Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 327: Unintentional advertising

The venue for the graduation test was already overcrowded at this time. Kakashi's name of genius had long been spread, so many people paid attention to the graduation test this time.

Because Kakashi's father Sakumo Hagi is still alive, although Danzo is very enthusiastic about Kakashi, he does not dare to do it directly, and Konoha White Fang is also afraid of him.

"Look at your son's graduation test!"

Yi Shuihan came with Matt Dai and Tsunade. After arriving at the scene, he saw Sakumo Hagi naturally go over to say hello.


Compared with before, Sakumo Hagi appeared to be more silent. I don't know if it was an illusion, but now he actually feels like a twilight.

"Have you considered my previous proposal?"

"Proposal? You mean?"

"Retired and come to work with me."

Haaki Shuomao was silent and didn't answer. Just when Yi Shuihan thought he would refuse, he nodded insignificantly, if it were not for Yi Shuihan's sharp eyes, he would really not notice.

"Don't worry, I will talk about it for three generations."

Yi Shuihan quickly assured that it is not so simple for a ninja to retire early in this era. To say that a ninja is actually more equivalent to a soldier's role. Although it also has a certain degree of autonomy, when Hokage issues an order, it cannot refuse.

Generally speaking, ninjas want to retire, unless they lose their ability as a ninja, otherwise they can only live as a ninja, and even if Naruto releases people, they can still be called up at any time if necessary.

As Konoha's top combat power, the third generation will naturally not let go so easily, but Yi Shuihan has the confidence to let the third generation let go.

"Oh, it's about to start."

Unknowingly, Kakashi was already standing in the center, but the test teacher in front of him was not Zhongnin, but a Shangnin, and it was also the upper ninja of the Uchiha clan. This shows that the upper class has regard to Kakashi. Pay attention.

"As long as you can last 3 minutes in my hands, you will be qualified."

Uchiha Jin looked at his mouth lightly, watching Kakashi, a genius who has risen to fame, a sharp look flashed in his eyes. As a member of the Uchiha clan, he cannot tolerate such a genius even more than the Uchiha clan. Cassie is also the son of Sakumo Hagiki.

He Uchihakin is very at odds with Sakumo Hagi.

"Is it too harsh for the three generations to do this? Uchihakin seems to not be merciful anymore."

"No, on the contrary, only in this way can we see Kakashi's true strength. Uchihakin may not be Kakashi's opponent."

"Impossible! Uchihakin no matter how you say it is Shinobu, how could he not be Kakashi's opponent? This is too exaggerated!"


Anyone present who knew some of Kakashi's news would not think that there is something wrong with Shangren as a test teacher. After all, Kakashi's strength demonstrated in the Ninja School has exceeded the scope of Zhongren.

"Kakashi, show your youth in front of everyone! Later, I will let everyone see my youth, oh, the thought of becoming a ninja burns."

Metkay yelled loudly not far away, ignoring the weird gazes of those around him.

Kakashi's eyes twitched and his body involuntarily moved away from Metkay's direction, although doing so had no practical effect.

"Ready? Start when you are ready."

"Please advise."

Kakashi's indifferent attitude made Uchihakin annoyed, and no longer maintained the reservedness of Shinobu, he chose to attack first.

"So fast, I can't see clearly, is this the speed of Shinnin?"

The students who saw Kaminari fighting for the first time were all amazed.

"But that Kakashi completely kept up with his speed. Doesn't it mean that his strength has reached the upper limit?"

"Although Kakashi is very powerful, he shouldn't be the opponent of Shangnin!"

As an upper ninja, Uchihakin has no small attainments in physique, ninjutsu, or even illusion. Even the writing round eye has opened 2 gouyu, and the combat power is also top in the upper ninja.

For the battle world, the cooperation of ninjutsu is much stronger than Kakashi, so after a few confrontations, he has the upper hand, and Kakashi can only defend.

"What's the matter, isn't it a genius? Konoha Baiya's son, only this level?"

"If there is only this level, it is better to go back to the ninja school and continue studying for a few years. Ninjas are not something children can play."

"The action has become sluggish, can't you hold on?"

Uchihakin laughed at the presence of Sakumo Hagi without hesitation.

"Kakashi! What the **** are you doing? Stop playing."

Everyone was silent, but Metkay yelled loudly.

"Playing? Kakashi, are you there yet, he said you are playing!"

Uchihakin said disdainfully, not believing that Kakashi still has something to hide.

"It's true that you can't continue playing! Teacher, you should have heard of Chinese martial arts!"


"Next, let you see the power of national magic."

There was a sudden roar from Kakashi's body, and then his body grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his tyrannical aura exploded, as if it were a different person.

"You actually went head-to-head with me, are you confused?"

Uchihakin looked at Kakashi in amazement, his power itself was far above Kakashi.

However, this time Uchiha Kim was destined to be disappointed, and it was him who was at a disadvantage in strength.

"What's going on? Before obviously?" Uchiha's expression changed. "Is it because of this attitude?"

"Hubao Leiyin, a manifestation of the cultivation of national martial arts to the depths, can greatly increase one's strength, speed, perception in a short time, and more importantly, can speed up the recovery of the injury." Kakashi kept moving. , The sound also slowly spread into everyone's ears.

"I'm not mistaken, am I! Kakashi actually pressed Uchiha Jin to fight?"

"It seems that there is nothing wrong. Kakashi uses national magic? National magic is so powerful!"

Yi Shuihan looked at Kakashi in amazement, and Kakashi accidentally advertised for him. ,, ..

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