Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 326: One-hand knot printing

Qianshou Rope Tree did not show the slightest despair at this time, not to mention that Yi Shuihan still existed in the dark, even he himself didn't think he had lost like this.

In addition to ninjutsu, his physical skills are also good, and anyone who says that one hand cannot use ninjutsu can't use ninjutsu, he can actually do it with one hand.

Even Yi Shuihan didn't even know that he had practiced one-handed knot printing. This was his hole card. Although he was second, he was not without brains. He would naturally retain one or two hole cards.

"The real battle is completely different from what I thought. If I meet a ninja with the same strength as mine, I am afraid I will be killed in a second!" Senju Noseki was very thankful that he was facing several ninjas who were not as strong as him.

The original mentality of some carelessness is now gone. Senjutsu Noseki began to reflect. In fact, if he was serious from the beginning, the other party would not be able to find himself at all, and he could use ninjutsu to kill them before the enemy found out. of.

After being discovered, although he made a counterattack for the first time, it was only a test. After the test, he did not choose to hide. Instead, he exposed himself to the opponent's attack, which was undoubtedly an expression of arrogance.

"However, I won't be like this in the future." Senju Noseki took a deep breath. "Thank you for teaching me a lot. Next, let you see the true power of Mu Dun."

"What can you do with one hand? Stop bluffing."

"is it?"


Senju Notsuki threw a handful of shurikens at the opponent, and then began to seal with one hand.

"Nani? Kieyin with one hand, kill him!"

"It's over."

"Boom bang bang"

The shuriken that had been evaded suddenly changed into a Thousand-Hand Rope Tree, a wooden clone + transfiguration technique + substitution technique.

"Wooden Cutting Technique"

Without giving the enemy a chance to react at all, long wooden thorns grew from his arms to pierce Zhihuida. While he was pierced into a hedgehog, he was constantly splitting.

Zhong Ren was dead, and the next two Xiao Ren became even more threat-free, and they were solved in three or two strokes.


After the battle, Yi Shuihan walked out, "Oh, that's not bad! He will get a seal with one hand."

"Why don't you speak? Hey, why are you so pale! Are you sick?"

"Wow!" I finally couldn't help but vomited out from the side. The first time I killed someone, I didn't feel that when I started it. After the killing, I saw the disgusting way of death. This is also the case. normal.

Quietly watching Qianshousheng's vomiting, Yi Shuihan did not urge.

"Has the wound started to heal? Mu Dun's system is really powerful enough."

I noticed that my arm, which I could not move, has slowly moved. This is absolutely impossible if I change to an ordinary person.

"Brother-in-law, what should they do?"

After finally slowing down, Senju Noseki pointed to the ill-formed corpse on the ground and asked.

"What should I do? Just put it here, or you want to take them home, I don't mind, maybe I can find something in their corpses."

The more Yi Shuihan said, the paler Qianshoushengshu's face became, and there was a tendency to continue to vomit.

"Also... or put it here!"

The first beast hunting plan ended in this way. Because of the injury, Yi Shuihan couldn't take him to practice anymore, so the two returned the same way.

Not long after the two left, a head suddenly appeared on the ground.

"Unexpectedly, the plan was accidentally ruined, so I had to tell Naruto Masters as soon as possible. Also, Tsunade-sama's younger brother actually awakened Mu Dun, and I don't know if Naruto-sama knew."

Mumbling, then dived into the ground and disappeared.

"Anbe? I didn't expect to accidentally do something wrong. Could it be that there was a counter-spy among the three."

Yi Shuihan, who was a few kilometers away, showed a bitter smile, but he immediately relieved his heart. Anyway, it was not intentional, and even if it was deliberate for three generations, he can't do anything to him. The hands are the rope tree!

The rope tree that summarized the battle on the side was completely unaware that Yi Shuihan had decided in his heart to sell him if he was really troubled.

"Is it? Ropeki actually awakened Mu Dun, and Tsunade kept it from me."

"Hokage-sama, what should I do about this?"

"Find someone else to continue with the previous plan. Don't expose the thing about Senju Rooseki's awakening Mu Dun, don't tell anyone, only you and I know."


"I can only do so much, but with his protection, the safety of the rope tree should be no problem."

The training of the rope tree continued, and later special training in the national arts was added to make the rope tree's strength almost the same every day.

One month later, when Tsunade came back and saw the rope tree, it was a surprise. He didn't believe that the person with firm and iron-blooded temperament in front of her would be her second brother.

"I should have given him to you sooner."

"If you train him by yourself, you can do it to this level, but you dote on him too much."

Yi Shuihan said the facts calmly, but enjoyed Tsunade's worshiping eyes very much.

"I heard that Kakashi is going to graduate early. Would you like to see if he is the youngest ninja if he succeeds?"

"It's not a little boy, what's so good, it's of that level anyway."

"Really? Kakashi is looking forward to coming. Kay is still graduating with him. Don't you give Dai a day off?"

"This is okay, well, I'll go take a look at that time, after a period of leisure, I have to start doing business!"

The main thing, of course, is to carry forward the national martial arts. The current development speed of national martial arts cannot satisfy Yi Shuihan. He already has a new plan called the National Martial Arts Plan.

People in this world have a desire for power far beyond those in the peaceful era. As long as Yi Shuihan releases the cultivation method of Chinese martial arts, they will certainly grasp it without hesitation! ,, ..

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