Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 346: Bright and perfect water gate

At this time, Bo Feng Shuimen had actually learned Flying Thunder God, although he had not reached the peak yet, if he really fought against a shadow, it would be appropriate.

It's just that now it's not ninjutsu, but national skill, and Bo Feng Shuimen can only use his fists honestly.

It's not that you can't use weapons, but if you just use weapons, you may not be weak in combat. Besides, in the face of Yi Shuihan, the effect of weapons has been minimized, and whether they can break the defense is a problem.

"First of all, it is one-on-one. When one person can't solve it, other people will take action. Of course, if you are confident, you will be one-on-three from the beginning. I won't stop it."

Looking at Bo Feng Shuimen's cautious look, the corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth outlines a nice arc.

No one thought there was anything wrong with Yi Shuihan's remarks, but they took it for granted.

"No, I have to shoot first. If this goes on, I might not even have the courage to shoot." Bo Feng Shuimen sweated on his forehead, and he really faced Yi Shuihan, even if he was just a clone, the pressure he felt was super Unusually large.

But in the end, he can become a strong man of the fourth generation of Hokage, and he quickly corrected his mentality and recognized the current situation.

"Not bad!" Looking at the endless wave of Fengshui Gate, Yi Shuihan's deity nodded secretly.

"Who is that kid? How many talents did Konoha hide." Ohnoki said jealously.

There are many people below who can see the form. They admire Bo Feng Shuimen's decisiveness. If you think about it in another way, I am afraid that few can do this.

"As expected of my disciple." Zi Lai also looked like Rong Yan, with a big smile on his face.

"It is indeed a good seed." The three generations agreed, and at the same time a different idea came into their minds, and included Bo Feng Shui Men into the candidate position of the fourth generation of Hokage.

Originally, the four generations in the three generations' hearts would be the best place to sit, but the recent changes in the Oshe Maru made him extremely hesitant, and he already had another idea.

After all, the ninja is hiding more than the martial artist of the national martial arts. When the water gate runs, he still has his hands behind his back subconsciously. Originally, this posture is convenient to use a ninja, but now it loses its original meaning, and it seems unnecessary.

Yi Shuihan's clone number one, stepped out slightly with his right foot, and put on a boxing posture, quietly waiting for Bo Feng Shuimen's attack.

Bo Feng Shuimen also realized his mistake, and changed his posture when he attacked.

First, he attacked Yi Shuihan's face with a fist, but the real purpose was to attack from the blind spot of Yi Shuihan's vision while Yi Shuihan resisted.

Yi Shuihan placed his hand in the position expected by Bo Feng Shui Gate as he wished.

"Good idea, but still too tender."

The original back hand was directly blocked by Yi Shuihan, and it seemed that Yi Shuihan had already expected it.

"Sure enough? Unlike a ninja, after practicing national skills, he is very sensitive and can detect the source of the crisis without relying on his eyes, and then react."

Bo Feng Shuimen didn't really fight Yi Shuihan, but stopped in the middle of a shot, slammed his hand on the ground, and backed back several times with the help of the reaction force.

"It's obviously a foul, right? If you only use Ming Jin's power, you shouldn't be able to spot my last move."

It's not that the waves are preoccupied, but the gap is so big. Yi Shuihan still uses this bug ability, and his odds of winning are too low.

Yi Shuihan was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Bo Feng Shui Men to say this, but Bo Feng Shui Men's words were not wrong. He did feel the attack directly before he could react. He used the power that was not Ming Jin. The power of Ming Jin, just now Bo Feng Shui Men succeeded.

"Your words are not wrong. I will pay attention next time."

Bo Feng Shuimen's heart was relieved by Yi Shuihan's answer. After all, what he said would not give Yi Shuihan any face. In case Yi Shuihan Xinyue Xiong is not big, it would be counterproductive to become angry.

When the battle started again, Bo Feng Shuimen's body suddenly made a sound of frying beans, and instantly changed from a slightly thin man to a muscular man.

Since he can practice the national arts, how could he not have a strong body.

The sturdy aura was released from Bofeng Shuimen, and his aura became rounded, and his feet were on the ring, as solid as a rock.

With this hand, anyone who moves will know that his basic skills are extremely solid and his lower body is extremely stable.

"It's a senior." Kakashi's eyes flashed light, and he recognized the same talented senior Bo Feng Shuimen.

Step by step, slowly approaching Yi Shuihan's No. 1 clone, each step as if stepping on a special spot with a rhythm.

At this time, should I put a bgm song to adjust the atmosphere?

Yi Shuihan's deity looked at Bofeng Shuimen, who was cautiously approaching his clone, and suddenly such an idea came up, but before he could implement it, something changed.

Bo Feng Shuimen suddenly speeded up and launched a surprise attack, if it was considered a surprise attack.

Not only was the attack sudden, but Bo Feng Shuimen also used fake moves. While attacking, he guided Yi Shuihan's movements, apparently he wanted to control the rhythm.

It's just that Yi Shuihan won't follow the rhythm of Bo Feng Shuimen. He directly launched a bitter counterattack. You made me have to defend, and I made you unable to attack.

"It's amazing. In this case, Bofeng Shuimen can only return to defense, otherwise, it will be harder than physical fitness."

The reason is very simple. Bo Feng Shuimen poses to attack Yi Shuihan's abdomen, and the real purpose is for the heart, but Yi Shuihan directly does not play cards according to common sense, does not guard against the abdomen, and takes the opponent's throat directly. If you don't return to defense, or dodge, you will lose.

And changing an injury for an injury is definitely not what Bo Feng Shuimen wants, and he may not be able to beat a clone by then.

"Can I only do that?"

Bo Feng Shuimen took a deep breath, and then exerted a force on his waist to concentrate all the power of his entire body on his right hand, and there was a head-on collision with Yi Shuihan.

As a result, Bo Feng Shuimen took a step back, and Yi Shuihan took a half step.

"Good boy, can you already achieve this level?"

Control your own power as you like and concentrate it on a certain part. This is the power that Ming Jin has perfection. ,, ..

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