Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 349: Fist Ninjutsu

The energy that Ye Gucheng felt was naturally not Chakra, but a higher level of aura. The reason why he thought it was Chakra was only because he only knew the energy of Chakra.

The amount of aura inputted into Ye Gucheng's body by Yi Shuihan was not much, and it was equivalent to the amount of Ninja in comparison, and it was still a consumable that would not regenerate after being used up.

But the qualitative gap is not so easy to make up. Even with the amount of Ninja, there is no problem with releasing a few s-level forbidden techniques. It can be said that with this aura, Ye Gucheng has the ability to compete with the shadow level for a short time. capital.

Knowing that Ye Gucheng didn't know how to mobilize energy, Yi Shuihan also made preparations. Even if he didn't actively use it, every punch he punched would automatically be blessed by the aura, although it would inevitably be a waste of energy and its power would be small. Shang is not small, but it's completely enough to deal with an elite Shang Ren.

Besides, what he is facing now is not the upper endurance, but an ordinary middle endurance, plus the bright water without moonlight.

"If you want to fight, then come."

The masters have supported him, and Ye Gucheng will naturally no longer avoid it. The reason why he didn't plan to fight Shui Wuyue Guanghui at the beginning was because he felt that he was a bit bully by playing with secret power and bright power.

Shui Wuyue Guanghui's complexion at this time was very bad. After all, Yi Shuihan's attitude had already explained everything. Even if he could win, he might not be able to succeed in apprenticeship.

Although there is Shui Wuyue in his name, he has not awakened to Bing Dun. This surname is actually just the same as the bloodstained family.

The words have already been said, so naturally I can't go back, Shui Wuyue Guanghui still believes that Ye Gucheng is not his opponent, and he wants to vent his anger on Ye Gucheng without the successful apprenticeship.

"Boy, I will let you know the gap between genius and mortal."

Shui Wuyue Guanghui attacked Ye Gucheng with his fists. "

Originally thought that Ye Gucheng could only be beaten under his strong strength, but soon he realized that he was completely wrong.

"Is this your strength?"

Ye Gucheng didn't evade Shui Wuyue's first punch, causing him to hit Yue Xiong, but as the victim, he didn't move at all and didn't react at all.

"What! How is this possible?"

Shui Wuyue Guanghui looked at Ye Gucheng in amazement. He didn't leave any hands with this punch. Even a rock would be shattered by his own punch, but it was useless to hit the opponent.

"I do not believe!"

Shui Wuyue Guanghui couldn't believe it, and didn't want to believe it, and waved his fist again.

"Bang Bang Bang"

The fist hit Ye Gucheng's body like rain, but the result was no different from before.

With aura of Shui Wuyue Glory, the defense power can no longer be broken by the attack of Shui Wuyue Glory.


Shui Wuyue Guanghui jumped back, and then his hands began to seal.

"Go to hell! Fire Escape Fireball Art"

A blaze burst out from his mouth, and the air became hot.

His movements were very fast, and Ye Gucheng hardly had time to escape.

"It's so despicable to use ninjutsu!"

"Be careful!"

In the exclamation, Ye Gucheng made an astonishing move. Instead of evading, he squatted with his legs and moved his waist, slamming his fist towards the flame.

It is undoubtedly a very stupid thing to use the power of the flesh to contend with ninjutsu, and even the strong shadow level dare not do it.

Many people saw Ye Gucheng's movements with expressions of regret, and they had anticipated Ye Gucheng's ending.

It's just that the next moment, everyone's eyes widened, staring at the unharmed figure in a daze.

"Unexpectedly, I broke the ninjutsu with only my fist."

"Is he still a human? How did he do it?"

If Ye Gucheng had chakra waves on his body, chakra on his fist, and dispelled ninjutsu, everyone would still be able to understand it, but it would be impossible to imagine that he could do this without chakra.

Apart from Yi Shuihan, only one person present could see one thing, and that was Ji Lai Ye.

"Did I feel wrong? That moment was a fluctuation of natural energy."

Zi Lai also frowned, looking at Ye Gucheng in surprise.

Thinking of something, I looked at Yi Shuihan, who didn't seem to be surprised at a distance, and was upset.

"you you……"

Compared to other people, apart from horror, Shui Wuyue Guanghui was more horrified. He pointed to Ye Gucheng, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"not much time."

Ye Gucheng murmured, and then disappeared from Shui Wuyue Guanghui's sight in the blink of an eye, his speed was already so fast that Shui Wuyue Guanghui couldn't see it at all.


With a scream, she saw Shui Wuyue Guanghui clutching her nose, blood was flowing down, it was obviously broken.

"Sorry, I missed it, I will be more careful next, don't worry."

The next step was Ye Gucheng's continuous beating Shui Wuyue, punching to the flesh, every punch was a face, and when he was beating, he kept saying what he had missed.

There were still screams at the beginning, but when I got to the back, I couldn't even make the screams. The people around me were all chilling, and they covered their faces unconsciously. There was a kind of pain, even when I looked at it!

"Finally stopped."

When Ye Gucheng stopped, Shui Wuyue Guanghui was already out of shape, and the time at this time was exactly one minute when the battle began.

"Good job."

Yi Shuihan said appreciatively, making Ye Gucheng smile. After he finished the fight, he also felt that he seemed a bit too much, whether it was too cruel, some panting in his heart, afraid of leaving a bad influence, Yi Shuihan is so He was completely relieved when he said that.

However, what happened just now, I shouldn't be so impulsive in normal times!

Ye Gucheng didn't know that he was out of balance because he suddenly got the power to sign, so he would do things he wouldn't normally do.

It's actually pretty good to stop in just one minute.

"Is there anyone who wants to fight with my apprentice? I forgot to say that I can't use ninjutsu next time, or I will do it directly. By the way, by the way, he is Anjin.",...

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