Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 348: From today on that will be Ye Gucheng

The first time I met someone who took the initiative to seek his own apprenticeship, Yi Shuihan was quite surprised.

To be honest, Yi Shuihan is good for Ye Gusheng’s first senses. He is handsome, only slightly worse than himself, and most importantly, he respects himself very much. He is obviously a fan. 1

When Yi Shuihan was thinking, other people also held their breath and looked at him. Some even showed a look of annoyance, as if they were expressing that they actually wanted to do the same, but they were just preempted.

The fact is that many people have thought about apprenticeship, but without the courage, if Ye Gusheng didn't say it, this matter would probably not happen.

Now, if Yi Shuihan really agrees, it is likely that they will follow the trend and come to visit the teacher.

Ye Gusheng is not a ninja, but a pure martial artist, not without the opportunity to practice, in fact, his social status is not low, he is the son of a great noble in the country of fire, and he is the only heir.

With such an identity, it is very simple to get the scrolls refined by Chakra. When he was young, he also dreamed of becoming a powerful ninja, but he failed in the first step.

When I was 5 years old, I failed to refine the chakra for the first time. I did not succeed in refining the chakra for several months. I finally concluded that because of my innate physique, I could not refine the chakra and had to give up my dream.

After that, he had to live the life of a young master, and occasionally miss his dreams. Knowing the appearance of the national martial arts martial arts center, his dream rekindled after being exposed to national martial arts.

His dream is not to become a ninja, but the key lies in the strength of a powerful ninja. The blame is to become a strong one. The emergence of national martial arts gave him hope.

Unable to refine Chakra, he was able to practice national art, and because of the long-term tonic, he practiced national art at a rapid pace, as if he was a genius born specifically for the practice of national art, and he achieved Mingjin in a short time. Consummation, even on the way to participate in the National Martial Arts Conference, broke through to An Jin.

That's right, it's An Jin, not Ming Jin. His talent is stronger than Bo Feng Shui Men's. Of course, it is only in terms of national arts. If he really fights, Bo Feng Shui Men can still kill him unless he can reach Bao Dan, or At the later level of national martial arts, Fei Lei Shen is so awesome.

It was originally the Ye Gucheng of Anjin. I just listened to Yi Shuihan’s speech on national arts. Now he has taken a big step at the level of Anjin. If you intuitively divide each realm into the first, middle and later stages, he is the dark Jin is at the peak of the early stage, at the level of breaking through to the middle stage.

"Well, you will be my apprentice from today. Well, since you have become my apprentice, I don't care what your origin is. I will call you Ye Gucheng from now on."

"Ye Gucheng? Why? Is it a special rule?"

Ye Gusheng looked at Yi Shuihan without knowing it, and didn't know the reason, but thought that since he had been apprentice, if he didn't listen to Yi Shuihan, he might not have a good time in the future, so he nodded and agreed.

"Yes, Master, I will be Ye Gucheng from now on."

Ye Gusheng became Ye Gucheng so inexplicably, what his father would think if he knew it.

"You come to my side and I will pass on your follow-up exercises."

Yi Shuihan greeted Ye Gucheng.

"and many more!"

"Master, please accept me as a disciple."

Seeing that Yi Shuihan was so easy to teach the follow-up exercises, the people around finally couldn't help it, and several people immediately jumped out, saying that they would also apprentice the teacher.

"Forget it, I have no plans to continue accepting disciples."

Just kidding, how could I just agree to it, I really thought that my apprenticeship requirements were not strict!

"Why? Why can he do it, why am I worse than him?"

"That is, I think I have a good talent. Becoming your disciple shouldn't be considered as humiliating you."

"I can actually change the name."

Those people who were rejected naturally refused to accept it, and immediately reconciled.

Yi Shuihan looked around for a week, and then said, "Finally, since you said that, I will tell you why I want to accept him as a disciple."

The reason why Ye Gucheng should be collected, even Kakashi and others want to know.

"Without it, he is more handsome than you, I think it is pleasing to the eye. And his talent in national arts just happens to be pretty good."

Speaking solemnly, he didn't say that Ye Gucheng was already dark.

"I'm not convinced, what is the reason for being handsome, and he doesn't believe that he is better than me."

A young man dressed in a black brocade said loudly.

"Are you dissatisfied? It is my freedom to accept my apprentices. It is useless for you to disagree!"

Yi Shuihan's sudden retort left the young man speechless, and then looked at Yi Shuihan in anger, but because of Yi Shuihan's strength, he did not dare to be presumptuous, and finally moved the target to Ye Gucheng.

"Dare to fight with me Shui Wuyue Guanghui, the victor can become the master's disciple."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Shuihan cursed a brain-dead in his heart. Did I agree with you? If you win, I will accept you as a disciple?

Before Yi Shuihan could speak, Ye Gucheng stood up, his eyes coldly looking at Shui Wuyue's glory.

"I will not agree to fight with you, and it is the master's freedom to accept you as a disciple. Even if you beat me, the master has the right not to accept you."

Yes, Yi Shuihan nodded secretly.

"What a coward!"

A clumsy radical approach, but it was very effective, and many people looked at Ye Gucheng's eyes becoming weird.

Ye Gucheng felt his shoulders sink, and when he turned his head, he saw the smile on his master's face, but that smile gave people an extremely terrifying feeling.

"I've been bullied to the door of my house. It's not my style not to fight back. I'll give you one minute, give him a lesson, and kill me."

The domineering declaration instantly stunned everyone present, especially Shui Wuyue Guanghui, who also looked at Yi Shuihan in fear at this time.

"this is……"

Ye Gucheng's complexion changed several times, not only because of Yi Shuihan's words, but also because he felt the powerful energy transmitted from his shoulder and Yi Shuihan's hands to his body.

Could this be Chakra, so powerful.

Originally, Ye Gucheng's strength was above Shui Wuyue's brilliance. Now Yi Shuihan is still charging him. This is the rhythm of Shui Wuyue's brilliance to death! ,, ..

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