Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 351: Brush completion

On this day, if it weren't for the last time Matt Dai drove the people out, those martial arts fighters would probably not plan to leave at all. As for the ninjas, they would be better. After all, the black iron-level hot springs would not help them much.

Originally, the main purpose of the National Martial Arts Conference was to show muscles, but in fact, this purpose was achieved during the visit of the Three Shadows, so this National Martial Arts Conference only achieved two other effects.

The first is preaching. I believe that after this conference, the name of the propagator of Yi Shuihan's national martial arts has been completely determined. After the development of national martial arts, his status in national martial arts is equivalent to the status of the six immortals in ninjutsu. .

The second is that the hot springs were publicized. This time Konoha finally knew about his hot springs.

Soon after the National Martial Arts Conference, Sanying came to visit him separately, wanting to let him open a branch, and promised that the matter of the National Martial Arts Museum would not be held accountable.

In this regard, Yi Shuihan only hesitated a little and agreed. In fact, the reason why he let them experience the hot spring is to open a branch.

Of course, this branch is definitely worse than the main store. He only plans to open up to the bronze level, and besides this kind of training hot spring, he also plans to get other hot springs.

The more ordinary hot springs such as beauty spa and vitality spa are also planned to open, and there is no limit to the number of people.

These days, he has researched it out that without relying on dragon blood, only formations can achieve the corresponding effect, otherwise, he has no plans to open a large-scale branch.

Except for the head office, he intends to solve the problem with the formation method. The head office is different in importance.

After just three months,

The Land of Wind, the Land of the Earth, and the Land of Thunder have all opened the Ten Thousand Realms Hot Spring Field, and within a short period of time, they have received a good response.

According to the data, the most popular is the beauty spa, followed by the vitality spa. As for the practice spa, it is not well-known. I am afraid it has been rounded up by ninjas, so ordinary people don't know it yet.

Of course, the development of the martial arts museum is also very rapid. After removing the resistance, a large number of strong players have long been established in a short time.

However, there are many people who break through Ming Jin, but there are still very few people in Dark Jin. There is no such thing as Hua Jin. It can be seen that even if it is easier to practice than Chakra, it is not so easy to break through to a higher realm.

If there is no other intervention, it will take at least 10 years to show up. This is because the world is more aura.

Speaking of it, Yi Shuihan is still waiting. When the plot begins, the strength below the movie level is probably about the same as the ninja.

However, if you want to make the national martial arts system completely similar to ninjutsu, if you don’t continue to interfere, you will be a bit hanged. After all, the fourth world war, the appearance of Aunt Huiye, if you are not careful at that time, the world can be destroyed. It's not.

Yi Shuihan is sure to defeat Hui Yeji, but there is no good way to completely eliminate her, after all, even the six immortals can only seal it.

Based on the current strength of the Six Dao Immortals, the strength of the Six Dao Immortals in the peak period should be about 6 bronze stars. Even he can only be sealed, and the current Yi Shui Hankong cannot completely destroy Datong Mu Huiye.

Speaking of strength, Yi Shuihan's current strength on the bright side is already bronze 6-star, and his combat effectiveness is stronger.

The realm of the immortal cultivation system is the peak of the late stage of returning to the Void, and it is in a state of breaking through, but it is uncertain when it will break through. It may be the next moment, or it may be decades later.

It is still a bit difficult to return to Hedao, but once he reaches Hedao, relying on the supernatural powers he has mastered, Yi Shuihan can become an immortal in a very short time.

It can be said that once he is in harmony, Datongmu Huiye is a role that can be easily solved for him.

In the past few months, Yi Shuihan did not patronize the branch shop, but to complete another task, the Shadow Challenge.

It’s not difficult to defeat people with the title of shadow. The hard part is to find the title with shadow. Fortunately, after trying, Yi Shuihan also found a small bug. As long as the previous shadow approves, the next shadow only needs to have shadow strength. It can be counted as mission goal.

Ever since, when opening a branch, Yi Shuihan asked them to bring all the strong people out to meet, and then made a request that seemed strange to others, and competed with people above the movie level, and when they were discussing it, they were contemporary Ying admits that the person who has discussed with Yi Shuihan is the next one.

Yi Shuihan’s hot spring is too attractive, and Yi Shuihan said that if he did not agree to this request, he would not open a branch, so his request was approved.

Anyway, it's a one-sentence thing. When the discussions are over, they are back on track, and there is no loss.

By the time he returned to Konoha, Yi Shuihan had already defeated 15 shadows. Although there must be a few hidden, Yi Shuihan was also satisfied.

All exceeded the original demand by 400%.

I found three generations in Konoha, and then at the cost of 10 places, 10 more people were added. It has to be said that Konoha's power is indeed far beyond other countries.

With three months left before one year, Yi Shuihan set off for the Water Country, in order to continue to increase his completion.

Of course, he himself doesn't have much expectations about this, because the strength of the water country is not strong, and it is not bad that there are two or three strong shadow ranks.

"At this point in time, the daimyo of the country of water doesn't know if Uchiha Madara controls it!"

Outside of Wuying Village, Yi Shuihan frowned, and he heard a sound of fighting far away. Obviously he was not here at a good time.

Generally speaking, there will be guarded ninjas outside the villages of the five big countries, but now Yi Shuihan has not seen anyone, and even guarded ninjas have joined the battle.

It's no wonder that the Three World Wars did not have their haze, the interior was already like this, there was no power to participate in the war again!

I wonder if there will be three wars in this world?

Yi Shuihan suddenly thought that, after all, because of his existence, the world structure has changed a lot, whether it is national martial arts or practicing hot springs, it is enough to quiet all countries temporarily.

However, if the third Ninja War is really provoked by the guy Uchiha Madara, I am afraid it will continue to happen!

There is also the abnormality of the Oedipus Hei Jue, who will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble. After all, if the Shinobi world remains quiet like this, it will have a certain impact on his resurrection plan, which is definitely not what he wants to see. ,, ..

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