere!

Yi Shuihan hadn't expected it. Originally, he just wanted to feel the awakening Mu Dun a little more self-protection, but now it will be such a result.

The goal was naturally achieved, and it was still far beyond Yi Shuihan’s expectations. The feeling he felt now was divided into systems according to the system. I am afraid that he is already the powerhouse of Black Iron Nine Stars, even the Uchiha Madara with reincarnation eyes. It won't be Tsunade's opponent at all.

how to say? Even among the perverted powerhouses that constantly appeared in the late Naruto period, Tsunade was completely at the top position. Now she has surpassed her grandfather Senjujuma in essence, and even traced back farther than that of the Six Way Immortals. The second son Indra might be stronger.

Is it really an incredible powerhouse? Um, that's wrong, how can such a beautiful person be said to be made? It is entirely natural fortune!

"I've decided, I will protect you from now on, my little man, I am so strong now that I feel terrible!" Tsunade just took a step instinctively, but the effect was meager. It appeared in front of Yi Shuihan like the instantaneous technique.

"That won't work! If you, as your man, rely on you to protect it, how can it make me feel bad? Besides, your current strength is still below me!"

When? Tsunade was taken aback when he heard the words, only to realize that he was unexpectedly embraced by Yi Shuihan in the form of a princess.

I knew before that Yi Shuihan was stronger than herself, but after this transformation, Tsunade thought that she had surpassed Yi Shuihan. After all, she was too strong, even if she had defeated herself, she had to rely on Hanzo, who could only be killed by teaming up with Jilaiya and Oshemaru, now she has the confidence to kill with one move.

But what's going on now, it's so powerful that you don't even believe it, is it still inferior to him? How strong is he and where does he come from?

At this moment, in Tsunade's eyes, Yi Shuihan became a little illusory, although he was close in front of him, it gave people a feeling of being far away in the sky, as if he were not in the same world.

Feeling the changes in Tsunade, Yi Shuihan lowered his head slightly, and looked straight at Tsunade. Those eyes were full of love and loyalty, which dispelled the illusion in Tsunade's eyes.

The distance between the two kept getting closer, and finally Yi Shuihan's lips finally met Tsunade's red lips like rose petals.

When encountering unsolvable problems between men and women, just kiss directly. If you kiss, all your thoughts can be conveyed.

Without words, Tsunade also felt Yi Shuihan's heart, and his originally uneasy heart calmed down.

Yes! It doesn't matter who Yi Shuihan is, where he comes from, and how strong he is, it doesn't matter, only one thing can be confirmed, that is, his feelings for himself are not false, so pure.

Isn't it all because of the man in front of me that I can become so strong and my younger brother can be saved?

Tsunade, who had figured it out, responded to Yi Shuihan very enthusiastically, as if the whole person wanted to melt in Yi Shuihan's body.

How could Yi Shuihan endure this? It directly lit the flames of war.

Yi Shuihan looked at Tsunade who was already satisfied with some horror.

After the transformation, Tsunade's combat effectiveness was greatly enhanced, and Yi Shuihan, who could easily defeat Tsunade before, almost capsized in the gutter this time.

"This is not considered to be self-inflicted." Yi Shuihan felt the world's deep malice for the first time, and was in urgent need of stronger strength.

"If I can't even do it, I wouldn't agree to you looking for another woman."

Tsunade said abruptly.

"Heh...hehe, what are you talking about, I don't have that idea."

Yi Shuihan seemed to be seen through his mind, extremely guilty.

"Oh, Hancock, what's the matter with Robin? Do you want me to continue?"

Tsunade looked at Yi Shuihan with a faint smile. This was the time before Yi Shuihan called out unconsciously in a dream.

The result of the trial made Tsunade feel a little sour in her heart, but she was helpless. Who told her to find that she was completely inseparable from Yi Shuihan!

Yi Shuihan looked at Tsunade dumbfounded, and didn't know how to reply.

"Can't tell me? It's true! What you are hiding from me is far more than I thought." Tsunade's words made Yi Shuihan feel bad, and he hurriedly searched for words to explain.

The reason why he was so flustered was entirely because he really loved Tsunade and didn't want to see the two of them end there.

However, the next moment Tsunade smiled, and the conversation turned, "As long as you are strong enough, even if there are more women, I don't mind. Before that, I don't want to see your other women."

"Who told me that I can't live without you anymore!"

Tsunade takes the initiative to hug Yi Shuihan, otherwise Yi Shuihan sees her face

"Forgive my waywardness! And don't leave me."

Tsunade's words with a pleading tone completely touched the softness in Yi Shuihan's heart, making Yi Shuihan instantly feel that he was really sinful.

"I won't leave you, and I won't let you leave me."

Damn, this kind of thing is really lethal, as long as it is not without emotion, no matter how strong it is, it can cause harm.

This conversation deepened the connection between Yi Shuihan and Tsunade, and of course, it strengthened Yi Shuihan's desire for a certain aspect of ability.

If you are a man, you must not shrug!

Although Tsunade's words made Yi Shuihan a little introspective, he couldn't stop Yi Shuihan from doing anything when he met a suitable girl in the future, but it would converge a lot, and he didn't really like it.

Until then, improving one's abilities is naturally essential and a prerequisite for everything. ,, ..

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