Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 352: Kill the enemy and save others

After recovering from his own conjecture, Yi Shuihan found that the breath of a group of people was rapidly approaching him, the speed of which was about the level of forbearance.

"Chasing, don't let him run away, he is lodged with the devil, kill him."

It can be seen that at the very front is a middle-aged man who is about 30 years old. He has wounds all over his body, especially his abdomen is still bleeding.

Obviously this was a hunted person, behind him, about a dozen people were chasing hideously.

Boarding the devil, he should be the owner of the Blood Succession Boundary!

Could it be that the four generations of Shuiying are in power during the **** fog? Shouldn't it be three generations?

I don’t know much about Yi Shuihan, the country of water, that is, it appears more frequently in the original work than in other countries. If Konoha is the protagonist, the other four countries are supporting roles, and then the country of water is the supporting role in supporting roles. Up.

In Yi Shuihan’s impression, the four generations of Shuiying were mentally retarded. In order to consolidate his position, he actually used blood fog to repel all the owners of bloodstain boundaries. During this period, others were thinking about how to strengthen their own strength. Then he went out to fight Konoha to grab territory, only he was still engaged in the civil war.

There are many blood-stained families in Wuren Village, and they are also very powerful. The more famous Bingyunshui Wuyue family and the Bone Dun Huiye family are at least comparable to Konoha's cataracts in terms of their strength. With Uchiha's clan, of course, this has to remove the blood stains above the writing wheel kaleidoscope and the upgraded reincarnation of the white eyes.

Other than the first time, there were some bloodstained families Yi Shuihan didn’t know, anyway, in this civil war, Haze was badly injured. Originally, the overall strength was not weak among the five major countries, but afterwards, it was basically the weakest. , This is still the result of not participating in the Three World Wars.

Rejecting bloodstains is also conceivable. In other countries, the owner of bloodstains is an enviable term, but here it is necessary to hide in Tibet, and everyone shouts and beats.

Feng Tianqing was already at the end of the road at this time, his body suffered a trauma in his eyes, if he was not treated in time, he would undoubtedly die, but now he does not have the time to treat, there are still a lot of chasers behind!

His vision has begun to blur, he is almost desperate in his heart, and the supporter of the idea that does not want to die, he has broken out of the siege, but now the sequelae have almost exploded.

Why is there a person, how could he be here, look at his dress, is he an ordinary person? Oops, if you show up here now, you will be killed by them. I hope I can hold off for him!

"Get out of here!"

When he passed Yi Shuihan, Fengtian Qing said quickly.

Yi Shuihan, who didn't intend to care about this matter, changed his mind a little because of this sentence, intending to save his life.

"Anyone from outside? You are unlucky when you meet me, and you know you all at once."

The chaser also saw Yi Shuihan, but he showed a bloodthirsty expression for a while, and the leader swung it with a single knife, as if he stomped an ant to death.

The people behind this are not surprised, but they are excited in their eyes, as if the person swinging the knife is himself.

They can no longer be called normal people. Their long-term high-pressure lives and wrong values ​​have made them real ninjas, the kind of tools that have no interest other than missions and killings, although they are in human skin. , But in fact has become the devil inside.

Also, under this rule of ninja school graduation test is to kill a companion, if you don't become a devil, how can you survive?

If you are here for another person, I am afraid that you are already dead. The leader of the pursuit and killing is not bad. A casual knife, even a Zhong Ren may only die.

The expected blood flying scene did not appear, a finger blocked in front of the blade, preventing it from making an inch.


Before the leader could react, a crack began to appear on the knife, and then the crack continued to expand, and that Bailian knife actually burst open.

The fragments that violated the laws of physics were all shot in the direction of his master. Without the slightest precaution, the leader was covered with knife fragments.


Slowly fell down, the last last words were not yet spoken, and when he died, he was still very confused and didn't know what happened.

Obviously he just stepped on an ant at random on the side of the road, but in the end he died, which he couldn't figure out.

"Captain, the captain is dead."

"What's the matter, he is just an ordinary person!"

"Did you miss it? Let's go together and kill him first."

The captain's death did not make these mists endure fear, but aroused a strong killing intent, without hesitation, he launched an attack towards Yi Shuihan.

This time I was more serious than before, and I used ninjutsu.

"Water escape whale strangling"

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bullet"

"Wind Escape Wind Blade"

"Fire Escape Flame Knife"


A series of ninjutsu flew to Yi Shuihan desperately, drowning Yi Shuihan in the blink of an eye.

"do you died?"

"There is no scum, of course he is dead. Let's go and continue chasing and killing that traitor."

After ninjutsu passed, Yi Shuihan's original location only left a huge pothole, so everyone thought that Yi Shuihan was dead.

It's just that when they were going to hunt down the previous bloodstain owner, they all stopped their activities, their eyes gradually dimmed, and they stood motionless in place, and the breath of life gradually passed away.

Yi Shuihan is not the kind of person who waits for the opponent to attack. When they release ninjutsu, Yi Shuihan counterattacks, directly punching their strength into their bodies through the air. When they launch ninjutsu, they are actually internal organs. It has been completely destroyed, but they haven't reacted to it for a while.

"Are you fainted? Nothing, a good person will help you if you do it to the end. If you just leave it alone, you won't be able to live long."

Yi Shuihan was standing next to Fengtian Qing's body, which was about 1 kilometer away from the place before. To be able to run here even with that kind of serious injury, Fengtian Qing's will is still very firm.

At this time, Toyota Green had lost one-third of his body's blood. He would have been unable to live as an ordinary person for a long time. Thanks to his being a ninja and his determination, he did not die before him. ,, ..

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