Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 329: 20 deals

What appeared on Metkay's body had nothing to do with the tail coat, that is, it looked better and had a more amazing aura.

But if it really continues to develop like this, when this phantom condenses into an entity, then the power will probably not be weaker than the tail animal suit.

In order to let everyone see the power of national martial arts, Yi Shuihan also took great pains, thinking that if two people fight against each other, if they don't reveal a little power, how can everyone know the power of national martial arts, so he uses special methods to transfer all the power from Metkai. Guided to the side.

Ever since, every attack will leave a small hole on the ground. Yi Shuihan deliberately guided Maitkay’s attack route. The two of them fought in the woods on the side, and the consequences were one by one. The big tree fell directly.

Those who understand naturally see some signs and can't laugh or cry at Yi Shuihan's approach, while those who don't move are more and more amazed at the power of the national arts.

"Stop, three minutes have come, you are qualified."

Metkay is the bigger and more excited, completely forgot the time, but Yi Shuihan will not forget, even if it is for advertising, it should be enough! So he called to stop when the time was up.

"What? The time has come."

Metkay stopped like a frustrated ball, looking a little glum.

"You kid, get cheap and sell well."

Yi Shuihan said in an angry tone. What he said was still true. After such a training session, Metkay's improvement was not a little bit, and many hidden dangers that were not normally discovered were exposed.

"From today, you are a glorious Konoha Shinobu, and you will depend on you to maintain the peace of the village in the future." Three generations smiled and awarded Kakashi and Metkay ninja guards.

Although the two little guys are very strong, they still have a look of excitement holding the ninja guard. Hearing the words of the three generations, they straightened up the moon, and they seem to feel very proud of becoming a ninja!

I have to say that the level of flicker of the third generation is still acceptable. After a few words, Kakashi and Metkai are dizzy, as if they can sacrifice at any time for Konoha.

"Your son has become Xia Ren, what do you think?" Yi Shuihan said to Matt Dai somewhat jokingly.

"Uh! It doesn't have to be such a big reaction!"

Metkay's eyes already contained tears, and in the end they stayed directly, making Yi Shuihan sweat profusely.

"Kay...Kay, he has finally grown up! This is youth! If it doesn't work, I have to work hard, and walk up 10,000 times quickly."

When Matt Dai didn’t agree with him, he began to do bitter sleep-ups on the spot like no one. This reminded Yi Shuihan that this was Metkay’s father, and Matkay shouted the slogan of youth all day from him. Inherited from there.

Sakumo Hagiki on the side looked at Matt Dai in surprise, and then walked away a bit without saying a word.

Feeling the eyes around him, Yi Shuihan also made the same choice as Haaki Shumao, quietly staying away from Matt Dai.

"I will go to see Master Naruto with you."

Shumao Hagi found Yi Shuihan and said.

"Actually I can solve it alone."

Yi Shuihan is also doing well for Hatake Shumao. If two people go, Hatake Shumao will not be embarrassed.

A touch of emotion flashed in his eyes when Sakumo Hagi heard this, but his attitude was firm.

"No way, then we'll be together."

Originally, Yi Shuihan planned to find another time to speak, after all, he had to prepare his lines a little bit! Now, he can only obey Hagaki Shumao.

"En? What's the matter? Shuomao, and..."

"Could you take a step to speak."


We came to a remote place not far away with Sandai. Before Yi Shuihan could speak, Haaki Shumao first explained his intentions.

"Three generations of adults, I plan to retire, I hope you can achieve it."

The three generations of Naruto was taken aback, and then he sighed. He also understood the situation of his general. To be honest, he didn't expect Haaki Shushige to make such a decision, but when Haaki Shushige said After coming out, the three generations felt that they could understand.

"Are you no longer thinking about it?" Understanding is to understanding, it's impossible to just let others go.

"The village still needs you! I know the village is sorry for you, I am here to apologize to you for them."

The third generation is sincere and sincere, if it was the original Hagi Sakumo, he would waver and hesitate immediately, but Yi Shuihan was also present.

"It's just retiring, not a ninja, he won't stop Konoha in the future, really Konoha has something, can he not help?" Yi Shuihan knew it was time for him to act.


Three generations looked at Yi Shuihan unexpectedly, only then realized that something was wrong! Originally, he thought that the two of them happened to come to him together, but now when Yi Shuihan said this, he didn't know where they were all for one thing.

The matter involved Yi Shuihan, and the three generations felt a little bad. He knew that Yi Shuihan was not a person who would compromise easily!

"This matter is set in this way. From today onwards, Shuomao is not a ninja but an employee of my hot spring field. Just say you can agree or not?" Yi Shuihan set out his cart.

"This..." Three generations made a hesitant look.

This old fox seems to have to give him some benefits!

Yi Shuihan stretched out a finger and said, "10 extra places a day."

"100?" The three generations' eyes gleamed, and Hagiaki Sakumo had been in a bad state recently. It would be great if he could be exchanged for Yi Shuihan's hot spring quota.

"Twenty. If it doesn't work, you will fall."

"Deal!" Originally 10 three generations have been satisfied, saying that 100 is just a test, but I didn't expect that there will be 10 more. Naturally, they agreed happily, for fear that Yi Shuihan would regret it.

Looking at the conversation between Yi Shuihan and the three generations, Shumao Hagaki felt as if he was something from a vegetable market, and his heart was strange.

Looking at the happy appearance of the three generations, Yi Shuihan was also very happy. 20 places in exchange for a Haaki Shumao is really a good deal. ,, ..

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