Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 347: The teenager who wants to apprentice

Isn't it? Compared to Yi Shuihan, it was Bo Feng Shuimen who was even more shocked. He knew very well that he had used Ming Jin Consummation's unique move just now, combining strength and strength, but Yi Shuihan did not. Even so, he was actually Take advantage of power.

Too abnormal, right? How to fight this, the strength of his full blow is not as good as the opponent's normal attack, if the opponent also uses the strength to unite, he has no hope of victory at all.

Isn't this cheating? At this moment, Bo Feng Shuimen looked at Yi Shuihan's eyes full of suspicion, after all, this is absolutely no way to survive!

Bo Feng Shuimen even believes that no Ming Jin can beat a clone.

Brother Yi doesn't want to have a winner?

Thinking of this, Bo Feng Shuimen suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to give up.

Noting the changes in Bofeng Shuimen, Yi Shuihan said, "You can't beat my clone now, but it will be different if you break through to Anjin."

Yi Shuihan had this plan from the beginning. If he couldn't advance in the battle, he would not be qualified to accept his guidance. He had already explained both Ming Jin and Dark Jin completely before. If he was a real genius, he would be promoted. It's not impossible to get to Anjin.

It is true that if it is dark energy, he can definitely win, but how to break through? When Bo Feng Shuimen thought about Yi Shuihan, he had to admit that it made sense. He thought of the explanation Yi Shuihan gave before, and slowly got a vague idea.

Suddenly, Bo Feng Shuimen’s eyes brightened. Fighting is always the best way to increase strength. Although Yi Shuihan promised not to use power beyond Ming Jin, his body eventually reached above Ming Jin, as long as he kept fighting. If you do, you will always find the difference from it, and then comprehend the dark energy, then the breakthrough will be a matter of course.

Others don't know the thoughts of Bofeng Shuimen. If they know it, they will be shocked. Fortunately, this is not a real battle. Otherwise, Bofeng Shuimen might not dare to take such a risk.

Next, in everyone's puzzled eyes, even though he knew that he was not an opponent, Bo Feng Shuimen still launched an attack, even if he was beaten back this time.

After playing for a while, Yi Shuihan also saw Bo Feng Shuimen's thoughts, but did not intend to stop it, but secretly helped.

In fact, Bo Feng Shuimen thought well, but underestimated Yi Shuihan's control over his power. If Yi Shuihan didn't use it, Bo Feng Shuimen wouldn't be able to feel the dark energy from him at all.

In the end, Yi Shuihan released the water a little bit, pretending to subconsciously use Anjin once, but immediately took the Anjin back, making Bo Feng Shuimen feel the truth.

Bo Feng Shuimen grasped this opportunity to live up to expectations, and finally entered An Jin.

"What's the matter? His actions have changed."

"Obviously, I couldn't hold on anymore before, and now it's like a different person."

"It's a breakthrough. He broke through to Anjin. Only in this way can he explain everything. What a crazy guy."

Someone guessed the truth, and immediately caused an uproar, and Bo Feng Shui Men completely entered the memories of everyone.

"Now, he should win!"

An ordinary reasoning that Anjin wins Mingjin, but it doesn't seem to be the case now, even if it breaks through to Anjin, Bo Feng Shuimen has only changed from being passively beaten before to becoming evenly matched.

This was also the result of Yi Shuihan's release of water. Ming Jin couldn't beat Dark Jin. It was a force that dropped ten times under the same strength. In the power gap, Ming Jin could also exert a strength beyond ordinary Ming Jin.

Of course, Yi Shuihan really wants to choose a winner, so he won't be so unfeeling. It has been set at the beginning. This clone can use the strength close to Ajin at most. If someone breaks through to Ajin, A little harder, Yi Shuihan looks right, and will pretend to be invincible.

"You are very good, I will admit defeat, and there will be two people next."

After 5 minutes of the match, Clone One admitted his failure.


There was joy in Bo Feng Shuimen's eyes, and he finally defeated one. It was really difficult beyond imagination!

Two? Looking at Yi Shuihan's avatars No. 2 and No. 1, Bo Feng Shuimen's eyes flickered a few times, and finally he hugged his fists at Yi Shuihan and said, "I give up and continue fighting."

Since his family knows his own affairs, he has reached his limit, and he has dealt with one in the same way. The two are definitely not opponents. Unless he breaks through again, is it so easy to break through?

"The Bofeng Shuimen player chose to admit defeat, and the final result is to beat one person." Yi Shuihan's deity announced loudly.

Defeating one person does not seem to be a big deal, but none of the people present dared to underestimate Bo Feng Shui Men’s decision. On the contrary, many people agree with Bo Feng Shui Men’s decision. In this case, they can remain calm. It's not easy!

Bofeng Shuimen returned to his position, and the whirlpool Kushina next to him took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

"Pratunam, are you okay!"


He was originally extremely tired, but when Uzumaki Jiu Xinna made such a move, he felt that all his fatigue was gone, and he was so refreshing in his heart.

Not to mention the show of affection between the two, the challenge in the ring continues.

There are three major illusions in life. I always think that I am different. I think I can break through when I see the wave of wind and water.

The reality is very cruel. After 5 people in a row, they all fell into the sand. Although there are still challengers, they are not as active as before.

"Don't use the idea of ​​consuming my physical strength, and forget to say that this kind of intensity fighting, even if it is fighting for days and nights, is effortless for me."

As soon as this remark came out, many people's complexions changed slightly.

The twelfth challenger failed, and finally there was a guy who caught Yi Shuihan's attention.

"Hi Master, I am Ye Gusheng."

This is a young man with a sword eyebrow star, but at this time he shows respect for Yi Shuihan, and he is not pretending to be.

"Can I ask a question before the fight?"

For the sake of being pleasing to the eye, Yi Shuihan nodded slightly.

"Can you ask the master to accept me as a disciple?",,..

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