Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 325: Spy discovered by accident

The awakened Senju Rope Tree's talent already had the possibility of becoming Hokage. If he followed his original talent, it would be extremely difficult to complete Yi Shuihan's cultivation requirements.

Now, it only took a week for Qianshou Rope Tree to adapt to Yi Shuihan's high-intensity exercise, and because of the actual strength enhancement, it seems that it has become more energetic.

"Na... na, what is today's practice mission? I can't wait."

The Senjutsu Yushu who was brought to the Forbidden Area of ​​Konoha Houshan by Yi Shuihan still didn't know what he was going to face when he came down.

"As a ninja, how can you not see blood? I will let you see blood today."

"Seeing blood? I have seen blood! I often make wounds inadvertently during normal practice."

For Qianshou Jinshu who was still in the age of innocence, what Yi Shuihan said could not be understood immediately.

"Well, to put it another way, I will take you to kill someone today."


Qianshou Shengshu was stunned and looked at Yi Shuihan in disbelief.

"It's too early from time to time, I...I'm not ready yet."

Senjutsuji was stuttering a bit.

"What do you think a ninja is? Anything will happen during the mission. There is so much time for you to prepare. If you give up being Naruto, we will go back immediately."

Yi Shuihan looked like he hated iron but not steel, but in his heart he was laughing secretly. In fact, he originally meant to come here to kill some beasts, but he really came here and found a few unexpected people. Obviously It was a spy from outside the village, and then he changed his original intention.

"Don't be lucky. Your goal is to be the ninja of 3 individual villages. Although the strength is not as good as you, it is normal for you to die if you are not careful."

"Brother-in-law, you are really good at joking, I don't believe that you don't take action when I'm in danger." Senju Noseki poked his lips, then turned aside and became serious. "However, I will definitely not let you have a chance Yes, blocking the glory of my thousand hands."

"Then I will quietly watch you pretend to...behave." Is it because you know that the people from the outer village accept it so quickly?

Well, forget it, anyway, I can't let him kill ordinary people who have no resistance, even old people, children, etc., that kind of ninja can't be called a human at all.

About 300 meters away from Yi Shuihan and the others, in a large tree with no flaws in the surface, but a hollow tree, three young people about 17 years old were communicating, and they didn't find any dangerous approach.

Two of the three people are ninja and one is ninja. Obviously Yi Shuihan didn't tell the rope tree the truth, but for Senju rope tree, just be a little careful, this is not a problem.

"Sano, you said that you got important information from Konoha. What kind of news is it that asked you to call us here? Konoha's vigilance is much better than before. I managed to get out. After all, I am still a foreign businessman who is not too big or too young."

"Don't give yourself a gold medal, a small person like you is not worthy of others' attention at all."

"what did you say?"

"Shut up both of you. I didn't come here to listen to you two quarreling."

"Yes, Master Zhihui."

Zhihuida is also the only Zhong Ren, or more accurately the elite Zhong Ren, not far from the special Shang Ren, this kind of strength can be regarded as a not big or small boss.

"Hua Cha, tell me what you know!"

"Okay, my lord, it's like this, a few days ago..."


Suddenly Zhihui Da also screamed, and at the same time a Kuwu turned into a streamer and shot towards the back of Hua Chai.


The sound of the explosion sounded, and it turned out that a detonating talisman was posted on top of Kuma.

"I was discovered so easily, I really am a rookie!" Yi Shuihan, who saw all this in his eyes, vomited secretly.

"do you died?"

"Under such an explosion, even if it is not dead, it will be crippled!"

"No, he is fine!"

Zhihui Da also narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the figure gradually appearing in the smoke, his expression became solemn, and his killing intent was unceremoniously released.

"Since I have been discovered, there is no way." Despite saying that, the Senshou Rope Tree's face was eager to try. "Thousand Hands Clan, Senshou Rope Tree, join!"

"It's actually a kid from the Thousand Hands Clan. This time I really met a big fish! If you bring him back to the village, it will be a great accomplishment!"

As the people of the Thousand Hands Clan, even without awakening Mu Dun, their bodies are extremely valuable. I don’t know how many countries study bloodstains in secret. Among them, the Mu Dun of the first generation of Hokage is the bloodstain that everyone dreams of, so the Thousand Hands Clan The corpse is extremely valuable and an important resource.

For the ninja, the corpse is the most important source of intelligence, and a lot of things can be obtained from it. Even bloodstains may be studied. This is why the major bloodstain families use various methods to protect the secrets of family bloodstains. The reason, for example, the bird in the cage of Hyuga is to prevent the white eyes from falling into the hands of outsiders, and of course there are other functions along the way.

"Wooden escape thorn"

As soon as the Senju Rope Tree came up, Mu Dun was used. From the feet of the three Outer Village ninjas, there were spiky thorns that turned into trees.

"It's actually Mu Dun, he's not an ordinary Thousand-Handed Clan."

"I haven't heard of the existence of the awakened Mu Dun in the Thousand Hands Clan! Konoha also hid too deep, but a little devil, even if Mu Dun is so good! Go, kill him."

"Soil Bullets"

"Soil Escape and Rock Falling Technique"

"Soil and rock bound"

The shots were almost at the same time, and the three ninjutsu, regardless of the front and back, directly blocked all the retreats of Senjutsu Noshu.

"Boy, you are too tender!"

Faced with this situation, a trace of panic flashed in Senju's eyes, and he did not expect that the enemy would attack so suddenly and cooperate so well.

"Damn it, wooden escape with four wooden walls"

Four wooden walls rose from the foot of the Senjutsu rope tree, only blocking the soil bullets. One hit most of the falling rocks, but a few of them still hit him. Because of the restraint of his feet, he could not be free. Dodge.

The price of an arm injury finally survived this attack.

"It was actually blocked. I am afraid that the strength of this Thousand-Handed Clan Imp is still above me. It's just that the flowers in the greenhouse can compare to us. You who cannot release ninjutsu are no longer our opponent.

In Zhihui Taiya's view, the outcome of Senju Ropeki becoming a prisoner is doomed. ,, ..

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