Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 330: Want to judge Yi Shuihan

Fengzhen, an inconspicuous small town in the country of fire.

Fengzhen, which used to be a pool of stagnant water, is bustling today because of the opening of a martial arts hall.

The martial arts martial arts hall of Guoshu moved to Fengzhen a month ago and occupies the best geographical location in Fengzhen. The martial arts hall was built in just one month. The martial arts hall is not big, that is, the size of a football field. So it took only one month to complete the project because it was mostly done by ordinary people.

This is not Konoha, there are not so many ninjas, and generally speaking, ninjas do not bother to do architectural things. After all, in this world, a ninja is completely separated from the class existence of ordinary people, equivalent to aristocrats, some remote places, A ninja can be the king and hegemony.

"I heard that this is for people to learn national martial arts? National martial arts can make people become like a ninja."

"What? What exactly is this national skill? It can actually make people a strong like a ninja."

"do not know?"

"you do not know?"

"I also heard news that I was going to the martial arts martial arts center to try it. I heard that you can receive the martial arts practice method for free! And if you have good qualifications, you can stay and become a student in the martial arts center. Be responsible for."

"So good! What are you waiting for, hurry up!"


It can make people stronger. If the talent is good, it will be a great temptation for ordinary civilians. Therefore, everyone who heard the news rushed to the martial arts martial arts hall, wanting to see things. The true and false, even some ordinary ninjas are also attracted.

And this matter is naturally true. After a copy of the training methods for the introductory national arts were sent to everyone's hands, and there was a dedicated person who showed the strength of Ming Jin's martial artist, everyone went crazy.

The martial arts martial arts gymnasium bloomed everywhere in a short time. Basically, there are martial arts martial arts gymnasiums in larger places.

For the first time, national martial arts has become an important national term, not only in the country of fire, but also in the several major countries. Now people often ask after meeting "have you learned national martial arts? Have you been to Mingjin?" "

A revolution was unfolding at a speed that people could not imagine. By the time the Ninja villages of the great past got the news, the cultivation methods of the national martial arts had already spread all over the house, and it was impossible to prevent them from leaking out.

The major Ninja villages eliminated the Anbu to investigate the origin of all this, but in the end they could only detect that the source of this one came from Konoha.

After screening, the final goal was finally determined, Yi Shuihan.

So Yi Shuihan was called to drink tea by the third generation.

"I'm very busy if you have anything to do with me. Besides, I'm not your Konoha ninja." Yi Shuihan looked impatient. In fact, he didn't plan to come, but he couldn't bear Tsunade to persuade him. .

Three generations were originally angrily wanting to question Yi Shuihan, but once Yi Shuihan finished speaking, the three generations were shocked to discover that he really had no position to question Yi Shuihan.

Yes, the other party had spread the national martial arts, which caused great turbulence in the country. It is still not visible, but it will have a certain impact on the ninja in the long run.

If the people have power, then it is inevitable to think more, and then it will be bad if something unfavorable and social stability will happen.

Now things are like this, and they can't expect to completely eliminate the spread of national martial arts. It is true that 9 of 10 people now have the practice of national martial arts. The law does not blame the public. They can't always monitor everyone!

Fortunately, I also inquire clearly, except for those who are truly talented, everyone only has the way to cultivate to Mingjin. This is the only thing that makes the major Ninja villages feel at ease.

It's not a ninja. Ordinary people who have cultivated to Ming Jin, at most, can hold their wrists with ordinary Shinnin, and as long as they are prepared and prepared, it is very simple to use Ninjutsu to kill Ming Jin.

"Why don't you speak? If you don't speak, I'll leave." Yi Shuihan sat on the chair taken out of the portable space, expressing his unwillingness to accommodate the three generations.

"What is your purpose? What is the purpose of spreading the national martial arts?" Three generations asked, while staring at Yi Shuihan closely.

"What's the purpose? It's just to carry forward the national martial arts, after all, its philosophy is for the strength of the country's people." Yi Shuihan said solemnly.

Regarding Yi Shuihan's words, the three generations didn't want to believe a word, but he could see that Yi Shuihan really didn't lie.

Although it was because of the mission, Yi Shuihan's purpose was really to carry forward the national arts.

Three generations are silent, don’t know what to say

"Do you know if you do this, maybe it will cause war."

"No way! Ordinary people won't be the opponents of ninja even if they have practiced national martial arts, are they?"

It was true before Baodan, or Huajin, but after entering Huajin, the bloodline has changed, that is not necessarily, then maybe a person who is not a ninja can defeat a ninja at the same level.

There are far more practitioners of national martial arts than ninjutsu. With such a large base, as long as time is given, there will eventually be martial artists comparable to the shadow level or even more powerful, and the time when the contradiction really breaks out.

Of course, if there is no Yi Shuihan, that kind of situation cannot happen too quickly, after all, it is not easy for a blind person to touch the elephant to break through to a higher level of energy.

"Other countries let us hand you over for trial."

The third generation finally said something that made Yi Shuihan pay a little attention.

Speaking of it, the pressure of the three generations is indeed a bit high. Yi Shuihan’s approach is not in the interests of the upper class. After all, civilians have gained strength. It is even more unfavorable for the nobles and daimyo to manage. Come.

"Want to judge me?" Yi Shuihan chuckled, disdainfully said, "I want to see who can judge me! Or do you want to judge me for three generations?"

"I can only guarantee that Konoha will not shoot you." Three generations also apologized when they said this. This was the limit he could do, and even so, he was under considerable pressure.

"If you guarantee that the cultivation method above Ming Jin will not be spread out, I might be able to tell them so that they won't bother you."

"No, they will come as soon as they want, just to find me something to do."

Just kidding, a group of ants wanted to make me compromise. It was good for me to have no trouble with them, and even dared to take the initiative to provoke me, it was almost death. ,, ..

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